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Everything posted by sparks1093

  1. I've wanted to try the clam chowder for a couple of cruises now and it's never open when I'm ready to try it. Hoping to give it a try on Mardi Gras.
  2. I rarely talk politics with anyone. I'll discuss an issue from time to time maybe. We've faced many of the same or similar issues in my lifetime and no one has solved them yet.
  3. My sons had a Cheers offer last year and the one sailing this year has it as well. Cheers, not drinks on us.
  4. Since the OP didn't make the booking they very likely won't even talk to him, anyway. They would need to talk to mom, if they talked to anyone at all and I wouldn't want to put her through that at this juncture.
  5. My condolences to you and your family. It is a good thing that you are going because he would wish you to go. Honor his memory further by having a great time as he would want you to do that as well (even though it will be very hard to do). I agree with not notifying Carnival before hand.
  6. Yes, I have found comparisons about ship size, passenger load and the like. I am looking for people's actual experiences onboard I guess. From what I have read I would expect Mardi Gras to be competitive with Anthem in the overall experience, but of course each ship has her differences. Mardi Gras has Bolt, Anthem has bumper cars, etc. We are also kind of laid back when it comes to cruising so little things aren't an issue (and there are always little things).
  7. If you look at any cruise line's forum here on Cruise Critic you'll undoubtedly find in the first few pages at least one thread decrying the decline of food quality on that line, and Celebrity is no exception to that rule. Since food really is so subjective I would focus my search on a cruise line that would meet the needs of the young child, because if said child should become bored with things it could make the trip miserable. Celebrity's demographic might change a little bit because of the things that you list, but I wouldn't expect a huge shift.
  8. Maybe, maybe not. I do understand the surprise of getting a 7.5oz soda, many people would be if they were expecting a 12oz, and from a PSA stand point your post is well taken. But other than that for most people it's not a huge deal, especially since it was free.
  9. As your research shows there is no real way to prevent it. I experienced it a few times in the Navy and hadn't gotten sea sick, so no connection there. Your inner ear just needs time to adjust to being back on land.
  10. Ok, never had it happen prior to the test. Good info to have.
  11. But the OP didn't pay for it. Granted the OP didn't know that it would be a smaller can it was still free to them. Why complain about something that is given to you free? If the OP was worried about the value of the drink they would receive then they should have ordered the most expensive drink on the menu.
  12. And this one posted without an issue, so maybe it hinges on a key word being used.
  13. I haven't seen anyone commenting on the need for a post to be moderated before it is posted so I'm wondering if it just happened to my posts for some reason. One was approved and the other is still pending approval. This alone makes me not want the new format.
  14. It is a good head's up for those who do pay for it since it isn't an obvious thing but your point is valid for something that is free.
  15. Good morning Cruise Critic! We will soon be embarking on our next adventure- Mardi Gras in April. I have been stepping up my research now that we are under 90 days and recently read a comparison of these two ships, since we have sailed on Anthem before. If you've been on these two ships (or even any ship in Anthem's class) how did the two compare? I would also post this on the Royal forum, but this isn't a thread designed to help us make a choice since we're already booked. Just wanted to get people's thoughts on the two different classes. So, good, bad or ugly what do you think?
  16. For the drink package, certainly, but the daily service charge is separate and distinct from that.
  17. Evidence of a discrepancy is not evidence of wrongdoing.
  18. We'll be onboard in April so following along. No specific questions yet. I just read a comparison between Mardi Gras and Anthem of the Seas (which we've been on) and Mardi Gras is very comparable so I can't wait to be onboard.
  19. They will charge you a daily service charge for housekeeping and foodservice as well. It's been awhile since I've sailed with NCL so I have no idea what their current rate is now (and it is per person).
  20. I just replied to another post and it said that it needed to be moderated first? Not sure that I like that feature (and I feel sorry for the moderators who are volunteers in the first place).
  21. Public opinion, I suppose, and we all know how accurate that is.
  22. No, it really hasn't. It has had REAL ID compliant licenses and IDs, which is a completely different animal. An Enhanced Drivers License has a machine readable chip in it similar to that in a passport and a passport card. Right now only 5 states issue bona fide EDLs and they are all on the northern border (Vermont, NY, Washington, Michigan and Minnesota, if memory serves correctly, which it doesn't always). A lot of people confuse the two documents.
  23. And that can be done regardless of what box one checked in online check in (unless, of course, that has changed).
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