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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. On Sunday I went to pick up some meds at the pharmacy. The pharmacist informed me It was time for my Covid shot, my RSV shot and my Shingles shot. I said really? How much, and it turned out to be 0.00. Can you do all 3 at once? They said yes. And I said no. So I just got back from the pharmacy having shingles 1 shot, and the RSV shot, both in the same arm, and I am set to go for 14 days, then come back for the Covid, and then after 60 days come back for the 2nd shingles shot. So far, I feel fine, my arm hurts, and I may put off the kitchen cabinet clean out. Krogers was having a buy one get one on very chocolaty popsicles Magnum, and I figured I needed a treat. So I indulged, got the chocolate with chocolate and the chocolate with raspberry. That one has dark chocolate on the outside, a drippy gooey liquid raspberry dip, and that surrounds the raspberry ice cream. It sounds almost healthy. LOL. Im loving the pictures of the family and siblings, and loving the pictures of Petra. Thank you.
  2. @Haljo1935I hope the dr signs. It may not be enough time off, but it would help to take off some of the stress by getting some income. Hugs being sent to you. I hope it all works out in your favor.
  3. @Haljo1935 My nephew was also born in Jordan. What does FT leave mean? Enough time to get well? Are they paying you? How long is the leave supposed to be?
  4. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Computer says its 59 and mostly cloudy. It's completely cloudy, but I guess they want me to guess where it isn't. My brother lived in Jordan for several years, I have been fascinated by Petra for years. But even though I have a brother, we were both adopted, and had different birth parents. And we have never been close. I dont think we have spoken more than once since 1998. I wish that our adopted parents hadn't been so busy pointing out all our faults to each of us, but that's the way it was. So instead of "you're the big brother, take care of your sister" our family didn't work that way. I prefer my family I created and found throughout my life. I don't have to dog walk today as Donna called and said the dog was barfing, and she had to stay home. The dog was barfing yesterday, and I left her a note when I was done walking her, that I didn't think the dog felt well, but she went to play pool last night, and then rethought about going to work, so she is working from home today. Except for the very top shelf of the bookcase in the den, I got the rest of it organized. Antiques are on the top shelf. Today will be cleaning out kitchen cabinets. I made Queso Chicken last night, very tasty!
  5. My dad's favorite thing to eat when we lived in France was bouillabaisse. We often went to Mont Saint Michel, and stayed at a small hotel near by, and he would order bouillabaisse. And every time he did this, he would get very very ill. So when we moved back to the states, he did an allergy test and found out, that he was allergic to seafood. Which lasted until the last year of his life and he could eat shrimp again. My parents gave me a choice of two camps when I finished 6th grade. Sailing camp out on Cape Cod, or Riding camp in north Vermont. They gave me the choice, but decided for me. Figuring that my grandparents would at least come visit me since they lived in Woodstock VT. There I was the granddaughter of a horse breeder, and I found out within day one, but lasted for 6 weeks, I was allergic to horses. When I got back from camp, I got tested. It it has fur or hair, I'm allergic to it. Even the cats! I took years of shots, and had no problems with cats. Until this past year. @tupper10You had mentioned a few days ago the fact that I had cruised on Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth. I was 6 when we left the USA to live in France. We took the Queen Mary out of New York. We had to be dressed to the 9's every day, and pretend to be perfect children. My brother went to swim in the pool (inside on the lower decks back then) and there was an octopus swimming in the pool. He never went back to swim. They had daily tea parties for the children, and showed movies in a small theatre. We did have early dining (this is when the children were supposed to eat) but we dined as a family. After dinner, I remember my mother dressed up in the most beautiful gowns, and my parents would go out and dance the night away. All the rest of her life, she never got so gussied up again. When we left France, we stayed in Paris for a few days, and Dad took us to the movies, we saw The Longest Day. When we got home the first movie I saw was West Side Story, and I thought, what a violent country we came back to. I don't remember anything about the Queen Elizabeth except for coming back into the New York Harbor. In the fog, we ran into a small sailboat, and the sudden stop of motion made me terribly ill. I'm sure that they had the same fancy things going on that we had on the Queen Mary, but by then I had become rather introverted and spent my time walking the ship, or had my head in a book.
  6. @Haljo1935 Sandi said that he was not much of an experimental eater, someone had given him fudge, and there were walnuts in it. That's when he found out.
  7. @rafinmdSounds like things are running smoothly, with them getting in touch with you, instead of you doing all the work trying to get in touch with them. Good Doc! Several years ago DH's oncologist wanted him to meet with a pain doctor. I'm not sure she had ever worked with someone like DH, Post heart attack, clogged arteries, cancer, bad hip, mouth pain from radiation. She said she would get all of his dr's together and discuss the best way to handle all of DH's problems. She never did. Part of the problem is the heart doc is independent, the oncologist is part of Northside, the hip, ENT and radiation were Emory. So all the pain meds are being subscribed by the oncologist and the ENT. He's got pain meds from here to eternity, and the oncologist wants him back with a pain management person. And today after 6 weeks of telling us that, they called and said they found a new doc, in the Emory offices, in midtown to help get him off all the meds. I wonder if they can hypnotize him? The vein and heart doc want him to walk, to get rid of the pain in his hip. Which would work, if I could get him out walking. He wont mall walk, he wants the woods. I agree that soft earth is nicer than cold marble. But he won't walk if it's raining. The biggest pain he has is from the radiation. And unless they can stop the jaw bone from dissolving I can't see how they can relieve that pain. The thing is, he doesn't complain about it when we are cruising. If we could only cruise every two weeks. LOL. I had a friend who got hypnotized to quit smoking. They told him to think of what scared him. Spiders. The man hated spiders. So every time he went to light up he got this overwhelming fear that spiders were around him. After two months I saw him smoking again. What happened I asked. He said he got over his fear of spiders.
  8. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Computer says it's 59 degrees with heavy rain. Well it was raining heavily when I got up at 7:45, it was raining heavily when I went out to feed the stray cats. Now, it's not raining at all. Oh, look, the computer now says Cloudy. I am sure that for those who saw the eclipse yesterday in the cone of certainty, it was spectacular, for us it was just a dimmer day. But all the hype was also used to point out that we are all human, and that we can as Americans can join together regardless of our political affiliation. And then I saw the googly news today, and lost that euphoric patriotic feeling. We did not go for our taco fix yesterday as the man who will repair the driveway called and came by to verify his original quote. They will tear up the driveway and repour concrete on Saturday. The hole in the driveway is now about a foot deep. And each time it rains, it washes out more red clay, and it goes down the street to the closest storm drain. It seems that the majority of strays have moved on. This morning I only had 3 again, not the usual 7 that we have had for 3 months. It was just Chumley, Collard Greens, and Clown. Both Chumley and Clown had apparently slept in the car port, as they were not wet, but the Collard came around the corner, tired to eat all the food, and he was sopping wet. And then he tried to fight with Chumley, and I had to chase him off. DH was hoping that we could get the Munchkin on the porch, and let her have her kittens there, but I havent seen her in more than 3 days. We did have an odd raccoon last night show up, he played with the cat crunchies, but he didnt really eat, nor drink any water, and he was not afraid of me when I went out. They have found a rabid raccoon in the town next to us. I hope that this one was OK, and that it has not spread to the feral cat community. Well off to walk the dog, get my tacos, and depositi some money in the bank. A walk in the woods wont happen today, but I can continue cleaning out things from the house. I think I will tackle the book case in the den today. Have a great day everyone!
  9. @rafinmd I'm guessing tests are better to hear than hospital now. But please let us know about the heart monitor. What do they want to see? Answer when you get a chance. I know you have a busy day. Gentle non contagious hug being sent your way.
  10. Time to book those cruises for the next total eclipse Aug. 12, 2026 Total A total solar eclipse will be visible in Greenland, Iceland, Spain, Russia, and a small area of Portugal, while a partial eclipse will be visible in Europe, Africa, North America, the Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean, and Pacific Ocean
  11. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! I wont say that I coughed all night long, but if I was DH, I would have thrown me out of bed. Must be spring time! The Laurels are about to bloom. The azaleas are in bloom. And i think it might finally warm up enough for me to actually work in the yard this afternoon. The wind is not blowing! Plans for the day, walk the dog, it's out Monday Taco day, DH works this afternoon, and then dinner. I am all caught up with my shows on Britbox, watched all of the F1 shows affiliated with the race this weekend, and now, I'm out of shows to watch. I might just have to read! I have ordered 3 books from ABE books, Rick Steves' Spain, got that one, Tales of Ships and the Sea (quite a lot of short stories written by some of my favorite authors) and Rick Steves Barcelona. I got the first two, but no sign of the third. I have bills to pay today so a visit to the post office. Another thrilling day in paradise. I hope you all have a wonderful day. I couldnt find a picture of cats watching eclipses, but I did find this amusing .
  12. Good Sunday Evening Dailyites! My day was filled with stuff, and I could not get on the computer, as DH was arguing with it. I am not sure who won. but I stopped in to read when I could. @lazey1 just waking up will increase blood pressure, and blood sugars too, but IF that happens again, with the dizzy, the nausea, dial 911 immediately and have them put you in an ambulance and drive you to the hospital. I have been to the port, but I have to admit it was when DH was having one of his bad days (after his brain injury) and while I made him traipse around in ancient Mayan ruins the day before, neither of us felt like doing anything. I had planned to visit the bird aviary in the port, it was closed. The pool was full of kids, we didnt get in. We did shop, and when we got home realized that half of what we had purchased was never bagged up. And never made it home. So I am sure if we had done an excursion there, I would have been more impressed. That's on me. I would love to go back. DH does have 2 T-shirts. One was mine, but because i am a slob when I eat, white is not my color. So he ended up with 2. Watched the F1 race when we got up, then went out for lunch (DH did not want leftover spaghetti again) grabbed some cat food at the store, and the ingredients to make Queso Chicken Casserole for later in the week. My dietician infomed me years ago that the carbs change in taters if they are cooked and then chilled, and she gave me permission to have potato salad once in a while. So tonight we had ham, corn on the cob and potato salad for dinner. Tomorrow will be steak and leftover potato salad. I use the red skin taters and leave the skin on, as someone once told me the skin is the healthy part. @grapau27When you post one good looking meal, I'm thinking you are out with Pauline. Two in a row, ? Means you have left town for a couple of days. More than that? You are cruising!
  13. OMG! @Quartzsite Cruiser-One of my favorite films of all time! Ever been stung by a dead bee? Lauren Bacall as a python. Love it!
  14. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! Computer says...News to you, Umm,,,I hope it changes soon. I thought Twinkies lasted forever. And when they stopped making them, that if i had actually bought them, I could have one a year until I hit 80, And then they brought them back? I want tuna that tastes good, not one that has good taste. No Charlie for me, I'm a bumblebee girl, and then they sold out to another company. Are there any constants in life? Besides change? oh, computer says 40 and sunny! The sunny I knew, but no the temp. Must wear slippers when I go out to feed the strays. I made everything in the fridge spaghetti last night. Left over italian sweet sausage, ground beef, onion, celery and red peppers, canned tomatoes went into the sauce, and we had it over angel hair pasta. A dash of oregano, and a small bit of sugar, and I have to say that it was extremely tasty. With enough left overs to feed us lunch for two days. I like it more on day two, than on day one. And for once I had more sauce to sgetti ratio. I checked with my friends who live in Conyers GA where the tornado hit. He said they were both asleep, and the alarms went off on their phones. They went down to the basement and went back to sleep. He said they lost power for a couple of hours, but they were not hit by the tornado. I dont think he has left his neighborhood, as he works from home, because if he had he would have seen the destruction, not two miles from his house. Which I have seen on the news. Well, since I started typing, I put on the slippers and went and fed the outdoor breakfast cats, Uggles, Collard Greens and Chumley. The brunch cats, Munchkin, Butter and Clown will show up later. And OneSpot will sneak in, and get what he can get. I am so glad we adopted Tigger from the fighting feeding frenzy crowd .
  15. So, during this morning's earthquake, what makes the big BANG sound. ??
  16. As promised-our new child, Tigger-Tigger with still life profile of a Tigger
  17. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! Computer says its 44 and sunny. In a few minutes it will change over to Windy, and then will change to Temps plummeting, and then go back to 44 and sunny.. I have been trying to train myself to sleep later, which really does not have a good outcome, as the cats need to be fed, and they remind me. Then the neighbors dog needs to be walked, as does the DH, plus I am the breakfast cook, and then DH starts work at 1. Why always 1? Doesnt leave much time for me to chill at the computer. I did post something last night that I didn't think was offensive, but it was cut out. Sorry if I upset anyone. @dishGlad the eye is doing better. @GTVCRUISER Welcome home, but I am pretty sure there is another cruise in the near future. @Cruzin TerriGlad you checked in, yes we do worry when we dont hear from you. @smitty34877I hope you got another good nights rest. And that Tana is comfortable. @JazzyVI hope that you got some sleep last night, and that once that surgery is done, you will be pain free.
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