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Everything posted by MBP&O2/O

  1. Depends if you want the sun or not? Not a lot to see at sea so either side would be a good bet. Murphys Law states that anything interesting will occur on the other side πŸ™‚
  2. Interesting to note there are no 'mixers' shown on the lists? Have we an idea as to what Tonic is available? Thanks.
  3. Better quality than the hooch that was marketed as rum that BP supplied after we had been tank diving ....horrendous job πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« 4 Bells is a name that springs to mind. Should be Bum not Rum!
  4. At least the circumstances are around cruise ships. Cargo ships and such tend not to carry a doctor so there is no one to formally pronounce 'life extinct'. They may be obviously dead but until seen by someone who is authorised to say so then legal issues may arise. Having said that things have probably changed since my day?
  5. Some time ago there were alot of complaints in respect of a ship with 3000pax in that many many people missed excursions because the ship did not disembark such a large number of passengers in an efficient manner. People claimed they were queueing for an hour and received zero sympathy and / or assistance from staff. Just a thought.
  6. Car sickness and motion sickness at sea are totally and utterly different kettles of fish. If she is that concerned then staying at home could be a preferred option. Whilst trying to avoid any overly bad weather is normal, sometimes you can't .... luck of the draw.
  7. Same problem on a Samsung Tablet .... works as it should on an iPad? Off course then the downloads have to be deleted. Why have a one stop easy method when three or four complicated steps will work just as well πŸ˜„
  8. Ah ... define Requirements.... the ships are registered in Nassau ... Do they / can they invoke USA laws on a 'foreign flagged' ship? T&C's of carriage need to be updated accordingly then it's a civil matter?
  9. Nothing at all showing up on mine. Just a normal typed menu. No logo's whatsoever.
  10. Spookily enough I have just had an email from my TA after I asked them the same question. They replied ....
  11. Fiddles it was ... gold star for that. "Wild" class never stopped rolling ...even when alongside πŸ˜„
  12. .... and the tux weighs less than a suit πŸ˜„ and I will be taking mine for a 14 day Alaska trip.
  13. Brain fade ... what did they call the drop down sides on the tables? Scuttles springs to mind but age has overtaken IQ ? It was only when they refused to serve soup that eyebrows were raised πŸ˜„
  14. Handy if you are already taking blood thinning medication....just a thought 😁
  15. Agree .. also a couple that are highly criticised, esp on the Trip Advisor cruise forum, Just try READING up on the subject?
  16. Leffe Belgian Beer, or Duvel .... both have a high abv but sold in 330ml bottles ....... quite refreshing when chilled ..... if undecided after the first then have a second .... purely for research of course πŸ˜„
  17. I managed to upset someone when I had fillet steak from a horse. Quite tasty it was too. πŸ™‚
  18. If it is not a rude question ... what was the price tag? I presume an arm and a leg πŸ˜„
  19. Santos to Santiago ... like the proverbial mill pond.
  20. At that time of the year and in that area, the weather and the seas can be brutal, just be prepared for anything.
  21. If you are flying home post cruise, then flying from Dubai would be the easiest I would have thought.
  22. I am intrigued as to why you would want to point a laser at the stars? Equally, as another suggested, the item may well be listed as prohibited. Again, the light pollution is going to be your main issue. As an aside I would love to compare my experiences from back in the day to the more modern ships. Getting forward may help you, but access may be denied. If it is reasonably clear and cloudless then you should be able to see the higher altitude stuff.
  23. I use CafΓ©direct Fairtrade Machu Picchu Whole Bean Arabica Coffee, and grind the beans myself. I also buy the odd bag of other specialist beans if the mood takes me. Not too enamoured for Italian style coffee.
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