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Everything posted by 2wheelin

  1. Thank you. This is exactly the answer he needs and not someone telling him to take a different vacation his wife probably does not want.
  2. But if they hear 10 people had a similar situation and none of them had a problem, they are in a position to possibly question an answer they get from Carnival. But then again, we all know Carnival never gives out incorrect information,
  3. If you need to resort to fear (threats etc) for them to behave appropriately, you have already missed the parenting boat.
  4. Sid did say he was going to write a book. He just got us to do it for him.
  5. Are we sure he actually is on a cruise? First pics could have been from his library…….
  6. Perception of wait time vs reality would be a very interesting study. Although I think most of us know what the outcome would be.
  7. Have used MTD several times and found it very usable. Not quite as convenient as Carnival but still……We would go to the podium about 6:00 the first night and always get in within 10 minutes. We would be asked if we wanted to eat about the same time every night and have the same table. As for bad service, the tips cover all the service people, not just waiters. It would be more productive to address any perceived poor service at the time of occurrence and forget about the few cents that person would get in tips from that interaction. Just leave the tips in place and if you feel you get poor service more than a couple of times (rare in my experience) look inward at your expectations.
  8. EDL will not cover all situations where a passport is required.
  9. You always sign a waiver for the excursion provider so should not be a concern of the cruise line. Let people decide for themselves and take their chances. One could step off a curb on a walking excursion and break an ankle. Probably could not sue the cruise line either.
  10. It’s Called the limbo. How low can you go…Hope they get banned. But I just want to give my family a nice cruise……….
  11. We don’t know how it is calculated on the bartender side though. They may get credited $1 for individual drinks but only 18% of the daily fee is added to the drink package so it would be a floating amount. Thus no $1.52 or whatever amount left over to wonder about. Thus if the drink package is $80/da, the 18% is $14.40 no matter how many drinks are obtained. Maybe 15 which comes to 7%. The cruise line obviously has a formula to work that out so the bartender gets the credit amount for each drink no matter how much the actual percent of the tip. Not for us to worry about.
  12. No, you pay 18% on the drink package price no matter how many drinks you order. There is a tipping point depending on how much you paid for your package where the “tip” switches from greater than 18% to possibly much less than 18%. Your gratuity amount does not change no matter how many drinks you have. How the cruise line determines a dollar amount for bartenders per drink is irrelevant.
  13. With all these comments I just started to consider this for our March cruise. Please tell me more. Are there better/different free food choices than the buffets? Is the lagoon area good for snorkeling? Pictures look like it is more sheltered by rocks. Will the ocean be too cold in March? Is it an area you can come and go to other beach areas easily if you have friends with kids?
  14. This is the thing that could complicate no show unless daughter 3 was eligible for the same offer.
  15. Knee jerk reaction from some people too lazy to call the cruise line first? Notice they stated have done it several times. Maybe not all cruise line mistakes but too small to contest. Who has that many incidences? Glad you got it resolved quickly and appropriately.
  16. From what I have read on CC, cruise lines handle charge backs differently from most businesses. Will they worry about $50? Probably not. Could you be put on a watch list? Possibly.
  17. Good way to get banned from the cruise line.
  18. Thank you. You worded it so much better than I would have. I also suggest anyone in a scooter or with a stroller make extra “requests” so more space will be allotted. Although I usually defer to a scooter, it is a negative experience when my assigned elevator arrives and a scooter takes up all the space.
  19. Beautiful masks. Have thoroughly enjoyed your posts. You make it all come to life instead of just a list of things you did, ate, and drank. BTW your attack on booze will go much better with a buddy. Way back in the double or triple digit pages I mentioned a new building in town you might like. However it is part of a large medical complex so I hope you never have to come here.
  20. Thank you. I only saw the other media choice and that didn’t work.
  21. What do I need to do to post a photo in a comment?
  22. It’s not the duck. It’s who he can please with it. 😊
  23. They obviously joined because they had a question. Why is that a red flag? He stated he was taking peoples advice from here and gathering the necessary paperwork to pursue. He has nothing more to add until he hears from Carnival. What pot is being stirred? Some people have jobs and/or don’t spend every day on social media.
  24. I’ve cruised quite a bit and would not have known that all cruise lines accept Amex since quite a few places do not—especially outside the US. There are logical red flags-like “you have to pay for this in full with no refund possibility”, and there are red flags that aren’t as logical. You learn them through a bad experience or from sites such as this. It would be nice if people would post “that would have been a red flag for ME since I have had X experience, rather than heap blame by stating that should have been a red flag for anyone.
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