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Everything posted by chemmo

  1. Can I suggest you contact Special Needs at Celebrity and ask them if they have any real toppers on board rather than just the thin things? If they haven’t then you know to take your own but I seem to remember the one they provided me with on Eclipse was quite thick and bouncy. I had contacted them pre cruise as I was going to be in an orthopaedic boot and asked if they had anything that may help when I put my feet up. When I boarded they had the topper in my room ready for approval and a selection of pillows for me to choose from. Nothing to loose! Sincere best wishes for a wonderful cruise!
  2. We have done three cruises on M class all deck 6 far aft…Only one really stormy night, we felt it!
  3. Junior suites do not get full suite perks. It is a few years now since we did Oasis class so hopefully someone else can confirm what you do/do not get in a junior suite. I seem to remember they had access to CK but not the suite lounge. As for the suite lounge on our cruise it was difficult to get a seat because it was full of elderly Pinnacles. Re CK we found it very basic…Nothing like as good Luminae for food choice, service or ambiance and I am not a major Luminae fan! When comparing suites on different lines it is easy to forget you usually want the full ship experience too. We found the entertainment on Oasis excellent, the food (even in the speciality restaurants) just OK. Don’t get me started on the Genie program, give me a butler any day!
  4. Look at Norway Lady’s recent review, lots of MDR pictures and comments. Personally I thought the menu looked quite nice. The dishes looked well presented. If you haven’t done Le Petit Chef before it is worth going. It is fun rather than fine dining. Much as many people find it a ‘once and done’ most thoroughly enjoy that first visit. I have never seen it open at lunch. Many people are put off Sushi of Five because they don’t like sushi. However the menu is far more eclectic. We find it a great choice for a light lunch and as you can pay per item then you can order as much or as little as you like. It is never really busy, even in the evenings in our experience. On a few cruises they have had a special ‘Taste of India’ meal once per cruise. This is served family style, I have never done it but have read good reviews. Sushi is usually open sea days and on some cruises we have found it open on some port days. We find the buffet can give a good option, especially on evenings when you are tired. They do have themed days, look at the Today sheet. Look out for an excursion called Chef’s market. This involves a small group going with one of the executive chefs to local markets to buy food, return with it to the ship and later enjoy a meal including the bought produce. One of my friends did this and loved it. Chef’s table is another nice dining option. We have done two, one was excellent the other was marred a bit by a loud couple but well worth a go if you haven’t done it before. Remember room service is a nice dining option too and at very little cost. A great option for balcony meals lunch or dinner. I think their chicken noodle soup and sandwiches with fries is exactly what I want some lunchtimes. Hope I have successfully given you lots of ideas, food wise, to spend your $$$!
  5. Thank you for the review on Infinity’s condition. As you may remember from an earlier post I have been dithering on booking…I am much reassured. Booking in place now and looking forward to my first ‘semi solo cruise’…We are booked in the PH so I don’t think we will miss the Retreat deck. We had also been concerned about the lack of speciality restaurants but your MDR pictures have made my feel that the Luminae menu can be well supplemented… Sincere thanks again!
  6. We looked at this when we did our TP but in reverse! We decided instead to spend time in Hawaii and Australia…That’s what is wrong with us, we like land based holidays too!
  7. Wasn’t there a man who more or less lived on the Summit? I seem to remember some people were disgruntled that every cruise he got the bouquet for the highest Captains Club points… I have a pathetic maximum in one year of 25…in 2016. Most years something between 12 - 20.
  8. It is a case of needing to stay alert….Not something new but definitely seems more world wide and prevalent at the moment. I also think because of the frequency of disputes at present in Europe it is getting less media attention meaning you need to be more alert as unless you search you may not know…
  9. Agree with the above comment if you are in a standard cabin. However, there are more differences if you are in a suite. Silhouette had a more comprehensive suite deck conversion. Equinox has a one deck suite area with nice sun beds and good service. Silhouette has a suite area over two decks and includes a bar, jacuzzi and a variety of seating areas. We have cruised both and found the Silhouette much better. However, this additional deck area on Silhouette took over the basketball court so if your family party includes children Equinox may have an advantage…
  10. We have cruised mainly S class for several years now. The speciality dining limitations on M class being one of the main reasons… Getting rid of the ‘liner’ restaurants (equivalent to Murano) was in our opinion a mistake on M class. As others have said Tuscan on M class is not the light, spectacular venue you get on S class although the menu is the same. LPC is fun dining rather than fine dining, entertaining but not a venue we would visit regularly… We have booked on Infinity next year for itinerary and a desire to experience the M class ambiance again…The ship does have its strengths… We have booked a suite so our dining options will include Luminae. However, I have been pleasantly surprised by the MDR pictures and menus shown on ‘Norway Lady’s’ recent cruise on Infinity…I can see us opting for the MDR menu over Luminae some nights… Perhaps you could look at some of the special dinners to complement the speciality restaurants. For example, Chef’s Table and Chef market tour (which includes a special meal made with bought produce). At the end of the day it is all about sometimes having to make compromises…If we were given the Infinity itinerary on an S class ship would we go for it? If we were just looking at dining options then probably, yes but we aren’t just focusing on the dining we are looking at the full M experience… Sincere best wishes for a fantastic cruise!
  11. It depends on how you look at something, what is important to you…I think we often get so distracted by small things we forget to look at the product as a whole… I am not a fish connoisseur so I don’t care about the tilapia…Much as I enjoy good food dining to me is about venues too and about good service. Celebrity to me still offers a very pleasant experience. Not too stuffy but not too casual. Dress is not too formal but not generally over casual. Guests are generally well mannered, well traveled and a pleasure to be with. Not masses of children and those on board tend to be well supervised and well behaved. The style of entertainment continues to appeal, we much prefer duos and trios in bars to big shows. We like the drinks package and can accept they make our E+ perks of less value. Sometimes one can focus on individual trees and forget to see the forest….Yes, we can all see little niggles, little changes but as long as Celebrity provides the on board ambiance I love I will continue to keep booking.
  12. We invariably cruise in a suite with access to the Retreat Lounge and a drinks package but I miss the cocktail time in the Sky Lounge too. Whilst we didn’t go every night we would enjoy it a couple of times per cruise. We simply liked the venue with the views and by the nature of it being filled with other regular Celebrity cruisers you always enjoyed chatting with others. We had many happy conversations about cruises past and upcoming. I must confess I tried to avoid the hot nibbles, just too tempting when you are about to go and dine…
  13. It never fails to amaze me how quickly Celebrity staff can fix issues. I remember a really bad leak on Millie, literally flooded corridors as we headed to dinner. When we returned the only evidence was two maintenance guys and what looked like two large dehumidifiers… Sincere best wishes for a wonderful cruise! Remember the Sky Lounge is a big area. I am sure they will be able to at least part open even if they need to partition a bit off for a day or two…
  14. No water features in the Equinox Retreat deck unless one has been added since I was last on board. Simply lots of nice sun beds and not enough shade…
  15. Actually I think that is one of the strengths of the design of the ships. We have done cold weather cruises and places like the Sky Lounge (S class) and Constellation lounge (M class) really come to their own. I haven’t cruised E class so cannot comment. Whilst most sea days they are near empty on cold cruise sea days they are a great place to sit, relax, read, chat…To say nothing for gazing out at angry seas… Unfortunately the ships can seem crowded when some guests want to sit in the cafe all day preventing those coming in for a coffee being able to sit for a short while…
  16. If you are still on board the Captain is in charge! If someone is outstanding you can always address a letter to him/her via guest relations/concierge. If the Captain is the one you want to praise then I would think I would email the CEO… If you have left the ship I would suggest you direct your email to the CEO knowing that an assistant will read and filter incoming mail to the most appropriate person. If they feel it is CEO worthy/important they will pass it directly on. Celebrity does have a press contact. If your engagement with this member of staff was story worthy they may be pleased to hear.
  17. Thank you for taking us on your cruise. Having done live posts myself I understand the time commitment necessary. So good of you to give future Infinity cruisers (myself included) such a detailed picture of life on board. I liked the way you posted the ‘Today’ sheets. For those wondering about the activities and the entertainment it does give a good overview. Sincere thanks and best wishes.
  18. The lemon juice is in Oceanview. Ice can be delivered to your room…
  19. Our experience too. When my husband ordered one (24 hours before) we expected the good one but it wasn’t…
  20. The real irony is they will think you were unreasonable not expecting them to reserve two sets of beds!
  21. Lovely memories from looking at your pictures. When we visited we stopped by the little boats for a drink and we shared some fresh shrimps…Never seen so many cats appearing from nowhere! I wish I had taken a picture!
  22. All the above are free along with a lemon and a fruit drink in Oceanview. In addition iced water is available free in the MDR during meals as is standard tea and coffee. You can also ask your room attendant to deliver you ice twice daily to your room providing chilled water. I am sure any bar will give you a glass of ice on request. With so many people buying drinks packages and many preferring bottled water it is easy to forget the free items. I must confess to really liking that free lemon juice in Oceanview…Very refreshing on a hot day. Have a great cruise!
  23. Remember you are allowed to take two bottles of wine on board with you too. If you open them in a restaurant you may be charged a corkage fee but no fee if you open in your suite. You can also take some sodas on board for the kids. Just fix a luggage tag on a box and hand over with your luggage.
  24. We looked into this for a cruise finishing in Singapore. I seem to remember having to submit a form and being told there was a time window to disembark (10 - 11am) if I remember correctly. I would think the ease of doing this could be port specific. I seem to remember a small fee to $20. This was all some time ago so I hope someone with more recent experience responds. I strongly recommend you clear this with Celebrity before booking flights etc. I certainly wouldn’t wait until onboard. I suggest you phone back and speak to another agent. Whatever they say I would ask for an email to confirm so when on board you have evidence…
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