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Everything posted by klfrodo

  1. My general philosophy when it comes to the buffet is that if there is seating for 500 (for example) and 600 want to eat lunch at noon,, I adjust my eating schedule
  2. Just wanted to say Thanks to both of you for this information. I was planning to stay at the Marriott post cruise but was having difficulty figuring out where my stop would be from T5 to the Marriott. I just ended up changing the hotel to the Courtyard since this made the Hoppa schedule look easier to understand.
  3. Thanks for getting back. I did end up reaching out to AS's customer service team on Twitter. They checked around and said that he would be able to travel with mom. Just call (and they provided a number) and they would make the necessary changes and put the companion fare discount code back into my wifes account. I will go on record and say this is not the first time that their social media/customer service team on Twitter has gone out of their way to assist me with a problem. Sometimes much faster than a phone call.
  4. Difficult question due to location and Nationalities of the various islands. But, we'll try here. Has anyone used SpainDayTours for port stops in Vigo Spain, Tenerife Spain, and Lisbon Portugal? If so, can you share your experience. I have our names on the list, but they don't guarantee a tour unless they get a minimum number of people. I guess my question is, do they normally get filled up?
  5. Since your need is as a UK resident (I'm from the States) and your need is specialized re pre-existing condition, I reached out to ChatGPT. These are just suggestions made by AI, so I would recommend that you verify the accuracy of the information shared. Here's the question I asked: Looking for suggestions for Travel Insurance with medical coverage for a United Kingdom resident with a pre-existing condition of Cancer which is in remission. Here is the generated response: When searching for travel insurance with medical coverage for a United Kingdom resident with a pre-existing condition of cancer in remission, you can consider the following options: Insurancewith: Insurancewith specializes in providing travel insurance for individuals with pre-existing medical conditions, including cancer. They offer comprehensive coverage and consider the specifics of your condition, including remission, to tailor the policy accordingly. Free Spirit: Free Spirit is another insurance provider that caters to individuals with pre-existing medical conditions. They offer travel insurance options for cancer survivors in remission, ensuring you have the necessary medical coverage during your trip. AllClear Travel Insurance: AllClear, mentioned earlier, also offers policies for individuals with pre-existing conditions in remission. They provide customized coverage that takes into account your medical history and current health status. Staysure Travel Insurance: Staysure, mentioned earlier, offers travel insurance options for individuals with pre-existing conditions, including cancer in remission. They provide coverage for medical expenses and other travel-related benefits. Remember to carefully review the policy details, including coverage limits, exclusions, and any additional requirements specific to your condition. Make sure to provide accurate information about your medical history and consult with the insurance provider if you have any doubts or questions. Comparing multiple insurance providers will help you find the most suitable coverage for your needs at the best possible price.
  6. What I'm alluding to is "maybe" since C&F acquired Travel Insured, they changed their business model and no longer sell Travel Insurance under the C&F name. They save the C&F name for the expensive stuff.
  7. All hypothetical and could call Alaska Airlines, but more fun to ask here. Wife and grandson are on the same PNR. The ticket was booked using my wife's companion fare under AS rules. Grandson is 12 yo Traveling with them on AS is Grandsons mother and other grandson on their own separate PNR with companion fare. Wife is ill but recovering and has asked me this "whatif" question. What happens if she is too ill to travel on their cruise vacation? Will grandson still be allowed to fly (companion fare remember) without my wife. His mom and little brother will still be on the flight. My thoughts are,,,, under normal conditions, Yes. However, maybe the T's & C's of the Companion Fare negate this.
  8. Here's some information for you C&F Travel Insured
  9. Could be a business practice that IMT has decided that some companies they no longer choose to do business with. I know Steve at TIS has said so for his business model. I imagine there could be many factors weighing in on a decision like this. From lowering commission rates to making the Terms and Conditions of a covered claim so onerous as to never pay a valid claim and the business no long wish to associate themselves or their clients to bad faith practices.
  10. Probably safer than in school. 🤯 Oh darn, I'm probably going to get banned again
  11. I have a TA in name only because she's a family friend and we want her to receive the commission. Once the booking is complete, that's the end of our business transaction. I do everything else on line re drinks package purchasing, insurance separately from a 3rd party company, excursions on my own, air travel on my own, hotels on my own, etc. I even book land AI holidays/vacations on my own. If your TA isn't meeting your expectations, and you would be comfortable doing this on your own, thn go for it. I'm not sure if this is still a valid practice today as it was a couple of years ago, but, I remember someone had an issue where they wanted to bypass their TA when making a new booking on line, but the cruise lines computer had their "TA" on file, so after they made their on line booking, the computer automatically assigned the booking to their old TA. Just something to think about
  12. Have you read the boards on CruiseCritic.com and the issues some people write about? It's a pretty good board. You ought to check it out. If a poster is describing an issue with their TA and it's a real issue, the friendly people on that board let them know how to possibly fix it and how to find a better TA the next time. And if the poster is out of bounds and have an unrealistic expectation of the TA's duties, the regulars on CruiseCritic will gently let them know that also. But, I think it's sweet that you and Jimbo are coming to the defense of all TA's and ganging up on someone who doesn't share your opinions of your professions.
  13. My only comment would be, and I know I'm guilty of this,,,, is it possible that you didn't notice, pay attention to, or were less worried about what was going on around you 20 years ago vs today now that you're older? I'm just sayin. I know I'm less tolerant today than I was 20 years ago. Getting older is not for the weak. 😉
  14. No, you really didn't make your point. 1. Never once did I say the average cruiser knows more than a majority of TA's. If you can find a quote where I did say this exactly, then I will clarify or make a mea culpa. 2. I contend that very few TA's know what is covered, or what is not covered, what a pre-existing condition is and if it's covered, or the limits on the medical. Otherwise, no TA with a conscience would sell some of the policies they do. 3. I never said or implied or claimed that TA's should fill out the insurance claim form. I said, implied, and stand behind that a TA should be available to answer question, assist with how to properly file a claim (is this claim a Trip Delay, a Trip Interruption, or what and we all know that if you file under the wrong reason, the claim will be denied), and to go to bat for their client if the Travel Insurance company is being obstinate. 4. I stand behind that ANY commission earned ($5 or $500) obligates the TA ethically to assist the client in any way. (and don't twist this the wrong way. I'm talking about things you can help the client control. Not the knuckleheads who want to complain about their TA assuring them there was coke on the ship, but the ship only had Pepsi products) And AGAIN, I have to say this LOUDLY because some have not been able to comprehend this when I've written it in the past couple of posts. GOOD TA'S ARE FAR AND FEW BETWEEN. THERE ARE SOME GREAT TA'S, HOWEVER THERE ARE MORE MEDIOCRE ONES THAN GOOD ONES. My personal feelings are that you are probably a good one since my post seems to have hit a nerve. But don't be mad at me just because I want to warn people that if they are going to use a TA, do some research and do everything possible to find a good one.
  15. Do they do anything on July 1st for our Canadian guests? What about September 16th for our Mexican guests? January 26th for our Aussie Guests? It is an international sailing aboard an international corporation's ship with international guests and crew on board.
  16. While I'm certain many if not all of the experts on this board already know this information, there may be a few novices who were always curious about these mysterious coded letters. Here is an interesting YouTube video from TheHistoryGuy. I hope you enjoy
  17. You missed the part where I previously started my posts (#38) saying "Good" TA's are far and few between. There are some great TA's, however, there are more mediocre ones than good ones. Regarding #3 Nothing wrong with reserving a block of cabins and selling at a reduced rate. As long as there is full disclosure that the client is part of a group package and that they are eligible for certain amenity's for being a part of the group. Plus given the option of opting out of that group for a slightly higher price.
  18. After having pre-check for years, applied for and received after the program first stared, it was a breeze to pass through TSA. Then, a couple of years ago, Pre-Check lines were backing up terribly. So I then applied for and received CLEAR. With Pre-Check and CLEAR, I was getting thru even faster than before. Now, with everybody and their brother with Pre-Check, and CLEAR becoming more popular, I just hope the biometric, NBC detection equipment, and facial recognition becomes more accepted, and we can do away or dramatically reduce security lines at all.
  19. With 35,700 posts under your belt which is probably on the low side if you were part of the AOL Chat Room, then I know you've been around and read the horror stories that many clients have experienced. Very few TA's know what is and more importantly what is NOT covered in the insurance they sell. Very few inform their clients that $20K in medical is probably way too low and is secondary on top of that. Very few will assist a client in filing their claim even though they sold the policy and accepted the commission. (Quite an upcharge all in the name of the client's protection? Yea, right) My very first cruise years ago we were sold a package. Didn't know we were part of a group package until after we were on the ship a few days. But please, feel free to tell me I'm wrong.
  20. "Good" TA's are far and few between in my opinion. To many, it's just another job to have resources to feed the family and pay the bills. They run all sorts of scams such as booking you into a "group" that you didn't know you're a part of so they can receive conductor credits, to not booking people on their cruise line of choice but rather guiding you to "their" cruise line of choice, to ensuring the clients safety and selling them on worthless travel insurance that they get a very nice commission on, but they themselves know nothing about.
  21. The problem with Air2Sea and any of the other cruise line air travel accommodations is that there are huge potential problems that can and do occur. 99 out of 100 people will not have problems, but when that 1 person does, it's always the cruise lines air travel departments fault. Imagine that. Ever since 2007 there has been a sticky called "Cruise Air and Air Deviation" on the Cruise Air segment of CruiseCritic that helps explain how cruise line purchased air travel works and the potential pitfalls included, but few read it. Yes, the thread is 16 years old but the information is still valid today. I'm not saying that cruise line air programs are bad, it's just that people need to know how it works, when it doesn't, and then make the choice that best works for them.
  22. GC and I both recommend checking out Get the Best Trip Insurance Details, Advice (tripinsurancestore.com) Don't hesitate in calling them. Pleasent to speak with and very helpful in guiding you to a coverage plan that fits YOUR needs, not their commission needs.
  23. Why do I say that we are spoiled/entitled? There are a few people on this board who have achieved or inherited a certain level of financial security that has afforded them a sense of expectation that few will ever achieve. They have grown accustomed to a luxury and lack a certain level of empathy or understanding to others struggles. In my opinion, just the ability to enjoy a cruise vacation, let alone many cruise vacations, places many of us in the spoiled/entitled mindset. Especially those of us who sometimes forget "where we came from". Many of us have taken the ability to enjoy a cruise holiday/vacation for granted.
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