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Everything posted by Oceangoer2

  1. Thank you for posting. Reminiscing ..... a wonderful cruise on her many years ago....my teen daughter and myself being part of a fashion show around the pool....dancing in the small cabaret....enjoying the close at hand shows and fine dining. Intimacy that's gone now.
  2. There are some new posters who don't have the time you do to follow the boards to the extent you do, and would like an answer to their question without sarcasm or judgement, about anything, including tips. My tip to you....find a soft padded room..feel free to bang away.
  3. I think the poster is saying COSTS for restaurant meals aren't much different than yours, but the server's pay per hour is definitely much lower. If servers are being given a tip based on the cost per meal and then add in their $2 per hour wage, they're being paid much less than in Canadian restaurants. I find find it hard to believe their wages are that low and/or that tipping makes up the difference for a living wage.
  4. We tip 20% in restaurants. Our golf club servers are paid a little more than restaurants 'minimum' and an automatic 18% is added to our tab. The cruise line is adding 18% to specialty restaurants which is fine with us. Then generally, if service warrants, the moths come out of DH wallet... and they receive a little more. Re US servers, if true, and they are only making $2 per hr and depend on tips...! Why even do the job??
  5. I'm not sure if this has been asked and answered.....I've booked and paid (via $$s) for specialty dining, which included 18% grats. Will that stand as is or will we be charged extra % when we dine? Normally DH will tip extra for fine service but usually no tab appears, so we won't know final charges and what % gratuities have already been paid other than what we paid in advance. Order summary Subtotal $244.64 Gratuities $44.00 Order total $288.64
  6. Yes...I understand. Point is, as long as moving to an isolation area is the known practice and out of my booked cabin, I suppose my decision would be to not sail at all. Some are now saying that they have not had to move out of their cabin after contracting the virus...so it's perhaps a moot point.
  7. Hoping we don't get the virus, but if we can isolate in our own cabin it will be doable. Moving won't be.
  8. I just logged into the site....I don't think it's updated...all seems the same. Not sure what you mean re 'pay of CC'?
  9. Thanks for that. I also have that card, but no notification from them of any changes. I load everything (house utilities and expenses etc) on the card, in addition to any other allowable expenses, which gives me multi points a month. I'll check their site. I've been wondering how long they'd let me go accumulating so I hope there's no ceiling or time limit before they drop off.
  10. Hope you don't mind me asking....I have a TD card and if they're changing the point system I'll cash in pretty quickly...almost 1/2 a million. Do you have a different card? The banks generally follow each other.
  11. I've never noticed I paid a resort fee in the many times I've stayed there. I wonder why it's not mentioned $20 can go towards food and drink on some kind of pre-paperwork when registering? I'll have to call and find out.
  12. We like the Hilton Marina, near the port and restaurants. There are threads on this if you search; many preferences from posters.
  13. You surely don't have a happy outlook in some respects....It's great you found the cruise line which complements your dining and entertainment requirements.
  14. Well...you are entitled to your OPINION, however, my question was rhetoric....but you may be right with some of this....I've witnessed a horse race by the pool about 25 YEARS AGO. So your 50 cruises may take in some of this. Currently, and I'd say within the last 10-20 years, Celebrity has become somewhat less 'cruiser participant' regarding pool games except for the crew/cruiser pool volley-ball. I'm up there with your number of cruises as well, over almost all their ships, spending most of my day on the pool deck so have observed changes. BTW, we did buy a horse that long ago and it won....it WAS fun. And your rude comment re 'low class and crude' insults a great many X cruisers who enjoy or participated in the NW and other games.
  15. Whereever did you get the idea you could put Celebrity in the same class as Carnival??? no "belly flop contests, horse racing by the pool" but yes the music can be loud and they do have a newly-wed game later in the evening, which is really a lot of fun for everyone except the newly-weds...LOL.
  16. Thx....I have the TD Infinite, but not Aero.
  17. Thx...let us know how long it was before receiving. BTW...I didn't know you could us Aero. Visa for the renewal cost. I wonder if any other TD visa cards do the same.
  18. Thanks for the advice....but not the best thing IMO....never trust you'll get a 'reminder' from the govt. The online site is set up to accept after the 1 year date...I'm not waiting for 6 mos. on a never ending wait and worry list.
  19. I've seen hosts on another board provide excellent assistance to new cruisers, etc (as well as moderating/closing down potential argumentative post...LOL).
  20. The card expires Nov. 2023. I have to apply to renew no sooner than Nov. 2022...on my birth date, 3 mos. from now.
  21. Such good advice....over time I've seen you so helpful to others....if you're not already, I'd nominate you for the Canadian site 'host'....how do you feel about that?
  22. Based on posters waiting over a year for renewal, I just signed into the program requesting renewal. Message indicated I had to wait until one year from my expiration date to start the process, which is Nov. '22, expiry Nov. '23. I was hoping to get ahead of the wait time some are experiencing.
  23. You are so right...! We have enough cool/cold weather and are sun seekers in other than summer months. We were snow birds to Florida for many years, and cruised once a year, but now cruise solely a few times a year when possible....never did a TA so it'll be a new experience. We sail in mid Oct. to beginning of Nov. Barcelona to FLL. There are a few ports to enjoy before the 6 days at sea and Bermuda before we dock in Florida. Looking forward to how others spend their days at sea. Helped to read the appreciated 'dailies' from 'Ken TC'.
  24. The cruise I mentioned is in Oct. '23. So it's Barcelona to Ft Lauderdale.
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