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Everything posted by slidergirl

  1. Welcome back Lois! Cynthia - have a wonderful trip! I'm sooooo jelly!! I didn't realize you were cruising, too - thought you were just going to Rome. Buon Viaggio! Have a spritz for me. Rainy day today. Snow level is just at about 7000' so I'm just below it. As the temperature drops, the rain will change to snow for sure. Just hiding out at home today. I start back at my lodge on Dec. 5 so I'm going to enjoy my last few days of "vacation" before diving back into work. I think this will be my last year. OOTD: leggings and a long-sleeve Tshirt.
  2. Endocrinologist NP visit today. All was great. She was impressed. A1C down at 6.2. I laughed at my weight - I haven't been this "light" since college! I told her about my bout with losing my appetite the other month; she said she's hearing it's common with patients who had COVID. She said that when that happens I'm ok to just eat whatever tastes good to me. I did make a stop at TJ's on the way home. I was pleasantly surprised that they had out a bunch of the holiday stuff that wasn't in the Flyer. It was a "Holy C$ap" kind of shopping day and totally unexpected. My seasonal favorite, Baked Lemon Ricotta, was there! The flavored JoJo's (like Oreos) that I give my hair stylist were in. The Italian custard pastries were in the Frozen section. The real surprise was the newest candle-in-a-tin: Chocolate Croissant. OMG! It smells oh, so, good. f OOTD: My new hoodie with the matching leggings. Got lots of compliments on the combo. It'll be on the list of things to take to Palm Springs. I'll call it "Real Locals of Park City visits Palm Springs,", an homage to the Real Housewives of both Beverly Hills and Salt Lake City when they did their visits... I have to keep an eye on the weather report for that first weekend of December - I just hope there isn't a snowstorm when I drive down to the airport or back up - I don't want to have to take a jacket!!
  3. I was sent to help out at a sister hotel for a month. It was a beach resort at the start of their summer season. I packed some of my everyday Ts and tanks to wear double-duty: wear under my suit jacket for work, then as my off-work attire for hanging out. I hand washed them and let them dry in the bathroom. No one noticed and no one cared. All my stuff - work suits and play stuff and I was still under 35lbs in one bag.
  4. The pasta does look yummy! Can't go wrong with Sta. Margherita - a solid choice for Pino Grigio. I'm on a hiatus from shrimp - it was the protein that kept me going for awhile and I'm kind of tired of it. I'm trying to incorporate some, ugh, red meat into the diet for dinner. A lean ground beef mixed with canellini beans and a can of diced tomatoes works. I just put in a ton of different spices. It's not chili but it's decent enough. I made some pork chops the other night. I've always loved them, but this time I just felt blah with them. Going to grill some chicken and add it to salad tonight and see if I like that once again as I really started to not like my entree salads. I don't like how my palate has changed. Cool the past few days, in the 40s. Got my hair taken care of on Thursday. We added some red highlights just because we could and hadn't done those in quite awhile. Definitely turned into jeans and sweatshirt weather up here! OOTD: faded yellow Laguna Surf Co. hoodie and a pair of Vuori leggings.
  5. Yes, it's happened in mountain towns. That's my experience in my town. Can't go up to Main St. to eat anymore as it's way too chi chi and expensive for me. Stores are stocking things for the tourist and are too expensive for me. Used to take 15 minutes from my house to Main St., now it's 30 in the winter, And, don't get me started about Sundance Film Festival... The Summer season is getting just as crowded lately. We used to be "smog-free" up here in the winter (the inversion layer that occurs), but now it's here. Parking - non-existent unless you want to pay $20-$30 an hour. Sucks if you are an employee and have to try to park somewhere and you only get paid maybe $15/hr. I'll walk 1/2 mile to the bus stop to get the electric bus into town if I'm going just around Main St., but I have to drive to my lodge for work as there is no transportation up that high on the mountain. I save up chores and appointments so I only have to drive down to the city once a month. I do what I can.
  6. It's not just the climate. The average idiot may think the environment is just climate. Social environment is just as important. Try living in a place that gets overrun by tourists and your local stores are replaced by Diamonds International and other tourist-oriented chains. Have to drive a good distance to get your groceries because your bodega is now a Chanel store. As for ship size, why would only gigantic ships with "greener" fuel be built? Why not smaller ones, too? Why would you have to have a bunch of small ships to replace one gigantic ship? That would have the same adverse effect on the port PLUS where would you dock them all? OO
  7. You beat me to it! The Fearless Flyer was indeed underwhelming. The Rosemary nuts in a can is good, but not much else called to me. I'll be down in the Valley next week to see my endocrinology NP so I'll probably make a drive-by anyway, I can always appreciate a salad or two! I looked at my usual spots for those hoodie sweaters but didn't find anything but unembellished. Unfortunately, a few things in Free People called to the hippie in me and I have to do my best to avoid them!!! Maybe leave a small space in your luggage just in case you run into a hoodie that calls to you!! I think it'll be fun do be able to go down into the cat sanctuary and wander around the ruins now. For me, it would be a 2-fer: see the ruins and pet some cats (and take photos of them) 😸 Speaking of cats and trying to herd them: I'm afraid to ask my girlfriends what we're going to do in Palm Springs. I'm going to just sit back and take NO ownership of where to go and what to eat. I'm over that after I got no good things when I researched and recommended (thank awhfy) for food in Colorado Springs. I have places from my friend who lives part time in PS but not going to say them unless I'm asked. I would love to find a place that is "NO substitutions" and watch some of them squirm. I think there's only 2 of us who can order right off the menu...
  8. Wow Anita! Another move! And about as far as you can in the 48 and what a weather change! I think you'll love Seattle and surroundings. Lots of different nature to visit. MJC - Your Scandinavian cruise sounded very nice. Congrats on not letting any weather get in your way. Living up in the mountains, I understand about that road and train/bus. The roads can be like a bowling alley - once you start sliding, you can't stop, regardless of 4x4 and winter tires! I'd be a weirdo if I went to Norway. I'd want to go to the Holmenkollbakken to see the large hill ski jump and to Lillehammer to see the sliding track! I'm a winter Olympics person and love to see old venues.
  9. My Long Covid/Rybelsus weight loss has also taken some of my boobs away so I don't have the bust issue I used to. One plus, I guess 😉 Not embellished, but the Woolx Callie hoodie is nice, Softer than a sweatshirt hoodie but heftier than just a sweater hoodie. I've got 2 of them. I have a couple of old Athleta hoodie sweaters too. I'll poke around some of my usual spots. Cool and snow/rain today. Ugh.
  10. No, just leaving a smaller footprint. No one is so naive that any cruise or plane trip or land vacation is non-polluting and totally green. One makes choices to do what one can to lessen the load.
  11. I always rinse. Never knew there was a "no-rinse" option.
  12. Some people are Rick Steves fans so I thought I'd mention that he has a book put out this year, Italy for Food Lovers.
  13. My newest hoodie to wear to work, Palm Springs winter trip, around town. Light and satiny soft outside and a little bit of cozy inside. Long enough to wear with leggings, jeans, pants, skirts, etc. The hood is tan inside with more of the flowers on it. Pretty girly for me, but it called to me.
  14. I use laundry sheets for my washing at home also. Takes up minimal space on the dryer top, unlike those big bottles of detergent!
  15. Hmmm. Good question. According to the website, it's 330g wool, the same as the Stella legging. Actual weight - I did a "hand test" of holding the pants against certain others. A little heavier than the Stellas, about the same/maybe lighter than the Eileen Fisher pants (Ponte, not Crepe). As far as warmth, I could wear my Stellas indoors at work all Winter long at the lodge and the lodge is pretty warm (usually about 72-74 degrees). Melody has Stellas too so she may be able to speak to the warmth, too. Lois - I didn't realize you were taking a TA so soon!!! You'll definitely have to let me know what it's like to have all those sea days. I couldn't find it, but I know there was a discussion somewhere around here about the overall/coveralls/jumpsuit thing and not "suitable" for public or travel. I was reading my online Travel & Leisure magazine and what do I see??? An article on newest fashion for travel and it was about the overall/coveral/jumpsuit!!! Gave me a chuckle. Boring day today so I'm binging on "Welcome to Wrexham." I really like it. This second season is so much on the people in the town, the women's team. Even if you don't like soccer, it' a good documentary series. OOTD: leggings and a Tshirt again. Maybe tomorrow I'll do something different.
  16. My solid shampoo from Lush takes up no more room than another 3oz bottle and lasts a whole lot longer, like month longer. Lush has a metal container that holds it, so no big deal. It doesn't seem to get messy or dissolve.
  17. I saw that last night. I was trying to decide if I was going to drive down the mountain this weekend. Oh - I don't know if I mentioned this before, but: Woolx now has a pant. It's made from the same material as the trusty Stella legging. Everyone seems to be finding that they need to buy a size smaller. I had that happen. First ordered my usual M, but the waist was huge - measured against the Stella and another pant of mine and it was a good 1.5-2" bigger. I exchanged for a S and it's perfect. Anyone looking for a warmer pant to wear on those cruises and travel to colder climes would find these pants to be a good deal. No need for leggings under pants. OOTD: sweats and a Tshirt as I'm not going anywhere... Story of my life.
  18. Excuse me. Some of us are cognizant of what other pollution plastics from cruise ships and cruisers is made than just what is in the ocean...
  19. My neighborhood had an excellent Halloween night. I think every kid in the subdivision was out. Temp was in the upper 30s and just a bit of a breeze. The kiddos were still in costume and no jackets. Even parents dressed up. I did my hockey jersey, red leggings, pink furry boots and my granny knit toque. To keep warm, I wore one of my Woolx hoodies under the jersey. I tried to scare kids with my plastic "rabid squirrel" watching over my caldron of candy - didn't work 😸 My across-the-street neighbors had quite the setup: camp fireplace going in the driveway, a table set up with the camp stove keeping spicy cider hot and bottles of good whiskey to pour in the cider. All the adults made sure they stopped by at least once! OOTD: black leggings and a Tshirt. Not going anywhere.
  20. that isn't the only thing. Where are all those single-use bottles and bags going to go? Landfills are filling up and we don't want more land destroyed just to take care of trash that didn't have to happen. Look at how the islands have to dispose of your single-use products? It has to be barged somewhere, and that costs money that some of those 3rd world towns do not have. Have a little compassion and let go of your "wants" for a little. Buy a cheap bottle to resuse. Bring a cheap cloth bag to put your purchases into. More and more places outside of the US are getting rid of the single-use products. Just suck it up and help out. You can buy all the bottles you want when you are home,
  21. A wonderful crisp Fall day. It was a sunny 24 degrees when I went out to get coffee (I ran out of filters) at 9:30am. Fleece jackets and toques on heads were the norm the coffee shop. Went across the road to the supermarket to get filters and breakfast goodies for the week. And the Halloween candy was on sale so I picked up some for the neighborhood kids. We have a neighborhood parade followed by trick or treating on driveways. I'm either going to dress as a wizardess again or put on my classic Pittsburgh Penguins hockey sweater and my wool leggings. It may be a little cool for the wizardess, I hit up TJ's Wednesday after my dentist. I forgot to mention some good things I got: Lobster Bisque - nice and creamy, no chunks though. Jalapeno cheese dip - in refrigerated section, Really good. You heat it up. I ate it with carrots. The spice builds up. I was disappointed there was no Pumpkin Cream Cheese. It's one Pumpkin thing I really like. Hopefully it'll be there in November. But happy that there was still some Cranberry Goat Cheese log. Very tasty on a cracker, OOTD: my new smaller size jeans (yes ladies, the ones I had this Spring are now too loose), a Mountain Hardware hoodie shirt and my pink camo Sweaty Betty fleece jacket. Olu Kai Chukka boots and a baseball hat - couldn't do a toque yet!
  22. Lois - just speculation, but, dehydrated from exercise and then going into someplace that makes you sweat even more (sauna, steam, hot tub) can send you into hyperthermia. If you are by yourself it could be possible for you to not realize what is going on, "doze off" and go underwater.
  23. Or, picking up that ham & cheese baguette at Paul... (my CDG guilty pleasure). I like the transit in CDG mainly because I can relax in one of the Air France lounges.
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