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Towel Critter

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Posts posted by Towel Critter

  1. Data collection and tracking is big business, every company wants to know where and how someone goes in a store or on a ship, for how long, and where something might have caught their eye. There are sensors we wittingly carry, like smart phones, and cameras and other detection devices we aren't even aware of all around us every day.


    Almost every app we install on a smart phone now asks about location and data collection, and many won't fully work if we decide to turn them off. Others just put it in the fine print, and how many of us just scroll to the bottom and press accept?


    Big Brother is not just watching us; he's FEELING us too.

    Exactly. I have precious few apps on my phone. Of course, I can't avoid these invasions of privacy altogether. I do try to limit them though.

  2. I wonder if people could actually get use to it, sorta like wearing an ankle bracelet ;)..

    You cant leave home without it :D The big G is watching you.

    Sure. You don't miss what you never had, and each generation is accustomed to less privacy than the former generation had.

  3. Which is valuable to them as well. Certainly not foolproof but way (as in high double digits) more info then they have now.



    Sent from my iPhone using Forums

    Mine was a frivolous post, which I assume you "got." But as long as we're on the subject. I would not like having my movements tracked, no more than I like being tracked on the internet. It would be an invasion of privacy. Privacy is more and more becoming a thing of the past, something G. Orwell foresaw. For me, it would bother me just on principal, since I would not be going anywhere on a ship that I should not be.
  4. What they do is track you ur every movement, time spent there etc.
    So when they finally roll this out, I, for one, will spend a few hours per day hanging out in the casino. I may read or just people watch, but not gamble. :Dj/k
  5. I have seen people saying they got something special for Birthdays and anniversaries and such. Where do I add that on my carnival info? It’s worth a try
    There is an option to do that on your Carnival cruise manager at the CCL site.
  6. I suppose it's a small chance, but one nonetheless. Wore out my old Victoria's Secret Gift Card after using it for a couple years for my safes half way through a cruise once. Would kind of be a pain if that happened to a good CC.
    That's a sad ending to a very worthwhile card. :D
  7. Not sure if this would qualify as a "hack", but it does enhance our enjoyment of our balcony. I bring a bag of M&M's (the peanut butter ones are my favorite) to snack on while we're sitting on our balcony. It's a cruise tradition for us. We also bring a pair of binoculars to get a closer look at any ships we see in the distance.
    I like the binoculars idea. I've meant to do it before, but forgot them. We like to watch for flying fish.
  8. It wouldn't be a hack anymore. But the ships could supply guests with fire resistant hammocks, and some decent hooks on the ceiling to get them hanging without breaking a divider.

    They could even rent them and make a few bucks.

  9. I don't know if it's against regulations but I have seen pics of hammocks.
    I don't know if hammocks are against regulations or not either. It's a great idea if it isn't. Now that I think about it, it probably is. Understandably, they frown on anything on the balcony that could possibly catch fire.
  10. I've seen a lot of threads on CC about cabin hacks (magnetic walls, hanging organizers, etc...), but don't recall seeing one on balcony hacks. Maybe there aren't any that are within the rules. But if you have a neat idea for enhancing your enjoyment on the balcony, post here, please. Please, nothing that is against safety regulations. I don't want this thread to get derailed before the first page is filled. Thanks.

  11. Before I had the plastic luggage tags, I used packing tape to connect the ends together. Of course I covered the tags in packing tape first.



    Sent from my iPhone using Forums

    That works too, maybe even better than a thousand staples... though I've never lost one.
  12. From what I understand, the satellite tv got too costly and most of the cruise lines dropped the service. If that is anything like my home satellite service, I can sure understand that. Seems like they up their price every few months and it's ridiculous as it is.

    They should get cable TV. ;)

  13. Not snarky, negative, ect. at all. Lol I completely agree! Yes I'm old. Yes I absolutely love them[emoji3]... When we bring our 7yo, and or the Grands, sometimes with our older kids & sometimes without, and even when we cruise blissfully alone, We Love Them... It's entirely a subjective thing. So don't worry about what anyone else may or may not think of your thoughts. You own them. Celebrate that. We do. It makes for happier Cruisin. Happier life.


    [emoji924]️ Cruisin Trkrs [emoji597]

    Thanks. I was just trying to avoid getting into a long debate that I don't have time for today. I'm 58 and male and love the towel animals.:hearteyes:
  14. Oh I know, I'm in the tiniest minority here. My attitude comes from cruising so often that I've seen 'em all and they no longer have any "o look at this one" surprise or wonder. Plus I've stayed in a few hotels along the coast of Playa del Carmen and elsewhere that had much more intricate designs that the simple twist ones that Carnival staff devise.


    BTW, I also prefer my travel and food to be more energetic and unique, rather than familiar and comforting. JMO, and YMMV, which I also respect. That's what makes the world go round.


    Perhaps I should have said that by having 8 towel animals on my sofa, if Carnival was doing that for every one of the 1965 cabins, it was taking at least 16,000 towels out of circulation until turnover day, increasing the workload of an already hectic and busy shift. (At least I'm hoping the towels would get laundered!) Just reuse the same towels for the next days creature or not allow 8 days to build up?

    I get what you are saying. For someone like my wife and I that only cruise 1-2 times a year, they are symbol of having returned to a beloved place/event. If I saw them 10 times a year, I might eventually come to feel the way you do about them. Law of diminishing returns.
  15. We have a December cruise booked. The 90 day check-in policy happened fairly recently because when we first booked we had the Online Check-in button available but now it's inactive until 90 days prior to sailing.

    We can do other things on Cruise Manager like book excursions or make Fun Shop purchases ... but not check-in.

    Same here, I have learned. Only eight more days until the 90 day mark though.
  16. We had 8 days of towel animals in our Horizon balcony at the cruises' end. Here is one "benefit" I would gladly give up to see a lower fare.


    When I travel solo, I usually ask my room steward not to make any at all. I've seen them all, big deal, and this saves time and laundry.

    I don't mean this to sound snarky, negative, offensive, or any of those words, but I suspect your opinion on towel animals - though I do respect it as yours - is in a very small minority. Kids love them, as do many adults. I am one of those adults and would miss them if the tradition were stopped. They are a part of the Carnival cruise experience for me, something familiar and pleasant, sort of like a comfort food, I guess.:)
  17. The majority of the people have inkjet printers. I wouldn't run out a get a laser printer just for luggage tags. If you don't have the plastic sleeves for the tags, just cover them with packing tape. It's a lot cheaper than buying a new printer. ;)
    Yep. I was just curious what the big advantage of laser was.:)
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