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Towel Critter

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Posts posted by Towel Critter

  1. Quatro Formagio
    Oh yeah, I remember now. Thanks. In that case I haven't a clue why they wouldn't make a four cheese/pepperoni for the other poster's son. I've never ordered a custom pizza, but I've certainly seen them make plenty of them.
  2. Just got off the Miracle on Sunday. My son wanted the four cheese pizza with pepperoni. He tried ordering it a couple times, but they told him they couldn’t make it. The line wasn’t long either time he tried to order it. In fact, one time, he was the only person in line. Don’t know why they wouldn’t do it.



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    Do they have four different cheeses? I can't remember.
  3. Someone will come along and post that they taste like ketchup on cardboard. They do not. The Carnival pizza is made to order and very close to authentic Italian pizza. Those who prefer a thick pizza will try to tell you it is horrible. They just don't know any better. :-) It's all a matter of preference.


    They will try to accommodate you in regard to custom pizza, as long as the line isn't a mile long and they have the toppings you want. I'm not sure, but I don't remember bacon being an option. The toppings offered are more traditional toppings. Enjoy! I sure do. :-)

  4. Purchase travel insurance with good medical evac coverage.

    Fly in very, very early the day of, or the day prior.

    Keep a copy of all documents in a second folder

    Make copies of credit cards and passports, one of each in each folder

    Let your credit card company(s) know you will be traveling

    Don't try to sneak anything aboard that is prohibited (can lead to bags arriving late and possible confiscation of prohibited items)

    If you don't have one, purchase a passport (could save your derriere in emergencies)

    Don't forget to unplug the iron before you leave home. :-)

    Relax (which is much easier to when the above suggestions are followed)

  5. Sorry about your Dad. I did not bring up restricting drinks in my post. My point was a rebuttal to your statement that some just need more discipline when drinking, so maybe some education is in order.. Problem drinkers and alcoholics lose their capacity for discipline as soon as they start imbibing. That's what my post was about. Science backs up my statement, that's why I mentioned the brain scans. Any person knowledgable in addiction and alcohol recovery knows that it is a disease of the brain, not a discipline problem.


    Recovery is possible, and sometimes discipline becomes necessary after a person stops drinking for a while and begins to enter a phase of long term recovery, but as I said in my post, discipline for an active problem drinker is about as futile as discipline for a person suffering diarrhea from Noro.


    Glad that you have made your own accommodation and recovery from your personal family history. Like you, I don't condone nor excuse alcoholic behavior, and we would probably agree that the problem drinker/alcoholic has to bear the consequences of their behavior.

    But not every person who drinks too much and acts foolishly is a problem drinker or alcoholic. In those cases self discipline would certainly go a long way in keeping them our of trouble. I was never questioning your statement that alcoholism and problem drinking is a disease, but that it doesn't excuse poor behavior. We seem to agree on that. As a side note, and since you seem to have an interest in the subject, my dad stopped drinking on his own when I was in my late teens (health issues and outward pressure), after having done so for about thirty years. I suppose, according to what I know of the matter, this means he was not a clinical alcoholic. I guess he qualified as a problem drinker, a rather nebulous term. Lord knows he was certainly a problem when he drank. Yes, I have overcome my challenging childhood to a great extent. Thank you. Not all scars completely fade though. Some hang around.
  6. I have one and he is good, I suppose. But I've booked many cruises in the past on my own. There really isn't much difference that I can see. If you aren't comfortable doing it yourself and handling all the little details, then perhaps you would benefit from a PVP. Otherwise, you're probably just as well off booking yourself. JMHO.

  7. Sad that some people still seem to think this way. Unfortunately, "self-discipline" doesn't work for some people when drinking. Alcohol and other drugs affect the brain, which affects reasoning and logic and therefore self-control. Those with a predeliction for booze don't handle it the same way a social drinker does.


    Brain imaging and MRIs taken of problem drinkers show much different electical patterns and activity than those of normal "social" drinkers.


    Now I'm not condoning drunken behavior, just saying some process achohol differently than most. Just like self discipline doesn't work on Noro, these people lose their control after alcohol is ingested.

    So in their case you think restricting drinks is unreasonable? I'm just trying to figure out your point. Maybe you aren't making one, just trying to educate me. It isn't necessary. I grew up with one of these poor souls you speak of, btw. He was my dad. I don't hate him for the things alcohol gave him the courage to do, nor do I hold a grudge. He was my dad (and a good one when sober) and I loved him. But I will not excuse his behavior because it has a name. Some folks want to get rid of guns. Me, I'd like to get rid of alcohol. And no, it isn't going to happen. But I can dream.
  8. If you prefer a thin Italian style pizza, don't miss out on Pizza Pirate, the 24 hr pizzeria. On the other hand, if you like a thicker American style pizza you may not care for it. I love it, thus I am recommending it.


    The Crème Brule in the MDR is wonderful, as is the bitter and blanc.


    The Ceasar Salads are usually very good (also available by request at Pizza Pirate).


    It's hard to recommend a particular entrée, as the quality can vary greatly. Just order something you like and hope it's good. Most times it will be at the very least average and edible. Occasionally it will be excellent.

  9. I cruised MSC last year in Europe. (I'm sure US trips would be different than my experience)

    It was an enjoyable cruise but very different than Carnival.

    1- Announcements were made in at least 8 languages (mostly by the cruise director, it was quite impressive)

    2- The crowd onboard was older & very rude

    3- Portion sizes were smaller but food was varied. I had some squid ink pasta that was divine! Pizza was horrible.

    4- No late night entertainment. Everything shut down around 11pm or so. Unfortunate for us, since jet lag kept us wide awake.

    5- No comedians & shows were mostly non-speaking, I'm assuming, due to the variety of passengers onboard

    6- Staff was incredibly kind & friendly. I've actually added some as FB friends.

    7- Purchased drink package for 100 Euro. Totally worth it for an entire week of drinks, gelatos, milkshakes, etc.


    That's mostly what I can think of off the top of my head. I would probably give MSC another shot.

    I can vouch for numbers one through five. And I did a Caribbean cruise.
  10. Well, YOUR body acclimated. My wife came from Wisconsin 25+ years ago. The highest our thermometer at home or on the ship goes is 68. She still flushes and sweats any higher than that. I am horribly chilled when sitting still or sleeping in that temperature. I wear a sweatsuit at home and in my stateroom. Our compromise was that I have heated wraps, lap pads, and mattress pad at home. So, neither of us has acclimated.


    Bless your heart. And hers too, I guess. But if your thermostat never gets set any higher than 68, how do you know she can't adjust to 70? Or 72? I haz a confused. :confused: BTW, y'all are opposite of most couples, but you probably know that.
  11. It was to cold for us but when we noticed how easily it kept the room cool, I wanted to see how far it would go. On the Vista each room has its own unit where the third closet was.



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    Ah! So it WAS an experiment. Glad to hear that. I was concerned about you. :D

  12. ...and my wife would agree. I carry a small digital thermometer that I acquired for this very purpose (actually was a debate here and a discussion with other cruisers. Maybe a tad over the top.
    I'm fairly hot natured, but 63 degrees? Wow. My wife would divorce me if I insisted on that sort of temperature. ;-) Before marrying I kept my thermostat at 70, couldn't sleep with it any warmer than that. Now that I'm having to share the thermostat, so to speak, we compromise at about 75. Honestly, one's body acclimates to it in just a week or two and it feels as comfortable as 70 did in past years... and saves lots of energy to boot.
  13. I find physical altercations very uncomfortable and idiotic. Whereas I am sure there are some whose first thought is to throw a punch.


    Me too, me too. Especially on a vacation, where you are supposed to be having fun. It makes zero sense on multiple levels. But those prone to doing it have zero sense to begin with, I suppose.

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