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Everything posted by loman

  1. Not much of a perk at that level. You need to get a few more cruises in to hit the diamond level to get any meaningful perks . ( 4 free drinks per day and access to the diamond lounge for free expresso ) So you have some work ahead of you to jump to the next level. Get busy planning more cruises ! 😀
  2. Dont know about you , but i prefer that my clothes dont co-mingle with other peoples dirty underwear in the wash. So i will continue to bring enough clothes to last the duration of the cruise.
  3. Because of this i bring enough clothes for the cruise.
  4. I posted a video for you , there are a few more on youtube . Enjoy !
  5. I dont tell anybody and dont want the cake. I dont need perfect strangers singing happy birthday to me. But thats just me .🙂
  6. I drink the free water at Cafe Promenade . 😁 Cold, wet , and zero calories.
  7. Thats a good question when you can book a crown loft on Oasis class ships for ~ 10k . RC seems to be a little greedy on that ship to charge what they do. I can wait a few years to sail on that one. For those that cant , bring your wallet .🙂
  8. This is why we always go two top tables. I dont mind that they are a foot away from the next table. We order whatever we want and dont have to wait for others to get served. It like a table for 6 as we chit chat with people at the tables either side if they are receptive , but when food comes , we eat.
  9. Or take a shorter cruise if you are going to base it on the number of sodas you can bring on board .😁
  10. I dont like popcorn , so a non issue for me .
  11. I give the porter 5 bucks for two bags and he makes up the luggage tags too and staples them on . They always seem happy with the fiver.
  12. Every night is casual night for me , long pants and a polo or button down shirt is as much as i am going to do. You can wear shorts also if you want. I dont bring a blazer anymore. I wear newish un-faded black jeans on cruises .
  13. Well it looks like the overwhelming majority approve of the air tags . Money well spent .
  14. Oasis class is our favorite . Dislike any ship without a promenade .
  15. What else do you do with them if you arent travelling .😄 I can find my german car without it , but my wife`s car i cant.
  16. Another iphone needs to be nearby to broadcast the location to the cloud . Then the location is transmitted to your phone. Maybe nobody around your bag with an iphone at the time you checked.
  17. I usually pick the cabin i want and check price on line, then i call in and book directly with the agent that answers the phone. I have always had good luck with the one that answers the phone. And when the price drops , i call in and get a price adjustment .
  18. I used them a few months ago . They do work . At one point my two bags were far away from each other , but they both got to our cabin. Now i put one in each of our cars .
  19. Give RC a call , and they will sort it out for you. You should get an email to select shows and dining.
  20. Me, i just go with the flow and if something i want isnt there , i can handle it for a week. Although in Coastal Kitchen, our server brought us Tropicana OJ , and it was so sweet it made me and my wife`s eyes water. ( we dont do sugar at all ) And i havent had juice in a long time. So he replaced it with fresh squeezed and that was fine .
  21. No need to apologize , everyone knows what you meant . It brought a smile to my face , as it did to others 🙂 Have a wonderful holiday season !
  22. I dont mind the changes , i can find a thing or two each evening that i would like to eat .
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