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Everything posted by zap99

  1. Have you considered writing to tell them you are not sending cards?.🤔
  2. Unfortunately we have grown out of formal nights, but in February we kind of gatecrashed the BIL's birthday cruise on Azura as it was DW's birthday as well. They enjoy formal nights, so we conformed. Dinner in the MDR was fine. In April I got a bargain from a TA for Azura . 7 night cruise ,3 nights in Malta and BA flights for £700 in a balcony. We booked it and they joined us. We skipped formal nights and ate in the Glasshouse and beachhouse. We much preferred that. On Arvia next April our formal clothes have decided to have a break and stay at home.
  3. About mid year I said I wasn't booking as the cruise lines were trying to raise prices and were telling the press that bookings at the new pricing levels were selling well. I wonder how many folk went out and booked before they sold out, or how many called their bluff. Now, approaching peak booking season for next year, prices are being reduced. It seems the cruise lines CEO,s weren't exactly being completely honest. Some folk may have booked at the new ambitious prices. We booked 1 at a decent price, but any more booking from us can wait.
  4. We are having a coffee in the little posh coffee shop in Tesco. There is an Aldi, M&S and Tesco all together. They won't fool us with their fake bargain offers. Just in case, DW has got the Clubcard 🤣
  5. I got an email today from RC. From £311. That is in May, Southampton to Laharve back to Southampton 2 nights. Inside cabin £311. I guess their headline in accurate. Unfortunately everybody is at it. Supermarkets, shops, cruises, airlines. Us experienced consumers won't be fooled....Will we ?.🤔
  6. I get notifications on Linkedin.Congratulate Bill on his work anniversary. Sadly Bill retired 8 years ago and died a few years later. I avoid those now.🤔
  7. Most things do eventually. DW's Christmas present arrived from California. That came very quickly. I get a few emails with US based cruises. TBH, I haven't noticed much difference in prices from earlier years, but don't study them too closely.
  8. Hope all goes well Phil. I would respectfully suggest that you wait a little longer before you book your Swiss snowboarding trip with the lads.
  9. Crickey what a shock. In the high St superdry had a sale . Upto 50% off. That's a first ...using the term...upto.🤣
  10. Apples and pears. You are taking a £7k+ fly cruise and quoting " an authoritative" report from CC published by Time out in America. It concludes that 5 night Caribbean cruises are now $726 which is 43% more than 2019. As not many folk here do short cruises to the Caribbean, we may consider , perhaps naively that it is not relevant.
  11. I may be ,as you say naive, but I have records going back to 2008, which show the prices we paid back then are similar to today. About £2000 for 2 weeks in a balcony to the med and a bit more to the Caribbean. Obviously PE flights push it up a bit more. Just pre covid we paid £5400 on Britannia to the Caribbean Inc PE, this year it was the same. Look at real prices, not somebody else's report and you may conclude I am not quite so naive. 43% ?. Bah ,humbug.
  12. He said " what have you done to your hand ? ". I said Specsavers got a bit greedy. His price has reduced...a bit.🤣
  13. My periodontist is going to charge £300 ph and not £400 and will work his little socks off to do half hour sessions. I bet he thought " this golden goose is starting to get a bit ratty."
  14. Gets me regularly. On a different thread it tried to change Trebor...to Trevor. Completely urined the joke.🤣
  15. I never noticed that. Ebagum Trebor.🤣
  16. Facts are not normally used here...so. ..Our first P&O cruise was Britannia in the Caribbean in November 2018. £2218 each in a balcony. 5 years later not much change. Ps predictive suggested I didn't want to say not much. I really wanted to say " nut Bush ".🤣
  17. I will try just using them to eat and smile. They may last a bit longer.
  18. Periodontist this morning. Possibly the last time. £400 an hour. Lots of folk don't earn that in a week. I had an extraction last week. I probably spent £2k to save that tooth. At 74, lots need to fall out before I can't eat. Bah..humbug...merry blooming Christmas to dentists everywhere.
  19. It's all a bit criptic for me. LBC is what I listen to in the car. Not long before this hand appears, presses the button and some pop ensemble start banging out noise.Radio 4 is normally some posh bloke talking polly ticks. On Sunday a paper is 4 quid and full of adverts. I only buy big papers now when the shark needs emptying.
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