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Everything posted by CGinMTL

  1. My reusable water bottle has both measures 8 oz is a little less then 250 ml
  2. Canada is fluid btw imperial and metric. I think it is because we are close to USA Ex as a 50 yr old Canadian I know my height and weight only in imperial Temp. Work both ways Groceries . More likely to order in lbs Liquid . We go both ways I think you will be fine in metric eveywhere
  3. A few comments I wish it would be harder for people to remove tips If you have never complained about any service, how can you justify zero tip If people would need some kind of signature from each dept. There would be less removals Also, we are taking a family cruise at the end of the month HAL exchange rate for cad was very good, so we decided to prepay We have a 2 yr old and a 6 month old with us The 2 year old was a no brainer that we would pay tips When I asked my daughter what she would do for the baby, the answer was clear, I am not going to save $150 ( cad) on the back of crew members. I was proud of her answer
  4. Arrive can app is also still in use at yul ( optional ) but also helps
  5. The cab is flat fee , indépendant of number of people or bags Uber is not And there are a lot of detours and construction in Montreal Something to think about when making your decisions
  6. Yes. Refundable will return to credit card on file
  7. For more info on the dog statues. Google The English Pug and the French Poodle The Two Snobs
  8. You have beautiful pics of Montreal ( forgot the native orange cone ;)). Where is the fairyland . Have never seen that before
  9. I have done this. Go to front desk and they will gladly transfer any non refundable obc to crew. I make it a point to make time for this even if it is a few dollars.
  10. We also board may 27 th. Looking forward to your inputs
  11. You would think they should be able to board with their own children But will not take any chances and we will board together I will ask the question at the pier and see what the official answer is
  12. It is 2 booking numbers but the bookings are linked.
  13. My Friend is currently Quarantined on Serenade of the Seas. Still have to be careful and travel as per your comfort level
  14. Hi Have a silly question We are taking a family cruise on The Zaandam on My 27th Cabin 1 ( 3 pax) Myself DH 2 yr old grandson . Cabin 2 ( 3 Pax) Daughter - SIL and 2nd Grandchild . Will my daughter have problems checking in her son as he is in a separate cabin if we have not arrived yet. . We are taking the overnight grey hound . The original plan was to have my daughter go ahead to the ship with all the luggage. . DH and I would like to be able to enjoy Boston and make our way to the ship later. But if that will cause her issues, I will stay with her ( always overthinking things) . Thanks for any info you can provide
  15. Thanks for sharing, I watched it today and it was super interesting
  16. Love the sunsets. Sounds like you are having an amazing trip I am sure that others following will agree, it is a privilege to travel the world with you Always positive Thank you for shining this positive light into the world.
  17. All depends on weather If you get rain, there are 2 amazing museums in the old port ( la calliere and the science center) Also, the 2nd floor of the terminal building is actually free If beautiful, the botanical gardens is nice, you can get there on the Subway
  18. I was lucky enough to experience this on a TA many years ago. I say. " We were the pot of gold" at the end of the 🌈
  19. I would say that yes, you can visit Montreal. The process you described is to make it easier for b2b guests who just want to get back on the ship. These are 2 cruises,. The Canadian govt will clear guests as per their process at the end of cruise one. You are not even " in transit,` as you will actually be spending Aprox 10 days in the country Please, get off the ship and enjoy our beautiful Montreal,.
  20. I think the closest location to buy ticket to get on the 747 bus is the closest subway stop. Which is a 10 min walk $11 for the entire day in the transit system 747 is a good option if you plan on visiting and then finish with transfer to yul If not. I would just take a cab is fixed rate $50
  21. On this itinerary, you have many stop in Canada. 30% is a huge rate difference,. If you just need a few dollars Cash,,. Find a Canadian on your roll call. I would gladly sell you some of my funny money for your usd At a rate that is win/ win for both parties
  22. Same here. This is my countdown to may 27 cruise @Ken the cruiser love your style . I followed your cruise to Greenland and Iceland last year. Really love your pics. Thank you for taking us with you
  23. Booked on her May 27 Boston back to Montreal Can't wait I love smaller ships My 1st ever cruise was veendam in 1998
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