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Towel Critter

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Posts posted by Towel Critter

  1. While we like the style of balcony with a cove, we do not like the wave reverberation noise that goes throughout the hull. So, we would prefer to be higher up and look for a deck that is between decks of cabins. I never want to be right below the lido, a bar etc.
    I've never noticed the "wave reverberation noise." I wonder if it has to do with location? We usually book mid-ship or slightly aft. If you were forward perhaps that would explain it.
  2. I just received an offer for an upgrade to a balcony from an oceanview. What is the best deck for balcony rooms? I've done the cove balcony but I'd love to try something higher up.

    Higher up is nice on Conquest class ships, but keep in mind that on Dream class ships higher up means you'll have Ocean Plaza below you instead water. This may not bother you, but it does me. I always opt for a cove balcony on Dream class ships for this reason, well, except for the first time, which was on the Dream. It really bugged me having decking below me instead of ocean. Won't happen again.


    You posted your cruise is on the Horizon as I was typing my response. But I assume the setup is the same on the Horizon.

  3. They have different versions....the prosciutto and arugula is very good,we also like the mushroom.

    If you like authentic Italian pizza you won't be disappointed.

    I like them all, but especially the pepperoni.
  4. Yes the lines can be tough, but you will always be getting a pizza hot and fresh from the oven. The real issue is, why isn't the oven in the front where they are working. On every Carnival cruise, my wife and I end our day with pizza and it's usually between 1 and 3 am.
    Yep, no complaints about the product from me. It's primo. We like to end the day at Pizza Pirate too, though it's usually a little bit earlier, say midnight-ish.
  5. Yuck. Reminds us of old school Chef Boyardee pizza or cheap frozen pizza.
    Actually, Carnival's pizza is very close to authentic Italian pizza. A thick crust, 1/2 quart of sauce, and 15 different toppings is an Americanized version of pizza and really isn't pizza when you get right down to it. And that's fine if that is what you prefer, but before turning up your nose at the Carnival pizza know that it is much closer to the real deal than Pizza Hut, etc...
  6. When I was deciding on our upcoming cruise, I had it narrowed down to two bookings - one on Carnival's Magic and the other on RCCL's brand new (and massive) Harmony. I asked my family which they wanted, thinking my 19yo son would definitely pick Harmony, considering the activities on the ship. I was shocked when he said Carnival. When I asked him why, he said it was because the pizza was so much better on Carnival!

    Yep, pizza matters. I too am a big fan of the Carnival Pizza. We sailed on MSC, an Italian line, a few years ago and I thought their pizza would be great. It was okay, but Carnival's is better.


    In roatan you might just be able to pick your own!


    How 'bout Aruba or Curacao? Those are my next stops. Oh, and Grand Turd. One always has to stop by there for some reason. But back to Mangos, I can enjoy a slightly under ripe one. As long as they aren't hard as a rock green or mushy with brown spots, I can handle it.


    Yes, mangos are allowed during embankment, but not during embankment-ruptsy. :-)

  8. Maybe it's time for Carnival to lease out some space in or beside each terminal for a little convenience store. It could be stocked with fruits, sodas, bottles of wine, candy and salty snacks. Then passengers can purchase the things they'd like to have prior to boarding.

    That isn't a bad idea. I could go for that. You're probably right about no mangos there though.

  9. 88 cents when you're buying one for yourself isn't much, but bulk pricing on apples is much less than that. They don't have "exotic" fruit because there would be too much waste. Mangos also have to be just right/ripe.



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    Wouldn't bulk pricing on mangos be less than what I pay too? You're right about the ripeness aspect, but that doesn't stop them from buying watermelons and pineapples. I've gotten both of those off the buffet that were under or overripe. Bummer too.
  10. I had mine selected as King, and when I made a payment yesterday, it got changed to a Twin. I went back and changed it back to King. I'm guessing I'll have to do that every time I make a payment.
    Prolly. It could be worse, I suppose. Every time we make a payment, we could be moved to a lesser cabin, or a different ship. Still, as long as that glitch has been around you'd think Carnival could have repaired it by now. This has been happening not for a few weeks, or even a few months, but a few years. I guess they view it as unimportant, since it doesn't affect their bottom line.
  11. Mangos are not that cheap and one mango doesn't have that much fruit on it. I imagine that ordinary fruits like oranges, bananas, apples, etc are cheaper per pound and also the passengers can easily cut them on their own.



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    That's a decent guess, but I'm looking for a definitive answer... if anyone knows the reason. Besides, mangos really are pretty cheap. I paid 88 cents each for a couple a few days ago (on sale.) They average around a dollar or a little more around here. A good orange or apple is at least that much.
  12. Ha! You thought this was going to be another junk thread, right?


    Actually I have a serious question about mangos, something I've wondered about for years and have never heard explained. Why are there no fresh mangos available on the ship??? I've seen a few tiny slices on fruit dishes in the MDR, but that's it. It's the Caribbean!!! Can't Carnival find a source of mangos? It isn't like they are expensive. A Caribbean cruise without mangos is like a stay in Maine without lobster, or a trip to New Orleans without beignets. Can someone in the know please explain to me why no mangos? I am a legit fruit-a-holic and I miss mangos when I'm cruising.

  13. They do ice carvings on ships. Why not carve pumpkins instead? Lol. You may be onto something!
    I have seen pumpkin carving on a ship the week of Halloween, so maybe you are on to something.:)
  14. An analogy is a comparison in which an idea or a thing is compared to another thing that is quite different from it. So... bringing burgers into a discussion about lobster, when used as an analogy, is not only legit, it IS what an analogy is all about.

  15. I doubt very seriously that any rule was bent. Carnival has to impose the standards outlined in the DHS regulations or face heavy sanctions for not doing so. She had to have something that establishes her citizenship within those regulations and the DS10 that was mentioned in the OP does not meet that requirement. My guess is she was able to get a copy of her birth certificate (probably from her employer as another poster suggested).
    Hopefully the OP will report to us, in time, what she used to board. If she was able to get an official copy of her birth certificate and this was why she was allowed to board I will admit I was wrong.
  16. Not sure exactly which document was the "one" that got her onboard, or if it was a combination of all of them. I just got a text earlier that said she made it on. I will find out exactly what she used they get back. That info may be useful for someone else who finds themselves in the same situation.
    Thank you. Please do. I'm pretty sure that info will be helpful to someone at some point. Glad she made it on board.
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