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Everything posted by Oceangoer2

  1. I haven't sailed Summit before....can you share where would be a prime location? We have mid ship near the elevator. Are the balcony's small on Summit? TIA and Happy Easter 🐰
  2. When you want an answer to something not covered in FAQ.....CC always has the answer. Thanks so much for responding. I thought it was tricky enough to open a new title and hoped it wasn't so basic there would be 'different' kinds of answers....😉
  3. This is our intention....just didn't know if it was legit. Thanks for your response.
  4. This has been our practice in the past...first time paying 'out' in US cash and hoped it would be accepted instead of HAVING to use our Canadian Visa card.
  5. If you've had any experience with paying your final invoice in US $ when you paid for your cruise in Canadian, please let me know if this was allowed. TIA.
  6. Their answer to this (I asked in the past) is that the pkgs are discounted when you buy them pre-cruise. Weak IMO....they have guaranteed 3, 5, 7, full night pkgs booked which is to THEIR advantage.
  7. This thread started out with exploring "good thoughts"...👍 I'm finding more than a few 'alternate opinions'...LOL....lately in a few posts. (Some say that's argument without reason). Peace and Love.... it's Easter. Some have no food or shelter.
  8. All you say is true but some of us have been on this site for a very long time and know we can count on others' experiences and new information as X does change things weekly/monthly at times.....I've found new information through their posts and it's been helpful. I don't think posters are asking whether they SHOULD purchase a bev. pkg. They of course have their own reasons as to whether or not when a 'sale' is on.
  9. Thanks....I should look for a discounted price closer to our cruise in Nov.
  10. For our cruise, there was no change to the 20% off (then added back in the form of gratuities) which has been offered for months. What did happen was the base price was increased so that the discounted price stayed as it was prior). One day the cost to us was $1990.20, next day it increased by $200. When is your cruise? I'm now thinking this sale was only the app. I check on my laptop.
  11. I've booked Anytime Dining and under Complimentary Dining I can choose a time, but where is the option for table selection? Can't find it. Thanks for your help.
  12. Will they perhaps give you some OBC if you asked? Some posters have mentioned they've received OBC after final payment.
  13. Thanks....Found the next page to this link interesting. Never tried to use the Adv. Declaration in combination with using Nexus...but I didn't mind filling it in...didn't take long and it was almost an insurance that it was supposed to be filled in and I didn't want to find out at the gate it wasn't completed. Not sure their system was tied up because I took a few bytes out....😊 As of 7/22/23... Who should not use the kiosks and eGates NEXUS members should continue to use dedicated NEXUS kiosks and NEXUS eGates for expedited processing. If a dedicated NEXUS lane is unavailable, NEXUS travellers can opt to use a passport for regular processing at a primary inspection kiosk or eGate
  14. Thanks...appreciate your explanation. I'll continue to do both since it didn't create any problems the many times I've done so. Not a bother completing the Arrive Can form in advance. After all the bad press it's had recently, at some point the press will report the gov't has ended the requirement.
  15. Yes.....I looked it up and we have TD Infinite Travel but not the Aeroplan version. Just never heard of any rebate...the things you find out on CC....👍.
  16. I've paid for our Nexus renewal using Visa and have the Infinite card....never received a refund. Is that something you apply for?
  17. Someone has posted that if you have Nexus you should not use Arrive Can...why, I don't know...perhaps messes up their system of entry? When we travel by air we do both but use the Nexus line, and no one has stopped us or indicated we should use one or the other. I'll gladly drop Arrive Can if it's true we don't need to use it anymore.
  18. Happy Easter to you as well! And a thoughtful Good Friday.
  19. When is your cruise? Guess it makes a difference.
  20. Here's what my online price shows right now...this hasn't changed in weeks/months unless they've adjusted the 'crossed out' amount to justify keeping the bev. pkg. price the same...
  21. ok thanks....at $67.99 US it works out to $1930.92 for 10 nights Canadian $$s. I'm assuming our bev. tab will be around $1500. Don't really care if it's up or down but as long as it isn't $2200 which IMO is outrageous and would have to be under the table 5 nights out of 10 to justify....🤪. I should look today for our price...maybe it's down from there.
  22. Thanks for letting me know the Classic cost....I'll work forward with that. At $66 US it's $1874.40. Our Cdn. price is $92 incl. grats. = $2200 approx.
  23. I see...that is the premium price. Would you mind if you have time, letting me know the Classic Pkg. price in US $$s?
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