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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. @kochleffelA shortage of tofu makes me happy.
  2. @summer slopeI'm worried about the bounce on the head, please take care if you feel dizzy or nausea. DH bounced on his head and was out of it for more than a year. And I do hope the person without the license, did not run out of insurance. Were there police there at the scene of the crime? Taking the right to drive a car from an elderly person takes away the last of their independence. My dad was very sad when I suggested that he give up driving, until he didn't look both ways and pulled out into oncoming traffic. He got back to his apartment and gave me the keys. If the person has a family near by, they need to start taking care of "mom". @kochleffelIf I wanted to order a hockey puck for dinner, I will. I like my ground sirloin medium rare. Food should not be a dry disgusting thing. But then again, I get a burger these days (a real one) about once every 4 months. And my favorite place to order one, went out of business. @ottahand7What is the sauce on the shrimp tacos? was it hot, or an asian sweet sauce? Both meals look yummy.
  3. Well I did something interesting this morning. After reading @ger_77's cruise news, I told DH about it, and when he heard the word Morocco, he perked up, when he heard the word, Bermuda, he said, YES! So, I am doing a cruise next November or in 584 days......and I get to meet Gerry and Maurice! Yippee! I really was afraid the DH didnt want to cruise anymore. It turns out that he likes the days spent in one place before the cruise (like Rome, and now Barcelona) and the cruise is my thing. But I too love to see new things.
  4. @ger_77Actually its 584 days and 12 hours. 😸
  5. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Currently the computer says its 54 and cloudy. I would override that, and make it foggy. It's trash pick up day, my most unfavorite day to walk the neighbors dog, and I'm in luck, her mom stayed out too late last night playing pool, and is staying home today. Thing is she works for the state and is off Friday too, so my little dog walking gig, is not paying off for me the week at all. I'm back to watching Midsumer Murders on Roku, finally made it to season 22, half way thru and then the last season. It's taken three months to watch all them all. DH wants me to call his boss to see if I can work for him for a couple of weeks, but then I realized, I have things to do. Like since the mirror in the bathroom fell off the wall, I get to repaint the bathroom, and then hang a new mirror, and get back to a normal bathroom. I can now start cutting down all the vines and "trash" trees in the front yard. Cut the ivy off the pines, and clean out drawers and closets, and kitchen drawers and closets, and get rid of STUFF. I am almost looking forward to that type of work, and maybe see some of my old book club friends. And maybe I can learn to sleep in a bit in the morning. I doubt it, but it's worth a try. Today is a 6 hour day. Being the last week, I need to follow up with folks who wanted later in the day call backs. I'll work 3 hours, take off for two and work 3 more hours until 10. Which is 7 California time. I am one of 9 "morning" callers. which has always worked well when I'm selling opera, but not so much when I call theatre. Different type of person. Have a great day everyone. @dfish I use the same type of Hollandaise that you do. It's very good on salmon.
  6. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! I am currently procrastinating feeding the fur babies until 8 am, so that I can feed the indoorians, and the outdoorians at the same time. The computer says its 57 degrees and cloudy. And once again, even with the rain we are supposed to get, there is a fire danger in the mountains north of us because of the winds. DH is about to change meds for the pain, we dont know to what yet. And this week the only Dr appointment we have is actually for me. I had months of physical therapy for that nerve in my arm, now the doc is having me see a neurologist on Friday Morning. Since I am now using a new keyboard, which is to the right of my computer, the arm seems to hurt more. Adding those that were on the bridge in Baltimore and their families have been added immediately to my prayer list.
  7. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! I did think yesterday was Monday most of the day. But there were definitely Sunday chores to do. We ended up shopping at Krogers instead of the farmers market, mainly because we had to get the CAT food. So a one stop shopping day! But there was Michaels, and the Bird place, and the pet store. We bought a play tube for Tigger. He liked the fuzzy ball at the end of the tube, and after a while I noticed a ball of stuffing on the floor, it was so poorly made that the ball came apart. within 3 minutes, and that seemed to be the end of the play time in the tube. Time will tell. So today is Monday (seems like Monday squared.) Brava! for Tana to make it to the kitchen with the walker! @smitty34877 I too like the quote. I got a call before 9 am yesterday from my "friend" Don who procrastinated seeing drs or going to appointments and tests last year because he didn't like the "people" and he wanted to always get another opinion. By the time he ended up in the hospital it turned out that he had stage 4 cancer of his right kidney, which had spread to other areas of his body. He tried chemo and completed 2 out of 6 sessions, said he didnt like the way it made him feel, then he hired a company that would come in and feed him through a tube, which he did for 2 months, gained weight, and when he started feeling better, got back in touch with the docs and said he would try the immunotherapy. Which he is supposed to start today, but he didnt want to go, he had a rash, and wants to find out why, he no longer trusts his doc because he changed the type of immunotherapy before he started, and I scratch my head when MR NEGATIVE complains that no one calls him, that no one cares. Well we do care, but when he wont address the problem, at some point we have to stop caring. And , and this is just me, if you tell me I am going to die and all you are doing is prolonging my life, in a way that is full of pain, when I dont want to live then why bother? Why not live out the rest of my days the way I want. Sorry about my rant. My mom died from cancer. She didnt like the way the treatments made her feel. She knew it was terminal. She made her amends to those she hurt, and lived out the rest of her days the way she wanted. I understood. My uncle asked my permission to do the same when he wa diagnosed. He had it. Years ago one of our neighbors (and this was when I was in high school) overdosed on drugs, he was not dead, but his sister broke into his room, slammed the door open so hard, it hit him in the head as he was lying there, and that's what killed him. And that is my weird story for the day. @dfishI hope that River is better today, that you don't catch whatever she has, and that you were able to explain to her that older people are more susceptible to catching things because our immune system isn't as good. I want to take a Southern Caribbean cruise on HAL in spring 2026. When will those be posted?
  8. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! Computer says it's 39 degrees, then it switched to High winds expected, and now it says Humid. Being the F1 fools that we are, we watched the race live, it started at midnight, and we went to bed at 2 a.m.. I am tired, but since I met my minimum sleep quota and the body started to hurt, I am up. Shrimp tacos, one of my favorite foods. Our once a week Taco place offers a Taco called the Bob. It is shrimp with a peanut crust. Quite tasty, but they only offer it for one week, every few months. Our other favorite Mexican restaurant has grilled shrimp with red and green peppers and onions I take the contents out of the taco and squeeze some lime on the ingredients and eat them without the "bread". The only reason we don't eat there more often, is that DH has a hard time deciding what he wants to eat. He always says they serve too much food. I tell him that is why you order it, and take what you don't want to eat, home. I did have another sale yesterday. And I seem to have made a new "friend", she has not however bought anything, and keeps wanting call backs. She was a stagehand for Siegfried and Roy, and has a lot of tales to tell. She was the keeper of Sherman, the python. Lots to do today, Bird seed, MIchael's Crafts , some toys for Tigger, and groceries! But most of all, I need breakfast. The fact that there was only enough cat food to feed them breakfast, Furnando was appalled that I had let the cupboard get so empty. Once again the boss reminded us that we only have one week left to work, and then we are off for several weeks. While my original boss said he would see if anyone wanted or needed me for a few weeks, I have had no calls. I am a picky employee. There is one boss that I wont work for again, and she is now on several campaigns so I am out of that loop. I figure, I am old, retired, and I work for the extra cash, and because I love what I do. But if I'm not happy in my job because I'm being micromanaged by a 20 + year old, I dont have to work. So, I work for older gentlemen, who's campaigns take breaks. Guess I should just figure on doing some house work, and yard work, and next year plan my vacations at the right time.
  9. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! I got my new -keyboard- yesterday- and I got a sale. I might be back. shouldn't say that, I might jinx myself again. We had a meeting early yesterday morning with DH's heart and vein doc. We wanted to know what was done during the surgery, and we wanted to know what the next plan was. Until the hospitals lasers are working properly, the other option, is to get him out and walk every day. So after we rushed home to walk the neighbors dog, we went for a walk. We stopped for a grill chicken sandwich, (where i threw out 3/4 of my bread). and then came home and worked. Todays plan is to work 5 hours, and then figure out what dinner will be. I wont be cooking it. And then settle down to more F1 in Australia. The two gingers were OK with Tiger at first, but now there is a lot of screaming. (Tiger). I guess it's true about ginger cats, they love one owner, and will protect them, so Tiger snuggles up with DH when he is on the sofa, And "my reds" stick pretty close to me. On the love seat. It's getting crowded there on the love seat. We were going to go for donuts this morning, but to tell you the truth, I am not going to wake DH up since sleep is he only time he is not in pain.
  10. Wow, I leave for the day, and come back and you have all solved my dry skin for me. Better than the dermatologist I saw 2 weeks ago. No advice at all. Just oh you have dry skin on your legs, and oily skin on your face and back.....did nothing to address any of the skin tbs, because she said they were not cancerous. Good, but I dont want them on my face. She looked, and that's all she did. No advice at all. My traveling friend Charles has an allergy to most laundry soaps, they switched over to Tide Free, which also looks like All Free, so I decided to try them...cant tell them apart.In packaging or how they work. I got a free sample of zum laundry, and it made everything smell SO good! I just dont want to pay the shipping on it. Might pick up some at the grocery store and use it on my non wearables, like blankets and comforter. (I call them woobies). @kazu and @NickelpennyI wish you both the best of luck on any thing your doctors can do to reduce your back pain. @Cruzin TerriSeveral years ago I tore both rotator cuffs. That'll teach me to put out my arms to stop a fall. I opted out of surgery on my right arm and did physical therapy until the therapy ran out. For two reasons. I ended up getting MRSA at the doctors office, and DH decided that that was the time he should have hip replacement. His surgery did not go very well, and there I was unable to pull him out of his chair. I had to call my BFF to fly down to help us, and in return, I asked him if he could cruise, where would he want to go, and he said Alaska, and we took him to Alaska. So when I fell in May of 2020, I remembered not to hold out my arms, and i broke the tip off my elbow, ( i have 4 screws holding it together)and smashed my nose. Following that surgery, I decided to only walk on dirt paths, and double check my surroundings on everything. If you can try the therapy first. Dear Lord, please look after all my dailyites, their spouses, families and friends. Keep them safe, lessen their pains and fears. May the love of those they know surround them as a giant blanket of warmth and good cheer. That is my prayer for you all.
  11. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! Currently per the computer its 48 degrees and clear. Weekend weather? Rain. I made a major mistake this morning, I got up at 7 and watched the news. I shouldnt do that. Its not good for my happiness. Ignorance is bliss. I attached the keyboard from the home computer with my work computer, and it worked, so I worked yesterday. No sales, but 3 good leads and call backs. I told DH that my first hour back with CTG was better than the three weeks I actually was on with the HB. He said, did you get a sale?, no I spoke to someone. Plans for he day? Walk the dog, then take DH over to the park, and walk in the woods, then lunch, then work, then dinner. Bribox wasn't working yesterday, and I think there is F1 racing this weekend, so the evening will be spent trying to find something to watch. And then to bed, repeat the same for tomorrow. Have a great and wonderful day everyone!
  12. Alright, Im going to apologize for my crass behavior, but on a bet several years ago, I was asked to write a song about Astrology. (where is RNB when I need him) OK here goes I went to an astrologer the other day There was only one thing she could say -if you're feeling bad, and always sad... Its because the moon is in Uranus. I've had my tarot cards read I should just stay in bed Even had my biorhythms done Said I'd have a good day in 2031 But i'm still bad, and I'm still sad because the moon is in Uranus. Sorry. ha ha he he he ha. not. I did go to an astrology fair with my friend Linda in NJ back in 1979. The astrologist said, you might as well admit that you are never going to be lucky in love, but I do see a great change in your future. You will be moving soon. That was a Saturday afternoon. On Monday at work I got called in, promoted and transferred to GA. And life, since then, has been all about accepting changes.
  13. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Computer says its 40 degrees, from here the sky looks clear, and my plans for the day are to see if the old computer can be used at all. If not, I will have a week off, as the new computer will not be delivered until Friday. If the computer does work at all, I can work the hours my boss Mark works, and if I get a sale, he can add the comments of where the patron wants to sit and what the people want. If they say no, then I just ask why and mark a box. If they dont answer, I dont have to do anything. I just have to remember to not add notes, when not needed. We went to Red Lobster last night. They have changed their menu recently and have daily dinner specials. They knock down the price of some of the meals, take away the option for two sides and only give you one, but crab legs a full pound, were 20 bucks, and this was one of my favorite meals. I upgrade my side dish to a salad for an extra 1.99. I prefer a squeeze of lemon or lime instead of the melted butter, so it's a pretty lo cal meal. Until they bring those Cheddar Bay Biscuits! And then we went to the county symphony where we are patrons. Well I feel we are, but they refer to patron as someone who donates a minimum of 250.00 a year on top of the price of the tickets. We donate, but not that much. The music overall was great. High lighting French composers. But the guest artist was a classical guitarist, and there was just something off (in my opinion) about his performance. My guitars look used. His looked brand new, and one string would not stay in tune. (this was the reason I have not purchased one recently, they don't seem to stay in tune) but i no longer get paid for playing, and I think he should have tried it out before he bought it. @Haljo1935 My friend Jesse hurt his back years ago when falling from a roof. He was on disability for years. This year that ended and he went on the SS, and the amount he received per month went down. What worries me about your numb foot, is that you could injure it, and not really know it. So please take care of yourself when you are out and about. The quiche looks wonderful. Quiche is one of my favorite foods, but while all that broccoli looks fabulous (not) I would add some bacon to the pie too. Just for a little salty taste. I saw on the googly news this morning, that the United States is no longer in the top 20 countries that are the happiest. Our lives are bombarded with commercials of all the things that we need to make us happy. This is however against the secret of happiness- so turn off the tv, throw away the paper, (to quote John Prine) I am a Taurus, our motto
  14. um... i somehow dont have anyones signatures. there must be a way.
  15. @kazu Maybe this is too weird to post here, but I had the strangest phenomenon (sp) two nights ago. I had fallen asleep, but for some reason I was holding someone's hands in mine. someone who needed a friend. The power of the pain of the person woke me up, and I thought first, well, am I holding someone's hands in mine right now, and oddly enough I was. I felt the hands. And they were yours. (you were attached to them of course), It was all very spiritual, but mind boggling. So I hope it helped. Since I don't have your email, this was the best way to tell you. I hope everything is ok or at least better now. Anyway. I know I am weird, I accepted that fact years ago.
  16. Back from the dentist (and the best lunch in town). Not good news for either of us. It is bone that is breaking away from the jaw, because of the radiation. So nothing a dentist can do. Poor Chuck, he was hoping for a much better answer. Like it would stop. But it's been more than 2 years, and it will continue. Worse not better. The new hygienist I saw was from Bulgaria. She did speak English, but she was not a chatty person. She explained everything she was going to do to me (like I had never seen a dentist). I could have been insulted, but I thought it was cute. She did say "oh you have a hole in this tooth" what tooth i asked . She poked it and said this one. Couldn't feel a thing. Previous root canal However it was infected, and will need to be pulled, And get an implant. Which sounds painful, but then again, I cant feel anything. Until he said, they will.have to take some bone from somewhere else to build up something that will hold it in place. Tonight is back to our local county Symphony, Classical Guitar. Which I love. I wrote down the days that Chuck couldn't work on a sheet of paper and gave it to him. He pays no attention to that, and scheduled work today. So I had to remind him again, and he said, well he called out yesterday, he had to work today. And right now until I get my new computer, (yup a new computer) I can't work at all. So I sat outside for awhile, and now I have to go to the post office and the bank, as someone has to provide dinner. In July of 2017 DH fell, and lost vision in one eye, and had some damage to his "gray cells" he could no longer work as he was a repair person on copiers, and couldn't see well enough to work on them anymore. He retired and started his SS. May of 2019 DH had a heart attack. , . In August of 2019, I was laid off in a buyout. I was 65. I figured I would retire, and be home with him more, so that was my excuse of not working until I was age 72. After two weeks, he told me to get a job. He had had the house all to himself for two years, and he liked it that way. At one point while working 15 years at the Arts Center, I worked 3 jobs at once, two part time, and one full time. (had to pay for cruise addiction) soi I called one of my old bosses and got my part time job back. The job that I have now. And then covid hit And I was back home full time. We took up walking in the woods, sitting on the chairs in the back. We threw a couple chairs in the jeep, and would go to drive through and pull out the chairs in a parking lot and "eat out". Year two of covid, and he was doing radiation. And I was still not working. When my job opened up again, I started back, but working from home. DH said the job wasn't hard, and he got a job through my old boss, and he started working again too. So when people ask if we are retired, we say yes, but SS isnt cracked up to what we thought it would be. We work all the time!
  17. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Happy first day of spring, even if we only get an hour of it today. It's 31 with a freeze warning! (but it is sunny). Trying to inhale my little sausage biscuit. Have to walk the dog early, because we have a dr's appt north of the city at 10 am. Actually its the dentist. I have a cleaning and DH wants to talk to him about all the chips of bone or tooth that keep coming through his gums. He had the teeth removed from the side of his mouth before he started radiation treatment. We finished watching Tutankhamon and then last night we sat down to watch more Sam Neill in Apples Dont Fall, and even though we are not done, we stayed up until midnight. DH set the alarm for 7, but forgot to turn it on, however 3 barfing cats on the bed at 7:02 worked much better than the alarm. Have a great day!
  18. I do talk to myself, and when I was younger I had an imaginary friend named Penny so that I could talk to someone. But as I have gotten older, I just talk to myself. DH's hearing is terrible, so if I talk to him, it's pretty much talking to myself too. Things that have been ordered and sent are not showing up in my mailbox. Guess I should start checking my front door. @rafinmdI want to remind you, that because you show those crisps for dessert, I ordered them every time I was on the NA. When I went to see the dietician she informed me that they had not picked up any information apparently remotely from my diabetes scanner since October. I told my traveling buddy Charles .that and he says his CPAC machine messages to his doc...big brother is watching. And Act Happy was from the very first Daily.
  19. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! The computer says it's 45 degrees and it's sunny. The computer says it' mostly cloudy. I guess the mostly has not arrived here yet. Today is walk the dog day, Take Tiggers poop sample to the vets for the last of his tests, and schedule his neutering surgery. Then taco lunch, and then go on line and do some studying before I get my re training at 4. I have no idea when that computer or keyboard will come. The ginger cats like the fact that now Tigger's door is open, they can go out on the porch. So last night Tigger was sleeping on the comfy chair in the den, Bob, who is still wary, sat with me, and Furnando was sleeping out on the porch, like he had always lived there. I was scrolling through Britbox last night and found a series called Tutankhamun, starring Sam Neill and Max Irons. The story of how Carter found the Royal tomb, and the consequences of having done so. And how his very weird personality became a true problem with the treasure and his sponsor. So far I have watched 3 episodes, and if it hadn't been 11 pm when i looked up, I would have still been watching. So something to do this evening. Along with Antiques road show. @dfishmay be that the sugars in the carrots breakdown the toughness of the meats and are actually a natural tenderizer? I cut the celery in big pieces, so I can see them and throw them off my plate. Have a wonderful Monday everyone!
  20. Thanks @ger_77 I'm Adourable Sparkly Pants and DH is Cheerful Golden Balls....hmmmm..... I forgot to mention something else that happened yesterday. I was brushing my hair in the bathroom, and noticed that the huge mirror seemed to be lower on one side. I asked DH to get a phillips head so that I could screw the screws back into the wall, and then noticed that all the screws were loose, not just one side and the only thing actually holding it up was that it was leaning against the medicine cabinet. We ended up taking the mirror off the wall before the whole thing, including the medicine cabinet came down. That would have been awful. And I found out that there was originally wall paper in the bathroom. It was ugly, and definitely from the early 60's. Or maybe I did tell you that? Oh well. I do have memory problems. @dfishSince you taught me to roast veggies, you can add me to the love carrots list too. I think I just didnt want to admit it. When people want taters, then I fix roasted baby carrots, and pretend they are a substitute for fries.
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