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Everything posted by ronrythm

  1. After 15 years of age the cost of maintenance go up dramatically, with all of the twice every 5 years technical surveys requiring a dry dock instead of alternating underwater and dry dock. Looking at that, most of the ships listed are in that range. Don’t be surprised if Carnival Corporation decides to cut them from the fleet.
  2. And I have been in hotels that charge for it. So that proves nothing. Starlink still is very expensive, especially as your bandwidth goes up. And it is slower than fiber, with much higher latency, so it doesn’t scale up as well. High end can afford it, because, one, they are already charging a higher price, so the increase for internet costs is less noticeable, and two, they have smaller ships with fewer users. Main stream lines have to throttle the use to avoid overloading the system, (which still happens even with it throttled). One way to throttle is to charge for the use, so not everyone uses the system. A second way is to have “tiers” with different speeds. I guess we need to update the old joke about the ship having an extension cord that they reel out and reel back in to include a fiber optic cable for internet!
  3. A lot of hotels do not provide free internet access. Especially the higher cost hotels. All ships require satellite service to get internet. Take a look at the price of Starlink compared to cable internet and you’ll understand why cruise ships charge for internet access.
  4. That cheap sparkling wine they serve is no loss! For New Year’s Eve, buy the good stuff!
  5. So would the port be responsible for the damage to the vessel, or does the vessel assume risk when docking? Thank you.
  6. If it’s in the United States, the port fees are not padded. By law they can only be what is charged to the cruise line by the port. @chengkp75 has explained this several times. The cruise lines divide the fees by the expected number of passengers and charge that. If there are more passengers than expected, they have to refund the difference if it is over a certain small amount. If there are fewer passengers than expected, the cruise line will typically just take the loss. Enjoy your cruise.
  7. Sorry, but you are totally incorrect about the bandwidth requirements for streaming. It is quite simply huge compared to all other network usages. There’s a reason streaming is the first thing throttled on congested networks. The attached image shows streaming compared to other media uses. Remember 1 Megabit/sec = 1000 kilobits/sec. On a ship you are in quite a different situation than at home. I doubt at home you are sharing one connection with several thousand other people.
  8. Do you really think a foreign flag vessel is going to be using American citizens? Speaking of ferries, how you followed how many foreign ferry accidents there are? Do you want that to happen to your Washington ferries? I’m amenable to changing the PVSA to allow foreign built vessels, since the federal government’s poor policies destroyed our ship building capability, but I want them American flagged, crewed and subject to American regulations.
  9. ronrythm


    Which of course she wrote about Waikiki and a certain pink hotel. my heart breaks for all my friends in Lahaina. Still waiting to see if several are OK. with Aloha
  10. I’m on Radiance today. The town is definitely crowded, but manageable. They do appear to be tendering the passengers on Princess. Definitely a lot of rock moved. enjoy, Ron
  11. Also, what if a person who needs the roll in shower can’t get the cabin, because someone who doesn’t need the roll in shower but has a service animal has the cabin?
  12. There are a lot of answers to this over in West Coast Departures, https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/315-west-coast-departures/ where this will probably be moved. What time of year is your cruise? Despite how the movies portray California, we are not bright and sunny all year around! Enjoy
  13. Any ship can miss Skagway due to winds. If the only thing you want to see is Skagway, fly into Vancouver and drive up to Skagway.
  14. For all of you saying $2 bills are legal tender, they are not legal tender on RCI ships, because you are NOT IN THE USA. You are legally in the country of that ship’s registry. As soon as you cross the gangway, you left the USA. Please quit assuming that the laws of the USA are in effect everywhere in the world. That’s one of the things that makes Ugly American Tourists. As to the part of using them for tipping, everyone who works in cash handling positions hates $2 bills. They don’t fit anywhere in a normal cash drawer. Most cash handlers will try to get rid of them as soon as possible, because they confuse things. Quite often they will be counted as the wrong denomination and your cash drawer won’t balance until you figure it out. So you give a crew member a $2 bill. Are they going to turn it down? No, they are going to be as appreciative as possible in hopes of getting more of them. But since they are probably not going to be able to spend them if they get a day off in port (as the port merchants won’t take them. Period. They just don’t) they are going to have to probably put it on their shipboard account. Yes, they have shipboard accounts too. So they take their $2 bill to the Crew Purser and hope the Crew Purser is in a good mood. Because the Crew Purser is in a cash handling position and hates $2 bills as mentioned above. The Crew Purser is very important to crew members so they try not to piss them off. But they need to get rid of that $2 bill. Things to consider when you tip $2 bills.
  15. I looked earlier and got the “30 days” message. Today I got an email offer. My cruise isn’t until May 19. I am solo in an interior, so I low bid balconies and outsides. I’m happy if I get an up sale and I’ll be happy in my interior. Enjoy
  16. The question you need to ask is what happens if you don’t make it to LGB in time? What if there’s fog and the port is closed and you don’t dock at 6:00? What are the options then and are you prepared to take that risk?
  17. Cruise Critic articles about law are about as accurate as Wikipedia. That is to say not at all. They are writers, not international maritime lawyers. @chengkp75 and @Heidi13 have worked under them and are much more knowledgeable than the writers of entertainment articles. Thanks to both of them for contributing.
  18. So the RCI app on my iPad just sent me a notification that I have to report to my muster station in the next 30 minutes. Personally, I think that’s a bit early. After all, my cruise doesn’t leave until May. oops.
  19. Royal doesn’t get to make the choice. The International Maritime Organization has only approved E muster on an experimental basis. If the IMO does not approve E muster on a permanent basis, then all cruise lines will have to go back to in person musters. Or quit sailing from any of the IMO signatory nations. Such as the United States.
  20. Dry noodles, hmmm? And how do you think they are going to cook these? Crew members are not allowed to cook in their cabins, by public health rules. Correct @chengkp75?
  21. another thing to consider is if your health insurance covers liver transplants.😜
  22. ronrythm

    Balcony Usage

    I had M101 on Majestic Princess this past June. My balcony was available at all times. It was great for glacier watching. When it was raining, I could go back inside and warm up every now and then. A bit of tunnel vision from the room itself. enjoy.
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