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Everything posted by excitedofharpenden

  1. I think this is what I'll do more of in the future. I've also eaten in the MDR on White Night. It's a nice menu in there on those evenings. I have no issue at all dancing to lively music after dinner, but when you are with friends at the beginning of the evening and wanting to chat about what you've been up to that day it's not good to be drowned out by pre-party music. It's a shame. The crew make such a great effort on White Night buffet and beyond that I want to support it fully, but can't be doing with loud noise when I'm eating and drinking. Phil
  2. I've had some recent bad experiences with the sound level. It's a shame because I too love White Night, but it had us escaping to another venue. Azamara don't seem to be hearing us. Probably because the music is too loud! Phil
  3. I have to say I don't really understand this. Good for them getting this deal, but it has always been that your free nights are based upon your most frequently booked cabin averaged out. It's not something that I would be banking on as happening. I wish they'd adopt some consistency otherwise true loyalty becomes meaningless. Phil
  4. Not sure how you can conclude that things are looking difficult for the company? You are speculating based upon just one, your own cruise and without knowing what others paid for the trip. I'm sure others will report that their cruise was full. 80% occupancy doesn't sound too bad to me. Inventory and pricing, well I haven't been able to work out how it's done. Phil
  5. I would really push if told I was not able to. It has always been my understanding that the scenario you describe you can. Unfortunately there are a number of less knowledgeable sales staff on the ships more. If you get João or Michelle Graham then they are experienced and know the score and you shouldn't have an issue. Phil
  6. Hope you have a great cruise. Lots of warm sun to see you off! Phil
  7. Thank you for reporting back and I'm pleased to hear the ship looked after you better than their on land admin did. Let's hope that part will be in the rear view mirror soon. Phil
  8. My experience is that FCCs are being extended without issue. Azamara seem to have a flexible approach. However it is a real effort to actually communicate with them and get it dealt with. Phil
  9. This is good info. Not all ships have been created equally as far as spa deck furniture is concerned. My experience with drinks service has ranged from someone coming round periodically (which varies according to how good the staff member is and how busy they are elsewhere) to a yellow phone to the pool bar which worked excellently. Phil
  10. That's not what I was talking about. I quoted the post that said about not trusting they won't file for bankruptcy. Nothing to do with cancelling which of course is a choice that can be made. Phil
  11. If that's how you feel (which I think is way over the top) why don't you just cancel? Phil
  12. Sorry to hear that this has happened to SC and others it seems. Wholly unacceptable to be given the run around. I shall keep a close eye on my FCC. It's clear that (from the UK at least) systems are not in place to deal with them in a timely fashion. I was told that extensions to them are no problem if they are referred to the management team. Is this where it's falling over? Phil
  13. Same response I got and it's been over 28 days. It's a shambles. Phil
  14. I'm waiting to have one applied. It was a month ago and I've chased the email and am yet to receive a response. The agents in Wichita are very helpful and nice to speak with. Use of the FCC was taken up by Azamara in the UK I think. It will be sorted, but it's all just such a flippin effort! Hope you get yours sorted. I think if I was you I'd still plan on going to the ship armed with all the documentation. Phil
  15. @Sleep7, you know you shouldn't post photos like that, right? It's bag porn to some people😁 Phil
  16. I think we all realise, expert or not (me the latter) that IT transfers don't always go to plan. But what is just not right is the terrible time one has in actually communicating with Azamara. And this is not a recent thing. It's been going on for months. Phil
  17. Which is exactly what is happening in my case. It's very bad and it's very sad. Phil
  18. If i was talking to the people you met I'd give them many reasons I love Azamara and many reasons that I no longer enjoy the Celebrity product. Everyone is different, but if you talked to me I'd say give Azamara a go. I think you'd be missing something. Phil
  19. I'll be honest. I really dislike the Internet by the minute. On more than one occasion I didn't get logged off (either because of my oversight or a system fault). A visit to Guest Relations and they always sorted it, but I decided some time ago that I'd pay for the unlimited to save me the stress of watching those minutes count down.amd forego the free minutes I was given. Obviously it does depend upon how much you use it, but for me the unlimited was the way to go. Phil
  20. I totally agree and that someone starts a thread with a rhetorical question such as this says it all. Just don't stress! Phil
  21. This really is not good enough. Azamara need to sort this out. I can deal with wrong loyalty points because I know I haven't lost them. They are there. But the servicing of guest bookings, either by them personally or through their travel professional needs fixing and fast. I book direct and am still waiting for an invoice to be corrected to show the use of an FCC. Phoned and then emailed. No reply to email so I will need to chase. I can't even access the booking online. Yes, I too am getting frustrated, but at least I book my own flights and transfers. Phil
  22. The other thing is that I respond much better to diagrams and pictures rather than lists. I like to see where the cabin is, not just be given a list of numbers of staterooms that are available. That is meaningless to me. Phil
  23. I totally agree. So frustrating. Phil
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