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Posts posted by bluegirlum

  1. Really looking forward to being on board tomorrow. The forecast isn't great, but there isn't any fog in the forecast so that's a plus!


    Hoping for a spic-and-span ship, rooms ready as soon as we get on board, and a well rested crew! I wonder if they'll start boarding early? Letting people on early = more revenue.


    I'll be arriving at port by about 10. Hopefully we can walk right on! :D


    Super excited!


    I too hope that the crew got some extra rest. I'm glad they had so much time to wash away the Buckeye cooties! :D


    I expect to walk on, drop my bags in the cabin and be at the pool bar by 1. Here's hoping! No matter what, we'll be on a cruise and it will be great!


    Don't call again and talk to another phone rep. Just request a claim form. Submit it. If you're denied, move it up the food chain. Make sure you don't delete anything related to this until it's settled. If you still have the texts and e-mails about the delays, save them. Hold onto the list of hotels you were given at the terminal. You never know what little scrap of paper is going to help prove your claim.


    Totally agree with this. The people on the phone don't really have the power to do anything and they will stick to their script. Send as much documentation as possible. Submit stuff through the website. Send to people as high up as you can find. You'll be surprised.

  3. For what it is worth....applicable? Any lawyers out there?


    In the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and South Africa, apparent authority (also called "ostensible authority") relates to the doctrines of the law of agency. It is relevant particularly in corporate law and constitutional law. Apparent authority refers to a situation where a reasonable person would understand that an agent had authority to act. This means a principal is bound by the agent's actions, even if the agent had no actual authority, whether express or implied. It raises an estoppel because the third party is given an assurance, which he relies on and would be inequitable for the principal to deny the authority given. Apparent authority can legally be found, even if actually authority has not been given


    Agreed. It may say something otherwise in the contract of carriage , but I think in this case there is a strong case for arguing that they are agents of the cruise line.

  4. Oh, I understand! But predicting something like fog this far out would be rather inaccurate, hence my attempt at humor by equating fog prediction with lottery number prediction.


    I honestly hope that fog does not interfer with your cruise or anyone else's .


    Ah, ok. If you haven't read this entire thread, I've been following it/posting from the beginning and I'm very anxious about us getting out on Saturday, so I just thought I'd ask. I was more worried about us being snowed in in the Midwest just a few days ago; I had no idea that I'd be obsessed with fog! :)

  5. I've been following this thread since the beginning and see how frustrating it has been (and I'm not even affected) for those who were given information. Even tho I try to get names and positions of people I talk to when trying to resolved issues "similar" to this one, all of the confusions, stress, etc. that this situation caused probably would have overwhelmed me to the point of just trying to get info and to heck with names, times, etc. I know it's been said several times that the port staff are NOT RCI staff, just contractors. SO......IMHO, RCI should pay for what those contract staff promised as representing RCI, THEN RCI can go to the contract company and have them reimburse RCI for what they are having to pay out to customers for claims. There is an obligation on the side of the contract company for their actions as well, if they were not instructed to do so by RCI. (Ok, maybe my years of working as a Fed and dealing with contract companies is a bit unrealistic, but in a "perfect" world I think this is how it should be handled) rather than the customer being in the middle and left hanging out to dry.


    Totally agree! But unfortunately we usually are all on our own and need to be proactive to get reimbursed in these situations. They are not going to come to us. I'm terrible with names, but it's amazing how well I can remember them in situations like this. :)

  6. Let me state this one more time.......On Monday people at the port, wearing Royal uniforms were quickly passing out sheets with hotel names/phone numbers and saying..."you will need to get a room for the night and come back tomorrow. ROYAL will be reimbursing all of you for your room up to $250". "You can either call Royal or bring your hotel receipt with you onboard and they can also refund you on the ship".


    We will not be getting an e-mail from Royal because once we were back at the hotel and called the number the people at the PORT gave us Royal started trying to say that what we were told was not right and they would only pay for Choice Air people to be reimbursed. This was NEVER stated at the port.


    I am done trying to explain all of this. It is very easy to sit in your home and say what should have been done......bottom line you weren't there.


    GTO-Girl, I'm so frustrated for you. :( I really hope you try to get your money back from both RC and the travel insurance. Good luck!!!


    This is a good reminder to me and everyone to document, document, document. I know it's the last thing you think of in these kinds of situations, but try to always get the name of the person you talk to who tells you that you'll get reimbursement, keep any slips of paper you get, etc.


    As a total aside, anyone know the fog forecast for Saturday?

  7. Maybe for the nights they spent in a hotel that Rci are covering the charge for.[/quote


    On Monday when they told us we would not be sailing that day they gave out lists of hotels and told us to "get a room and Royal would pay for it". This was stated more than once by the people at the terminal. We were even given slips of paper with the RCCI number to call for reimbursement.


    Now Royal is saying that is not the case and only those who booked their air through them would have their room comped!!! I try to be positive in all situations but we feel like we were mislead at the port just to get rid of us.


    To add insult to injury my Trip Insurance doesn't want to pay for the extra expensives we incurred by having to stay in Tampa for the extra time. They "may" pay for a very small portion but only if I provide them with a ridiculous amount of paperwork. I may not even bother because what she said they would pay os not really worth my time!!


    But on a good note....we are home safely and we did enjoy our time in Tampa. We have another cruise scheduled on the Brilliance in April.......just praying it will go smoothly.


    Document everything anyone said to you and definitely make a claim. There probably will be a lot of people who feel it isn't worth the effort. It is! I can't even imagine how frustrating this has been for you, but you've paid for these things and should get reimbursed if they said they would reimburse you. Good luck!

  8. I didn't even realize that a Champagne opener was a thing. Granted, I'm not much of a Champagne drinker, so my experience with opening bottles is usually limited to New Year's Eve. But I've never used anything to open a bottle other than my hands. I have learned two new things from this thread - there is a tool for opening Champagne, and you're not allowed to bring pliers with you on a cruise ship. :cool:



  9. OK, a sign that I have been on forums too long is when I start responding to the wrong forum.


    You're going to laugh, but I was repsonding to a poster in the Carnvial forum asking if Carnival was really that bad. Sally and I have decided to try a Carnival and RCCL cruise again since we haven't been on either one in several years. So I have been bouncing back and forth between the two forums.


    Anyway, I'm still laughing and a little embarrassed, but I was suggesting to the OP of "Is Carnival that bad" read the last page of this thread. :rolleyes:


    Then I realized this is the Royal Caribbean forum. See, I said you would laugh. Imagine my embarrassment if I would have hit the return key.


    OK, I see the sign, I getting off the forums for a while.




    I laughed. :)


    I think the point of this thread was to talk about things unique to Royal Caribbean that are helpful to know. It's sort of turned into a "what should I bring" thread--of which there are plenty.


    To get us back on track, I'm going to be on Brilliance on Saturday with my BF, who's a first time cruiser. What are three things we have to know?

  10. T2B2, thanks again! Hope you've made it safely to Houston. You're my new favorite Buckeye fan! :) But still, Go Blue!


    It will be interesting to see what happens when we board on Saturday. I'm hoping weather won't be a factor on either end, but I've packed a few extra days worth of medications and other necessities just in case. And I have the number for the Marriott stored in my phone. I'm so sorry for GTO-Girl and everyone else whose cruise was canceled. I know there's nothing I can do about it so I'm double checking my trip insurance and just planning on a fun trip. At least I won't be in the cold midwest!

  11. 1186 days since The team up north last beat Ohio State. I think you need a little more than Harbaugh to turn the tide so to speak.


    You mean we need some sort of crazy thing to happen, like Urban Meyer getting stuck on a cruise ship at sea????? I'm feeling pretty good about things. :)


    I'm actually a Michigan and a UW alum, so the past few years have not been the greatest. I am glad that OSU won the national championship because I was sick of all the SEC talk. As for the Big 10 championship game, it was clear that UW's coach was already checked out and on the way to Oregon State. Whatever. OSU is a great team. That's why it will be that much sweeter when we start beating you again. :)

  12. Yes I shared this a few times already but RCCL was very accommodating in retrieving luggage for those who needed it. They have done all they can to accommodate us on this "extended" cruise.



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    Thanks for the picture of Kirk H. More importantly, however, thank you so much for sharing the last 2 days with all of us. This has been so informative and interesting and I really appreciate it! It's good to hear you've been treated well and have managed to have a good time even though things aren't ideal.

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