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Towel Critter

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Posts posted by Towel Critter

  1. The art auction doesn't bother me one way or the other. I've never attended, but if others wish to that's fine by me. Is it art? It depends on your personal definition, I guess. Some of the prints "look" like originals, but I suspect they were created assembly line style. I know someone who works for a company that makes and sells "art." Many of their items are technically paintings and not prints. Workers create them following detailed instructions. Those workers aren't artists. Can art be created by non-artists? You decide.


    Though we usually have a suite so do VIP boarding. With dream class, I don’t like deck 5 obstruction and will do a cove balcony like this time.

    I'm with you on that. After getting a higher deck on our first Dream class ship, we always go with a cove balcony. I hate that feeling of being a half mile away from the ocean on the upper decks.
  3. No, I don't. I have heard that for some European (I think) cruises the ship will collect all Passports upon boarding and return them at the end. Something about clearing customs more easily? I haven't had that happen though as all my cruises have been in the Caribbean. I don't recall ever hearing of one that requires you to carry it while on shore, but there could be. I just don't know of any.
    I think we are probably safe in assuming none of those countries are in the Caribbean. Even if there were one or two countries in the Caribbean that required it, I'm sure Carnival would let us know before we went ashore without one. I'd like to think they would anyway.


    edit: I've learned something tonight. It happens on occasion, even here on CC. Thanks.

  4. I'm with you in being prepared. Well except the Boy Scout part :D.
    I just spent some time researching what you said about leaving your passport in your safe. Most of the articles I read agree with you, so you seem to be absolutely right. I did run across a vague mention of "some countries" where you will need your actual passport. I wonder which countries those are??? I'm assuming none are in the Caribbean, though we all know what happens "when we assume." Any idea which countries those are?
  5. Yes they send 2 officers to your cabin and open the safe to retrieve your Passports and leave them with the Port. There are quite a few threads on this subject and passengers have even witnessed this happening. John Heald has confirmed that's what they do as well.


    Stuff happens and things can get misplaced or go missing onshore (see my previous post on that). Happens every day I'm sure. It's more secure to have it locked away in the safe and in the extremely unlikely event you miss the ship, it will be waiting for you. Actually the State Dept recommends you keep a copy of it on you when onshore. It says nothing about carrying the actual Passport. At least in the pamphlet that came with my renewal.

    I think I'm okay with the idea of carrying a copy instead of the actual passport. I would feel much better doing that than carrying neither.


    edit: Come to think of it, I always have a copy of my passport in my wallet anyway when cruising. lol.


    edit: And a photo of it in my camera. I guess I'm a Boy Scout at heart. I believe in being prepared. :-)

  6. Right - if you are worried about missing the ship which if you plan right should never happen. However, if by freak chance it does, your Passport will be left with the Port Authority for you to retrieve. That is the only reason why you would need a Passport on shore on a cruise instead of a Driver’s License for ID.

    Serious question: you mean someone on the ship goes and finds your passport and takes it to the Port Authority? It seems like if they take time to do that they could just wait on you a little longer. But you are right, with good planning no one SHOULD ever miss the ship, but you know what they say about "The best laid plans of mice and men." The reason I brought this up is someone posted a long horror story on here a year or two ago about missing the ship and not having a passport. Apparently no one on the ship thought to retrieve their passport and leave it with the PA for them. I think I have more trust in me not losing it than I do someone else locating it and bringing it ashore. I think we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one. :-)

  7. Doea anyone know if they leave sugar packets and Splenda out near the unsweetened tea dispensers? If not would they allow me to bring my own on board? We will be on the Magic.
    There have always been sugar packets on our cruises. They are at the little station where the cream pitcher is kept, along with wooden stirrers, artificial sweetener, and such.
  8. I was also wondering if, since we're turning platinum during that cruise, if we'll receive whatever Platinum gifts are available at that time.


    Yes, you will receive whatever the current gift is, as least I did on the cruise I reached Platinum.
  9. Just like the food, coffee, especially the coffee available at the buffet, is subjective. I have no complaints. It's definitely superior to vending machine coffee. I've never purchased any coffee from the coffee bar, but my wife likes their lattes.
    I agree on all counts. My preference is for plain old decent quality coffee, no flavored stuff for me.
  10. Yes, there will be a mini fridge in the room, but it only keeps things cool-ish, not cold. It seems to me the ice buckest are no longer automatically left in the room ( at least that has been our experience the last couple of cruises), but if you ask you can probably get one. You'll likely also have to ask for it to be filled daily. We find it easier and quicker to just retrieve our own ice from the Lido buffet.

  11. You are right about that. One slice of deep dish, though tasty, is more than enough, and far more than I "need." I think of a good deep dish as comfort food, and the ship's pizza as far more refreshing. Great, now I am craving some of that crispy deliciousness, and I don't cruise again until August:cool:
    I don't cruise until September. I'll be more than ready for some by then. Some of my best (at least most vivid) memories is sitting at the back of the ship, near Pizza Pirate, with my wife, around midnight - when the area is cool and sparsely populated - nibbling on a slice of four cheese or pepperoni. Good times for sure. :)
  12. Hey now, back home I love a good thick, greasy Detroit Style deep-dish, but will swear that the ship's crispy thin crust pizza is delicious! :cool:

    :D I won't tell. I used to love a deep dish pizza, but my taste buds have changed, I guess, in my later years. I just can't deal with that much bread anymore. Love the thin, chewy in places, crispy in places Carnival pizza. I even enjoy those charred bubbles you occasionally get. Rustic, I think is a good word to describe their crust... oh, and delicious.

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