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Everything posted by rafinmd

  1. On my Rotterdam VI transatlantic in 2011 there was a day or 2 where they changed the closks at both noon and 2AM creating a couple of very short days but keeping the relationship between day and night somewhat in the right ratio. I think there has been a time or two where they have not moved to local time under very exceptional circumstances, such as: A half hour time change rarely A port where there is very little opportunity to look at the time while in port And always where you look at local time you will be back on the ship early rather than late. It never happens at popular ports. Roy
  2. @StLouisCruisers here's a link to my blog post from Mystery Island: https://morethangetaways.wordpress.com/2018/02/11/day-serenity37-sunday-february-11-2018-mystery-island/ I'll highlight just one photo, definitely NOT a menu suggestion: Roy
  3. Today's sunrise is from my 2020 Crystal Serenity World Cruise segment. On February 29 we were supposed to call at Hobart, Australia but did not get there due to storms: Roy
  4. Today's sunrise is from my 2020 Crystal Serenity World Cruise segment. On February 29 we were supposed to call at Hobart, Australia but did not get there due to storms: Roy
  5. Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie. I'll celebrate National Toast Day, National Digital Learning, not sure about National Leap Day but things would get really weird without it. I like the David Bowie quote and will celebrate both of the days in history, especially the Panama Canal. I think this may be the first ever listing of any port for Vanautu. I have not been to Port Vila but have been to Mystery Island on the Crystal Serenity in 2018. I'll pass on the meal and no alternative photo. I have never been on a BHB on February 29 so my actual alternative will be Assorted mixed greens, Grilled Vlack Angus Filet Steak with mashed potatoes and Cherry Garcia Ice Cream) as served on Crystal Symphony February 29, 2016. My Fantasy alternative is Supreme of Hawaiin Fruit, Veal Parmigana, and Mango Blueberry Crisp as served on MS Volendam February 29, 2024 and posted on Rich's live report. A cold morning and will be a blustery afternoon. I suspect it may have just been a random variable but my walk in our mall this morning felt a bit better than yesterday. Roy
  6. Well, the cardiologist was not the greatest but I was not really expecting great news. The plan for now is that she has doubled one medication, dropped another, labs in 2 weeks, echocardiogram and followup in early April, and she raised the possibility of a consult with the Johns Hopkins Valve Clinic in the foreseeable future. I did get home well before we have serious rain. Roy
  7. I have a sunset today, rather than a sunrise from my 2016 Crystal Symphony Antarctic cruise from Buenos Aires to Miami. On February 28 we visited Cartagena: Roy
  8. I have a sunset today, rather than a sunrise from my 2016 Crystal Symphony Antarctic cruise from Buenos Aires to Miami. On February 28 we visited Cartagena: Roy
  9. I don't think it was the Sun you were on 40 years ago (Star, Sky or Sea?) as Sun was built 36 years ago. All the Royal Viking ships were in service up to the Pandemic, but now only 2 remain. Royal Viking Queen is now Windstar's Star Legend. I had 171 fabulous nights on Sun as HAL Prinsendam. She is still going strong as Amera for Phoenix Reisen. I got a final look at her when she visited Baltimore last April 6: Roy
  10. Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie, and Ann. I'll pass on the Floral Design but gladly celebrate the other 2 days. A great quote by Dalai Lama which fits in quite nicely with Inconvenience Yourself Day. I have been to Nuku' Alufa in Tonga but not today's port. Three great days in history. I will both celebrate and mourn the last episode of M*A*S*H. I did not watch it at the time but have extensively enjoyed the reruns. I'll pass on the meal. My alternative is Tropical Fruit Medley, Lamb Shank, and Baked Alaska, my final dinner on MS Koningsdam February 28. 2017: I see the Oncologist in a couple of hours and hope our heavy rain holds off. Got to the mall for my walk and then brought in my recycling cart with just a bit of drizzle this morning. I think once back from the doctor I'll pretty much hunker down inside before the heavy rain and wind start. Roy
  11. As a Britannia cruiser (then and now most of those on board) I think I would find things a bit different. Love how everybody is now so nearly equal once out of their cabins. Not to mention, even if one were available I would have hated to face the North Atlantic in an open lifeboat. Roy
  12. Thank you for letting us know. Sounds serious but she got to the right place at the right time. Roy
  13. While I like Lamb I will probably pass on today's meal. My alternative is Papaya with Rainbow of Fruit, Oven Roasted Chicken, and Blueberry Crisp as served on MS Prinsendam February 27, 2019: This has not been traditionally part of my routine with my cardiologist but I remembered only last night that she had requested that I get labwork done for tomorrow's visit. The lab is in the same building as both the oncology and cardiology practices so it would have been a trivial matter to go the lab after my checkin at oncology, and most of the tests were the same anyway. I left home sooner than planned to get to the lab soon after it opened, and they did have the order on file, and I was out quickly. I was told 24-48 hours for the results to be ready and went upstairs to check in with oncology about a possible need to reschedule the appointment to be sure the results would be ready but they said it should not be a problem to keep the appointment as scheduled. Well, in fact the results showed up in My Chart about 3PM, and most of the tests were a subset of the tests I got in oncology. Oh well. One good thing. My PSA is down some from January. Roy
  14. Today's sunrise is from my 2019 Grand South America cruise on MS Prinsendam (nee Royal Viking Sun), On February 27 Prinsendam visited Ilheus, Brazil: Roy
  15. Today's sunrise is from my 2019 Grand South America cruise on MS Prinsendam (nee Royal Viking Sun), On February 27 Prinsendam visited Ilheus, Brazil: Roy
  16. Running behind but I'll try to post at least a bit. Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Ann, Debbie, and Dixie, and best wishes for your sister, Ann. Welcome back @marshhawk. Polar Bears are truly majestic but I'll pass on the Kahlua. I don't really remember hearing the term Ansmia before but the concept certainly came to light in the pandemic. A great day in women's history. I have not been to Philip Island but love the Twain quote. I'll try to be back later. Goofed on my plans for tomorrow's cardiologist visit and it's thrown me off some. Roy
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