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Everything posted by cruzingnut

  1. Current position of Rotterdam (and Eurodam is the other green arrow) is just off the north coast of Cuba.
  2. Current condition regarding Port Everglades and Port Miami: https://assets.simpleviewinc.com/simpleview/image/upload/v1/clients/porteverglades/MSIB_22_024_Port_Condition_Yankee_NICOLE_signed_fe393129-5d54-466c-9e36-baa85b6b7194.pdf All vessels over 500 tons must leave and none allowed in or within 3 miles of the coast. Linda R.
  3. Good to hear from someone on now! Yesterday when I check the ship location, it looked like you sailed away from Grand Turk and were heading north along the outside of the Bahamas....this morning, I see you off the coast of Cuba. Wise choice to go that way, for sure! IF we get to get on tomorrow, I'm hoping we won't take the "typical" way down to the Eastern Caribbean (Straight out from FLL through the Bahamas to the Atlantic, then take a right to go south). Hoping for going along the way you are going to get here. Other than the storm, and I think you are missing HMC today, how are things onboard? Any Covid info? If you have time, please, please let us know what is happening regarding docking tomorrow. Thanks, Linda R.
  4. I'm almost wishing that they would move the ship down to Miami where there isn't (at least currently) a Hurricane Watch. Ship is due to leave at 3PM but tropical force winds are possible along the coast by 8AM. Remember, those winds extend all the way up to 70ish mph. I vote for Miami since we live just south of there and are also boarding on Wednesday. 😎 Linda R.
  5. You owe me nothing! ❤️ I'm just glad if I've been able to help even a little bit. I'll be continuing to follow your trip so will still be keeping "tabs" on you in a way. Linda R.
  6. @kazu Can you tell if there is an adjustment just below that "cuff" on there? If there is, lower them so that they sit lower on your arm and not affected by your elbow. Also, be sure that when you are standing and your arm is hanging by your side, that the hand grip is at the level of your wrist. That's a very important position too. At last resort, once you board the ship, see the Dr. and ask them to adjust them for you or maybe even give you regular crutches. I'm wondering why you were given these in the first place? They should be more comfortable than the regular crutches since those press against your sides and into your armpit though. Sigh...I hope you get it figured out and am glad to hear that you are deciding to go on the cruise! Linda R.
  7. Oh, they gave you Loftstrand crutches! If you can stream video, this will show you how to "fit" them properly to yourself and how to use them. https://www.google.com/search?q=fitting+loftstrand+crutches&client=firefox-b-1-d&ei=0mdkY6yCF5KMwbkP8LSTgAc&ved=0ahUKEwiss8eJrZP7AhUSRjABHXDaBHAQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=fitting+loftstrand+crutches&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIHCAAQgAQQDTIICAAQhgMQiwMyCAgAEIYDEIsDOgoIABBHENYEELADOgYIABAHEB46CAgAEAgQHhANOgUIABCGAzoFCAAQogQ6CgghEMMEEAoQoAE6CAghEMMEEKABSgQIQRgASgQIRhgAUKoEWJkcYKgfaAFwAXgAgAF7iAH0B5IBAzguM5gBAKABAcgBCLgBA8ABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#kpvalbx=_9GdkY7DMMb-TwbkP-by1iAQ_27 Sorry for the long link, I do hope it works! Let me know if not and I can try to help you out differently. Linda R.
  8. @kazu I've been following your "adventures" prior to the cruise and am so sorry you've hurt yourself. I wish I could help you with the crutches (I'm a former Physical Therapist). One word of advice about the rolling walker....it really isn't meant to be used to push people around on. It's not designed for that so please be careful about it. I wish you luck and hope you heal quickly and can get on with your trip. Linda R.
  9. @Scrapnana, so sorry to hear that you tested positive! What Covid shots have you had other than the original 2? Did you get 2 boosters after those and then get the newest one that is targeted to Omicron? Hope you continue symptom free and can keep busy enough to make it thru quarantine. I got a chuckle about the carpet. That would be me too since I took up walking daily after my back surgery last year. Linda R.
  10. @WCB We are supposed to go to Bora Bora on the world cruise next year! They'll change that too no doubt. Oh man, that stinks.....we always go to Matira Beach and sit in the glorious water.....😭 Who is the dining room manager onboard right now? I don't remember when Presty boards. Linda R.
  11. Oh, how wonderful it must have been to see Henk, Shiv and Twinkle!!! I'm so jealous! Glad you are onboard again and will be enjoying vicariously thru you. I'd be wearing my mask too! Stay safe and have a great time! Tell Henk and Shiv that Dave (Rickerson) and I said hi and we look forward to seeing them on the world cruise next year. Linda
  12. Smart move when you look at the wind (knots) and the wave heights (meters) for that area! Linda R.
  13. @Ken the cruiser You might check this place out; it's a lot closer to the city and they offer transfers. It's a new place that just opened in 2021. https://www.skylagoon.com/getting-here-hours/ Linda R.
  14. I can assure you, it is a real picture and not from some brochure somewhere. I never post pictures that are not mine. Linda R.
  15. The picture I posted above with the arrows pointing to the path and to the trees was taken this past February. Just don't ask me how I got it though! Linda R.
  16. It's a bit of a walk, but if you go down the path behind the beach, past the dining pavilions and past the pirate ship, you will come to where there are no more cabanas. There are plenty of trees there to sit under. Linda R.
  17. @Ken the cruiser, I've been following you along with the "hoards" and have enjoyed your VERY Live From! This is Linda of Linda and Dave....of HAL and the "Amsterdam Cigar Club". Looking forward to your next trip in 2 weeks. Hope you get some good rest in so you are ready to go do it all again! Linda R.
  18. Thanks for updating and I'm GLAD the ship seems to be getting better! Are people just staying in their own cabins now and not being moved? Enjoy and continue to stay safe! Linda R.
  19. Having been on the VOV 3 times, I used layers with the outermost one being waterproof. I would leave the "doughboy" coat home; you shouldn't need it. If you need more, just added another layer, made sure to have a hat and scarf. Plus, if you get warm, it's a lot easier to take off a layer and tie it around your waist. Can't go that with those pouffy coats! I don't like being cold at all and this worked for me. I typically wore a fleece around on the INside of the ship on cruises in these climates. Just be sure to have at least a couple things you can layer with, ie: more than one fleece/sweatshirt type item. I did do the long undies too and had a thin, long sleeved shirt over them. Linda R.
  20. Is it possible for you to start a separate thread for your cruise onboard the Rotterdam? I'd love to follow along! I don't always come on this thread but just happened across your posts today. Glad you are having a good time so far; enjoy! Linda R.
  21. Thanks for chiming in on this thread! If you've never done this trip, you will LOVE it!. Enjoy it all...even the rocking! Like you said, it's part of the cruise experience. Linda R.
  22. Oh, thank heavens this is being posted about! I was close to asking if anyone was going to post from it. One of our fav cruises; we've done it 3 times. @travelers07, any tidbits of info you are able to post will be greedily read by a lot of people, for sure. Thanks for posting. But, do be sure to enjoy your trip though! Red Bay is hard to get into; we couldn't on the 2018 trip. I've been there by land and by ship and there really isn't a lot there but it's quite unique since it's at the northern end of the only paved road along the east coast of Labrador. At least it was when we drove it, way back in the 90's...it was only 40 miles long. After Red Bay, to the north, the road was gravel. Linda R.
  23. @Btimmer Just posting your correct blog address since the other one didn't show up. Took an educated guess and changed the year on it. Thanks for blogging; really enjoying all the posts from AK this summer! Linda R. https://timmertd2022.blogspot.com/
  24. Post away! For me, there is no such thing as too many blogs....a lot of us are living vicariously through you wonderful people that are sharing your trips. I'm def following! Have a safe and fun trip/cruise. Linda R.
  25. The say goodnight on the side facing you as you get into bed and when getting up, they say good morning on the other edge. I didn't realize that at first until I looked at it more closely. We go slippers with ours too; are they still giving those out? We have had to ask for them on occasion. Linda R.
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