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Towel Critter

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Posts posted by Towel Critter

  1. Back when MSC first began getting into the Caribbean market - about 2012 or 2013 - we got a buy one cruise, get one cruise free deal. I believe we paid roughly $1600 (plus port taxes) for two guests for a balcony stateroom, mid-ship, for 14 days of cruising. This was on the Poesia, the only ship they had in the Caribbean. I wish there were deals like that in 2018. We're not likely to see anything like that ever again though. :-(

  2. After reading this thread, out of curiosity, I went to the Carnival site and looked up "lost luggage policy". Here it is:


    "Carnival’s maximum liability for lost or damaged bags is $50.00 USD per bag ($100.00 USD maximum per stateroom). All receipts must be submitted to Guest Care within 30 days after debarkation."


    Whether this is deemed "fair" or not by anyone reading it, it IS what we all agree to before cruising. Another good reason to purchase travel insurance.

  3. That would be a big disappointment for me as well and likely would be for most people. I've missed a few ports, one in particular that left me greatly disappointed. After a couple of times you just have to shrug your shoulders and say, "well, that's just cruising."


    I am currently booked on the same ship and itinerary you just finished. This will be our fourth attempt to visit Aruba and Curacao. The first three bookings had to be cancelled due to my late mother and late mother-in-law falling seriously ill a few days before sailing. I was very disappointed in more than one way... to say the least. But we are back trying for a fourth time. Stuff happens.

  4. With PayPal you can link a checking or savings account to it so you can send/receive funds directly into the account.
    Okay, thanks. That was my guess... just wanted to verify, as opposed to assuming. :D
  5. What principle would that be? I'm always curious as to the attitude of some cash only folks when they wear the "no credit cards for me" as a badge of honor. If it's a question of controlling their spending I can understand it. If it's some kind of moral superiority/principle thing then I think it's just silly.


    Of course, as always, I could be wrong.

    You'd have to ask them to get an accurate answer. I can only guess it is out of a desire to not be a number... or something like that. And yes, we are all occasionally wrong, me in particular. :)
  6. We have a reputation as natural disaster magnets - none of our friends want to travel with us. :')



    We have that same reputation, but mostly the disasters happen here on the mainland, or elsewhere, while we are away. It's just a coincidence I'm sure, but it really is odd how often it happens. For example, we were in Nassau on September 11, 2001. We were also on a cruise when Katrina hit.


    Just this past Fall we had an Eastern Caribbean cruise booked and we both started having a bad feeling about it, so we changed the itinerary and dates. St. Thomas, St. Maarten, and San Juan were practically wiped out during the week of our previously booked cruise; all were on our previous itinerary.


    But like I said, it's just coincidence... I guess.


    One last thing... We have booked cruises to Aruba and Curacao four times now, the fourth time being currently. All three of the others had to be cancelled within 3 days of sailing because of either my mother or mother-in-law falling seriously ill. Hopefully our upcoming cruise will go as planned and nothing bad will happen to us or anyone else.:o

  7. No problem and no offense taken. Most of that wasn’t directed at you. But yeah, some people do assume that just because someone pays “cash only” on their S&S account that they don’t have a credit card.


    I agree it can be difficult in today’s world getting around without one, but most of the time you could use a debit card (which I wouldn’t for a lot of things. In fact mine is somewhere in a drawer right now as I never use it), or possibly they could get a prepaid one. If you buy things online, there’s always PayPal. So while it may not be as convenient not having a credit card, I’m sure it can be done. I would at least have one with no annual fee and keep it locked away to only be used on vacation in case of emergency. But not everyone can be as disciplined to do so apparently. So in their case I guess it’s best not to have one at all.

    Thanks. My question honestly was just curiosity, as it looks to me to be near impossible to live cash only in 2018. I should have worded it differently, or not asked at all. One last question, if I may. I don't use paypal and so am not familiar with it. Does one not need a card number to open an account with them? I guess not if cash only folks use it.


    I sort of admire folks who choose to live cash only out of principle and not because of bad credit. I just can't wrap my mind around it, since cards are required for so many things.

  8. Who said I only travel with cash? I have credit cards with zero balances that I bring with on which I could purchase vehicles on should I choose. I do a cash account onboard because I save 10% with the discounted gift cards which I buy with my credit card thus earning points and pay it off after doing so.


    Just because someone chooses not to use a credit card for their onboard account has zero to do with their ability to cruise, their ability to budget for vacation, or lack of credit. IMHO it's much smarter to save at least 10% by paying with GCs under a cash account than use a credit card and pay it off upon my return. I get the best of both worlds my way.

    Okay, fair enough. But I wasn't asking my question about you specifically, but about people who live cash only. It was a general question. I should have clarified that, I suppose. I gathered from your comment that you MAY live cash only. I should not have assumed, as we all know what happens when someone assumes. :-) Anyway, my question wasn't meant to be critical of you or even those who do live cash only. I was/am merely curious how folks who live cash only do it, since most everything is set up for cards in 2018. I apologize if I offended you in any way, and it sounds like I may have. It was unintentional.
  9. And that’s why doing a cash account makes perfect sense especially when you’re saving 10% or more. If you already know your budget there’s no need for a credit card. I have it down to a science and end up getting a few bucks back at the end of each cruise.

    On the other hand, if someone pays their credit card balance every month and never accrues interest, it is exactly the same as using cash. I would hate to travel out of the country with nothing but cash. What does a cash only person do if there is an unforeseen emergency? I'm curious about that.

  10. I am an operating room nurse and have worked in health care for 44 years, in Canada. I have never seen or heard of dryers being used in place of paper towels in hospitals. For many reasons this would not be a desirable option in health care settings. Cost being the least of the problems.

    Good thing I said I couldn't answer for hospitals. I'm not at hospitals often and can't recall if I've seen them or not. If they aren't in use there, good. I wish they were not in use anywhere.

  11. We had one of the most amazing days in Progresso last year.


    We booked a cenote tour with https://www.yucatancenote.com




    Probably, one of the best excursions we have ever done. Meanwhile, all the other people were on the boat that night were complaining about how they didn't like Progresso and we had an amazing time.

    Exactly!!! We visited Merida, a large and interesting city, just a bus ride away. We've never once stayed on the ship in port. Too many interesting things to see and do, even if you've been there multiple times.
  12. Although just pulling a no-show is the best for those going on the cruise, I am pretty sure her insurance will treat a no show differently than a cancellation. It could cause her problems to do a no show . And, if the OP has increased costs, her insurance will (should) cover. But, it sounds like there are 4 in the cabin, so the cancellation should not cause an increase in fare for the remaining passengers.


    Granted, OP might not be in a mood to do what’s best for the cancelling friend...



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    Agreed. I don't think travel insurance companies consider just not showing up for a cruise a legit reason for reimbursement. :rolleyes:I do believe you have to actually cancel to have any hope of getting your money back.
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