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Everything posted by loman

  1. My September cruise i booked in January is more than double what i paid, for a balcony cabin. Im glad they dont want me to pay the difference. 🙂
  2. Lol, I previously referred to those rooms like a crime scene , and the only thing missing was the body. I was expecting to see the CSI crew coming down the hall to start the investigation.
  3. I have never gotten sick from cruise food as i never touch the food with my hands. I use utensils only. I even eat a muffin with a knife and fork. I avoid foods that need to be handled without utensils . If i eat pizza , i will toss the crust that i touched , but i mostly use utensils . I think the serving utensils have a fair amount of gems on them and thats what will make people sick.
  4. No privacy at all at night with the lights on in the room. You need to pull the blinds for sure. Daytime not so bad though.
  5. I dont cruise that often , but when i do its a balcony . I would never consider an interior though. We typically sail on Oasis class and it has to be ocean view. Had a boardwalk balcony once for the novelty , but went back to ocean view after that .
  6. Looking Good ! I hear the James Bond theme running through my head.
  7. What was the percentage of formally dressed passengers ? I found it about 50 % on Oasis and Allure the last few years.
  8. I will be leaving the blazer at home . I will wear long pants and a button down shirt. Thats as formal as i will get . 🙂
  9. Welcome back ! Oasis class is a great way to cruise.
  10. Me too, when i do order dessert on the odd occasion. They cant mess that up too much.
  11. Im on the Harmony in few months , and not one for desserts , so i am optimistic that i will find something edible when i get hungry.🙂
  12. I typically book an oceanview balcony even though i spend very little time on it. I want the natural light and i like to step outside to see how hot it is. I was of the impression that it cooled down at night ... na . 🙂
  13. I only take one week cruises , so we bring enough to see us through and dont use the laundry services. One 26 " piece of luggage each , about 30 lbs each . Used to be heavier when we brought formal clothes, but we dont anymore.🙂
  14. Im just wondering how on earth ? 🙂 you would play pool on an unstable table if the self leveling feature is disabled ?
  15. I think they flush them... like a toilet 🤣
  16. 4 free drinks ( at the diamond level ) and free expresso in diamond lounge pretty much covers it for us too. No need for any packages . Pays to be loyal . 🙂
  17. Just read some reviews on SAS shuttles. Suggest you google them and decide if they are suitable. I personally would spend the extra and get an uber.
  18. I bring unfaded black jeans . They double as dressy pants when i want to look snappy.🙂 I wear then on the plane trip there and back. And occasionally to the dining room.
  19. If you cant do stairs well, you are wise not to bid on the crown loft suites. You may have to go up and down several times a day. We had one last cruise and stairs arent a problem for us yet , and we loved it.
  20. Allure for us. Oasis class in general is our only choice now . Harmony is booked for our next cruise. Radiance class least favorite as it doesnt have a promenade. Didnt care for the Anthem either.
  21. Life styles of the rich and famous , lol 😃
  22. Congratulations on your 30th ! I was in a crown loft on Allure last cruise and we loved it. Suite lounge, Coastal Kitchen on the same floor as your suite. I`m sure you enjoyed it also. I`m with you on shuttles, never again. Taxi`s only now for several years.
  23. I was there in September when this happened. It was around 8 am so only a few tables occupied which gave the robot room to maneuver. Its actually a motorized cart with two shelves which will allow it to bring two plates right to your table from the kitchen. It was my only time there , so dont know when this robot start up was.
  24. I give 5 bucks for two suit cases . I also have them staple the luggage tags on the bags for me.
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