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Barwick Cruiser

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Everything posted by Barwick Cruiser

  1. Thank you so much for your review and all the great photos. Glad you had a wonderful voyage and were able to enjoy some informative presentations. Hope your travels home are smooth and uneventful! Any future cruises in the plans? Cathy
  2. Wow, you have been a very busy woman! Def deserve a lovely holiday, your Mum is very lucky to have such a caring daughter. I hope you both enjoy this getaway…great ports too! Thanks for taking us along! Cathy
  3. When they say long walk vs short walk what are the approx distances of each? Do they give you an approx length of time for the walks? Your recent sets of photos are amazing…well done! Cathy
  4. Can you ask your wife if there’s a ladder of some sort to get back onto the tender from snorkeling? The water looks fairly calm and tho I’m not a strong swimmer I’m comfortable snorkeling in deep water especially with a dive suit and snorkel vest. I do float pretty well 😂. I’d hate to miss all the snorkeling due to not being a strong swimmer but of course would abide by any rules or guidelines. Thank you!
  5. Add me to the club of Sleepbuds fans…every night or I don’t sleep, also often wonder what I’d do if they started to fail…your review can’t come soon enough lol. Keeping my fingers crossed that they work well for you and come with a positive recommendation and don’t break my bank 😬 Thanks for the update and as well for this wonderful blog! Cathy
  6. I’m assuming there was an extra charge for the glamping experience? So glad you got your camera back…phew! Cathy
  7. Your Kotor video worked well for me…you have a very steady hand! Looks beautiful 🌞 thank you!
  8. Thank you so much for all the details you’re including in your report. I’m very sorry you suffered so badly with the altitude sickness at the beginning and I’m hoping you felt better the next day or so. This is a trip we’re hoping to do so the details are very helpful. Are you using a camera phone? Cathy
  9. Sorry to hear that the dive excursion didn’t go well, I know how disappointing it can be when you’re looking forward to an experience and conditions and extenuating circumstances let you down. Hopefully Marcia tries again and renews her love of diving. Also hope her shins heal up…ouch! Thanks again for all your great pics! Bringing back lots of memories! Cathy
  10. Thank you for posting your travels so we can all follow along! I’m looking forward to your pics and commentary!
  11. Glad you’re having a lovely sailing. We’re embarking Silhouette in May for the Baltics cruise. Glad to hear the entertainment is good and that the service we’ve come to appreciate is on point! Hope the remainder of your sailing continues to be smooth!
  12. Your pics of Portofino are gorgeous…the snowy peaks in the distance add a lovely dimension! Very happy for you that you’re enjoying your holiday so far. Wishing they’d put T-pools on the S class ships and they’d have everything I’d want lol. Keep up the great postings, I’m very much enjoying following along! Cathy
  13. So many great pics! Have only done the full transit so it’s helpful and very interesting to see the perspective from onshore. Too bad about the rain…our transit was clear but oh so very hot and humid. I watched mostly from the pool deck to cool off with occasional plunges into the pool. 😅
  14. Do you have an excursion planned for Cartagena today? We did Dora’s tour when we were there it was great. Curious to read what you and Marcia did. Also, any other excursions planned for your other ports? Cathy
  15. Im glad you’re onboard and have safely left port. Wishing clear skies for your journey! If the app is correct, you have Eddie Jenkins as your cruise director..we’ve had him before and he was wonderful. If you get a chance can you see if he’ll still be on for the May 24th sailing? TIA! Cathy
  16. Anyone know how long Captain Kirk’s current contract lasts? That rock show sounds amazing so hopefully he’s still on for the May 24 cruise 🤞 Cathy
  17. David, too bad you’re missing the dive, better to look after your health, but that is a gorgeous view while you wait for Marcia to return. Did she take a GoPro or underwater camera with her? Enjoy your land day and safe travels to the port! Exciting day coming up! 🚢 🤿 🥂
  18. Love the colours in the water…just beautiful!
  19. David and Marcia, wishing you both a wonderful cruise…the full transit is amazing, DH and I did it years ago on the Infinity from Ft L straight thru and up to Seattle. Amazing ports along the way and thoroughly enjoyed. I’m also interested in the dive you’re doing tomorrow, hope you give details and pics from that! Safe travels!
  20. Thank you for bringing the ship to the Netherlands where we will board for our Baltics cruise next month! I love the Silhouette and I hope you have calm seas and wonderful weather for your holiday. Thanks so much for doing this report, I’ll be happily following along! Cathy
  21. Nothing better than a cold rum punch on a catamaran sailing from a snorkel at the Pitons…ahhhh! I’m not jealous at all 😂😂🥂
  22. I empathize deeply with your situation! I was greatly attached to my IPhone SE but wasn’t as in love with the camera. Before our recent trip to NZ I upgraded to the 15..base model, didn’t like the larger size of the Max models and honestly it was very easy to adjust to no home button. My new camera takes amazing photos without needing to make all kinds of adjustments…I’m def not a techy person. And this new camera…sorry, phone 🤦🏼‍♀️, easily updates to all the new security features. Good luck with whatever you choose to do but Alaska is an amazing destination with heaps of photo opportunities and a new phone with an upgraded camera won’t be the worst decision you’ll ever make! 😉
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