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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. There is nowhere to move our bed. The cleanup will take quite a while. I just cannot believe this whole thing.
  2. Good evening. Just checking in. it has been a busy day. i spent the major part of the day packing up the things in the curio cabinet and some knickknacks on the bookcase. The service people were doing the heavier work. I chose to do the delicate items. Yesterday there were huge fans and dehumidifiers all over the house. It makes the place as hot as hell. All the carpets that were affected were pulled up. That left a lot of dust. I tried to get in touch with the claims rep but never got a response. Not happy about that. Finally got in touch with a contractor, who will come buy on Sept. 14 to take a look at the job and give us an estimate. Contractors are not easy to find. This one seems good. The others never returned my calls. Going to bed soon. Only got 2 hours of sleep last night. Can’t wait to sleep in my own bed again. Until tomorrow. God bless, Terri
  3. i am just checking in for a minute. That is about all i have. The damage is overwhelming. They have pulled the vanity out of the bathroom. We need a new toilet. The carpets have been removed from the living room, the master bed room and another bedroom. The built-in bookcase in the living room has to be removed so that the carpeting under it can be removed to be dried. Then it has to be replaced. Some furniture has water damage. Jim and I are down to one bedroom with a double bed. That is where we will sleep for the next few nights until all the fans are removed from the rest of the house. There is stuff all over the place. The den has so much stuff in it that it is inaccessible. Jim just went out for pizza because I have been working so much on getting stuff out of all the places that I am too tired to cook. Just say a prayer that we can get through this,. Terri
  4. Sounds like what is going on here right now. Today being Labor Day, I cannot do a thing. Just waiting for tomorrow. We had about the same amount of water in our bathroom and the carpeting in the bedroom and living room are like wet sponges. Ugh! Thanks, Terri
  5. Thank you Ray, I appreciate all your instructions. However you are talking to two people that are not mechanically inclined and I am not sure that what the water mitigation tech said last night is the only thing wrong. Plus the plumbing bill will be covered by the insurance. it may be more than just that. This whole thing is a nightmare right now. Terri
  6. Thanks for your thoughts. Believe me, I am grateful it is “CLEAN WATER”. Imagine the mess if it weren’t. Terri
  7. Thanks Sandi. We will try to handle some stuff today by ourselves, but don’t expect any outside help today because of the holiday. Thanks for your kind thoughts and prayers. Terri
  8. Thanks Jacqui, there will be people here tomorrow. Probably to rip up the carpets. Terri
  9. i called the insurance company immediately. They sent the water mitigation specialist last night. He was here until 11 pm working. So the process is started. He helped us move things, etc. He was really nice and did all he could to help us. Thanks for your concern. Terri
  10. Well, Good morning to all of you. I didn’t get much sleep last night. Lots of equipment running all night to extract the water from the carpeting. This house is a mess. Today being Labor Day, we will have no help at all. We were advised to wait until tomorrow to call a plumber for the toilet situation. All it needs is a small plastic pipe from the tank to the bowl. It split and the water just kept pouring out of it. I am just grateful that the water that flooded our house was clean. I guess you have to be thankful for something’s. It could have been worse. We will have to replace the flooring in all but two rooms. We will probably do it in the whole house, even if it costs extra since the carpeting is 21 years old. There were so many things to move out of the way yesterday and we were both so tired. I guess we will spend today just trying to go through some stuff and see what is salvagable and what is not. I’ll try to check in later. Have a good day everyone. God Bless and thanks for your kind words. Terri
  11. We had someone come tonight and he put equipment all over the house to get the water out. We have to have all the carpeting removed in the living room, two bedrooms the vanity in the master bathroom, baseboards have to be replaced. Cannot use master bedroom. Nothing before Tuesday. Always happens on a holiday. All this because the hose on the toilet broke and the water was just pouring out of the tank. I was in the den and Jim was in the kitchen so we didn’t notice it for a few hours. What a mess! I called the insurance company and they sent a water mitigator to set up the equipment . We were trying to do it with a shop vac. It was impossible. I am exhausted. Thanks to those of you who expressed concern. Terri
  12. No time to write. Big flood in my house. Toilet in master bath broke water all over the house. Waiting for someone to come and help us get the water out. What a mess! Terri
  13. i thought I had more of Santiago de Compostela, but could only find two right now. Beautiful place to visit. Terri
  14. Good morning to everyone. Happy Friday. Thank you all for the lovely birthday wishes yesterday. Much appreciated. Happy Anniversary to @Quartzsite Cruiserand @marshhawk . Wishes for many more happy years together. Another gloomy morning and more rain predicted for today. Gotta get that Ark built. Rich, thank you for the Daily and the Fleet Report. Thank you for the days. Contributions to the local food bank are important and we do so regularly. Pass on the meal and the drink We have not been to A Corunna, but to Ferrol, which is nearby. A Coruna is the port for Santiago de Compostela, the famous pilgrimage site. For those of you who have not seen the movie The Way starring Martin Sheen, I highly recommend it. I will try to dig up some photos of Santiago de Compostela today and post them. Thank you to Roy for the Lists. Prayers for those who need them and Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Yesterday was quite frustrating. We were able to secure frequent flyer tickets for our cruise last year to Scandinavia and Norway. When I was trying to add our info on the British Airways website I kept getting an error message that my contact information was incorrect. I kept trying to re enter it for about three hours. I finally logged on to Flyer Talk and found out that numerous people were having the same difficulty and the work around is to download the BA app and enter the info there. A wasted three hours! Now on to the next project. My Ark Building! I hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
  15. Thinking about building an ark if the rain doesn’t stop soon. How does this one look? Terri
  16. Thank you again for all the wonderful birthday wishes. it warms my heart to have so many people wishing me a happy birthday. As an update, we did not go out for dinner. When I saw the weather forecast i figured that I had better have a PLAN B. We had bad thunder and lightning and it got as dark as midnight. Not weather to go out anywhere. I was prepared. I had baked potatoes and a London Broil. So I got that out and defrosted it and we had a lovely dinner. Jim got a little Carvel Ice Cream Cake and a bottle of Santa Margarita Sparkling Rose. We had a very nice dinner a home and celebrated that way. We decided to make my birthday a moveable feast for the first sunny day, whenever that may be. i feel like it has been raining for 40 days and 40 nights and I have to change my name to Noah and build an Ark. Start counting the animals two by two. Anyway, we had a nice evening and stayed dry. Afterward, my very first friend from my childhood, Mary Ann, who now lives in Montana, called me. It is amazing that after all these years, we are still friends and though miles apart are very much a part of each other’s lives. Again, thank you all for the lovely birthday wishes. God bless, Terri
  17. Good morning everyone, Thank you to all for the lovely Birthday wishes. They make me feel better just by seeing them and put a smile to my face. I will say that I am starting to count backwards now for each birthday. LOL. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report and to Roy for the Cares and Cheers List. Prayers for all on both. I appreciate cats but do not own any. Don’t care for Tofu and if someone gave me a cherry pop over I would enjoy it. i like the quote. I think I will pass on the meal and the drink. I will see about the wine. I have not been to the destination, but would love to get there one day. We don’t have much planned for today. I am going to try to get myself in gear and go out for dinner tonight. There is a very nice restaurant near our house and I think we will go there. I finally got through the rest of yesterday’s posts this morning. I tried last night, but was so tired, that I just gave up and went to bed. I hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
  18. Hello everyone, Just checking in. i had an Eye Doctor appointment this morning and a Dentist appointment this afternoon. The Dentist is very close to Barnes and Noble on Hilton Head so I decided to make a stop there so that we both will have some books to read during our upcoming vacation to Barbados and then our Christmas cruise. I had a pretty bad night last night due to pain. I thought that the prednisone would kick in and lessen the pain. So I will have to have some patience and hope that the medication will take care of this autoimmune disorder. i am so disappointed that it decided to show its ugly head again. Tomorrow is my birthday. DH wants to take me out dinner but I feel so bad that I am not sure I want to go. We shall see. If we don’t go out, we will order in. One thing I know, I will not cook tomorrow. Enough of the whining. Thank you to Rich for the Fleet report and the Daily. I have not read the posts but will do so as soon as I can. i just looked at the collection of days. We cannot eat outside. We have had nothing but rain everyday. Don’t eat trail mix, and as for memoirs, two friends of mine have written theirs and they were quite interesting. Will pass on the meal an the drink. Maybe the wine. Since I have not read the posts, I don’t know how much the wine will set me back. DH promises a bottle of champagne for tomorrow anyway. I have been to Manta, Ecuador when we did the repositioning cruise on the Veendam from Buenos Aires to Fort Lauderdale/New York. I like the quote. I received a good report from both the dentist and the eye doctor. I was due for something good. So I am grateful. I promise to read the posts now and maybe post after that. Hope everyone had a good day. Sorry I am so late. God Bless, Terri
  19. A number of years ago we were invited to lunch at the Brown Sugar Restaurant at Needhams Point in Barbados along with a number of others who had been to the island over 25 times. Each couple were presented with plaques. We display ours on our bookcase.
  20. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich for the Daily for the Fleet Report and the Daily. The collection of Days are interesting. Grief is something we have all been through in one day or another. As for the Beach, this summer has not been the best for that. We have had nothing but rain and not feeling well enough to even go to the pool. I like Touch a Heart Tuesday. We all need to touch others hearts. We make a difference when we do that. Interesting quote. The meal looks good and worth a try but not today. The drink and wine are a possibility. The destination of the day is a place that is near and dear to my heart. We went to Barbados for our honeymoon in 1981 and returned for almost every year since. We bought a timeshare and enjoyed going back. We made many friends and enjoyed renting a car and exploring every inch of the island. In 2020 we sold the timeshare and I felt like a piece of my heart was ripped out of me. We felt like Barbados was our second home. We started going for one week in April while we were working. Then we bought a second week. When we retired we bought two more weeks. We ended up going for four weeks every spring and just loved being on that island. We have not been back since 2019 and I miss it dearly. In October we will go back to the resort where we stayed for our honeymoon for two weeks. We are so excited. Roy, thank you for the cares list and for including me. However, it is not only my hands that are causing the pain, but the recurrence of Polymyalgia Rheumatica causing bilateral pain in my shoulders, upper arms and hips. This is causing more pain than my hands and why I have had to restart a course of Prednisone. I am hoping that this helps in reducing the inflammation and the subsequent pain. Prayers for all others on the list. Cheers to those celebrating. @StLouisCruisersi enjoyed your photos of Sunbury Plantation. It is an interesting place and we have had many a lovely lunch there. I will try to find some photos of various places in Barbados and post them today. I hope everyone has a great day. Stay safe and God Bless, Terri
  21. EMG is Electro Myogram. it is basically a nerve conduction study. They stick needles up and down your arm and you get shocks when the needle is stuck in. Quite painful and needless to say i am not looking forward to it. However, the insurance companies require it in order to authorize Carpal Tunnel Surgery. i see that I made a typo and wrote EMR rather than EMG. Sorry. Terri
  22. Good evening everyone,. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and the Fleet Report. Interesting group of days. Not sure about the bats. More herbs instead of salt sounds like a winner. And as for motorist consideration day, well there was little consideration on I-95 between Jacksonville and Bluffton today. That’s a 170 mile run. A number of accidents. Lots of tailgating and lane switching, etc. The quote is interesting, but I’ll pass on the wine, drink and meal. I have not been to Montreal (DH has) but we are scheduled for a New England Canada cruise next year. Today did not turn out as I had hoped. First of all, I have said nothing but after stopping the Prednisone on August 12, the pains returned. I managed to get in touch with my primary care doctor today and he ordered a blood test. As I thought, the Polymyalgia Rheumatica has reared its ugly head again. So I am back on Prednisone. 10 mg daily for now. I don’t know for how long. This disappoints me since i was thrilled that I thought I was doing so well. I knew i had to do something because the pains were getting increasingly worse by the day and impacting on my daily activities. Secondly, I saw the hand surgeon. He suspects Carpal Tunnel Syndrome but is somewhat skeptical because of the PMR. So, next Wednesday, Sept. 7 we trek down to Jacksonville again for EMR tests on both arms for definitive answers. Oh Happy Day! This sucker hurts like hell! So to say the least, I was not a happy camper today. To add insult to injury, it took us almost 4 hours to get home due to lots of accidents on I-95. Did I mention inconsiderate drivers. They were all out today. Is there a full moon? Anyway, I have not read through the posts but will do so,. Thank you for the lists, Roy and the menus to @dfishDebbie and @cat shepard for the wine and @summer slopefor the drink recipe. Prayers to all that need them. Cheers to those celebrating. Thank you for sharing and caring. God Bless, Terri
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