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Everything posted by tgg

  1. Agree - totally, completely, wholly, and then some. Time moves on and so have we.
  2. Never hurts to have a paper copy with you.
  3. I think people who have not sailed on Azamara don't realize that the senior officers, including the captain, are walking around the ship and talking to passengers all the time. The first time the captain approached our table at lunchtime and asked if he could join us, I was shocked. We hadn't booked a fancy suite. He just wanted to chat and find out how we were enjoying the cruise - and whether we had any feedback. This would never have happened on Oceania. Management on Azamara ships knows that you can't fix things you don't know about.
  4. You don't have to "find" the HD. Let Guest Relations know that you would like to speak to the HD directly. If you can get this continuing problem addressed, those of us with future cruises will thank you.
  5. I would have left too. Sometimes I think that the people running audio have grown up with earbuds in their ears for years. They have undiagnosed hearing loss from listening to too loud music and don't realize that their parents' hearing is sharper than theirs.
  6. Thanks mwf7501 for taking the time to reassure those of us with upcoming Onward cruises that the problems highlighted during the inaugural cruise have been addressed. I look forward to our December cruise knowing that the Azamara we know and love is back.
  7. Lots of people just wear a white tee shirt and any pair of pants they happen to bring. Who can't wear that? I guess I don't understand "not everyone can wear white"
  8. The prompt response to survey items is the Azamara we're used to. Good to hear.
  9. Many of us with upcoming sailings on Onward are concerned with whether issues raised by earlier passengers have been addressed. So if you've sailed on Onward in the last few month, could you comment on whether you feel things have been taken care of - or if we should be concerned. It would be great if you can be as specific as possible. Thanks.
  10. 90% new to Azamara. Wow, that's rare. The only time I've seen the rate of repeaters anywhere near that low was on one of the last cruises Azamara did to Cuba. Most passengers were frequent Celebrity customers who complained about the entertainment and the lack of a gigantic casino. Guess they didn't read the brochure.😉
  11. We agree; Eric is a true showman. Do you know if he will still be aboard for the Dec. 12 cruise?
  12. Nippy Sweetie: By giving us details about the problems you had with your arrival, you've helped lots of us think about the travel arrangements being made for us. Thank you for taking the time to explain. I'm sorry it was so poorly done. Not a great way to start a vacation. As someone who sails frequently with Azamara, I know they will do everything possible once you're onboard to make sure you are satisfied with your cruise. They WANT you to be happy. Some of us are naturally assertive (and always polite). Some of us aren't. That's fine. We are all trying to help you get what you need. I was so excited for you when you posted that you got the upgrade. I hope your issues are addressed and you enjoy the rest of your cruise.
  13. I'd like to learn from your experience. Could you tell me what was awful about the travel arrangements by Azamara? What was wrong with the arrivals procedure? What was "frankly poor" about the Aqualina breakfast? Was there no coffee, or was service slow? It would help me understand if you could give me more details. Thanks.
  14. I find the laundry room the least crowded first thing in the morning or at dinner time. The day before disembarkation is the worst. If you're running a lot of laundry, go to the laundry room and grab one of the baskets, bring it back to your cabin, throw your clothes in, and carry it back to the laundry room. Trying to stuff everything into the provided laundry bag is a chore.
  15. uktog, The way you combine fantastic photography and actionable advice makes your posts "must reads" for anyone planning a cruise that calls at any of these ports. For those of us who will be cruising elsewhere, we'll continue to enjoy your writing and the scenery. Hope to see you again on Azamara. Toni
  16. I wonder if this is just another way to "encourage" people to read through the shore excursion offerings.😉
  17. Ask the Hotel Manager (politely) to change your cabin. It costs the cruise line nothing to make the switch. The worst they can say is no. The goodwill they will gain is substantial.
  18. It sounds fine to me. I'll look forward to it.
  19. tgg

    Heike Leaving!

    Here's more information on Explora1: https://www.cruisecritic.com/reviews/review.cfm?ShipID=1527
  20. Buy another 100 shares in your own name and solve the problem.
  21. Our travel agent remembers to include this with all our reservations. It's always in the cabin when we board.
  22. Part of the compensation that travel agencies earn is based on the dollar volume they produce for any given cruise line. It is always worth their while to handle your booking, unless you're someone who needs their hand held constantly and you take up an inordinate amount of the travel agent's time.
  23. If arriving at the cruise port by air, never arrive on the sail date. Stuff happens. Always book a hotel and arrive the day before.
  24. If you're a person who is prone to motion sickness and you hit bad weather, you'll be happier on a larger ship.
  25. Country casual? Perhaps those two words should be separated by "club". 😉
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