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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! Computer says...News to you, Umm,,,I hope it changes soon. I thought Twinkies lasted forever. And when they stopped making them, that if i had actually bought them, I could have one a year until I hit 80, And then they brought them back? I want tuna that tastes good, not one that has good taste. No Charlie for me, I'm a bumblebee girl, and then they sold out to another company. Are there any constants in life? Besides change? oh, computer says 40 and sunny! The sunny I knew, but no the temp. Must wear slippers when I go out to feed the strays. I made everything in the fridge spaghetti last night. Left over italian sweet sausage, ground beef, onion, celery and red peppers, canned tomatoes went into the sauce, and we had it over angel hair pasta. A dash of oregano, and a small bit of sugar, and I have to say that it was extremely tasty. With enough left overs to feed us lunch for two days. I like it more on day two, than on day one. And for once I had more sauce to sgetti ratio. I checked with my friends who live in Conyers GA where the tornado hit. He said they were both asleep, and the alarms went off on their phones. They went down to the basement and went back to sleep. He said they lost power for a couple of hours, but they were not hit by the tornado. I dont think he has left his neighborhood, as he works from home, because if he had he would have seen the destruction, not two miles from his house. Which I have seen on the news. Well, since I started typing, I put on the slippers and went and fed the outdoor breakfast cats, Uggles, Collard Greens and Chumley. The brunch cats, Munchkin, Butter and Clown will show up later. And OneSpot will sneak in, and get what he can get. I am so glad we adopted Tigger from the fighting feeding frenzy crowd .
  2. So, during this morning's earthquake, what makes the big BANG sound. ??
  3. As promised-our new child, Tigger-Tigger with still life profile of a Tigger
  4. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! Computer says its 44 and sunny. In a few minutes it will change over to Windy, and then will change to Temps plummeting, and then go back to 44 and sunny.. I have been trying to train myself to sleep later, which really does not have a good outcome, as the cats need to be fed, and they remind me. Then the neighbors dog needs to be walked, as does the DH, plus I am the breakfast cook, and then DH starts work at 1. Why always 1? Doesnt leave much time for me to chill at the computer. I did post something last night that I didn't think was offensive, but it was cut out. Sorry if I upset anyone. @dishGlad the eye is doing better. @GTVCRUISER Welcome home, but I am pretty sure there is another cruise in the near future. @Cruzin TerriGlad you checked in, yes we do worry when we dont hear from you. @smitty34877I hope you got another good nights rest. And that Tana is comfortable. @JazzyVI hope that you got some sleep last night, and that once that surgery is done, you will be pain free.
  5. @1ANGELCAT That is sad that someone would jump in front of their family. Drunk =stupid. I read in the news about people falling off or jumping from Carnival and Royal....not so much Holland or Princess...is there such a tale? DH says probably yes, but I really do think the clientele might be a bit different.
  6. I will go check out yesterday, as I was thinking it had been too long since @Cruzin Terri had posted. oh, she posted on a roll call, but not here. oh well, I was wondering how she was doing.
  7. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! Computer says it's 48 and sunny. It does not say it's windy, but it is, ongoing with winds at 15-20 miles an hour with gusts up to 35. Its my first real day off since my lay off. May not be the best day to be out in the yard. Guess I will start on the bathroom project. And grocery shop. @aliaschief Your post says you are in the most expensive city in the world. Singapore? The other one was Geneva, but I thought that would be a very strange cruise indeed. Your mini safari sounds wonderful-what animal are you really wanting to see? @smitty34877Your neighbor was very kind to let the night attendant park in their driveway. I hope you got a good night's rest. And will continue to do so. Leftovers. the best are the ones made with tomato. Spaghetti, Lasagna, something happens tp those meals, and the flavors have married, they are not so acidic on the net day. I guess there is a way to make them for just two people, for one meal, but I have not figured out how. I did read in the googly news that chefs want to bring back comfort food. So I guess my meatloaf qualifies. And @dfish's beef wellington, @rafinmd's Baked Alaska were on the list. Clams Casino were also on the list, Hopefully I can get some when we are down in Cedar Key this fall.
  8. The hours of my day were like being in a disney line- a lot of hurry up and wait, DH's immunotherapy was only two hours today, no meeting with the doc. DH finally agreed to try eating more (not my cooking) so he had a large helping of Ravioli at the greek restaurant for a very late lunch. And after lunch I ran into Publix and got him some "Rich Chocolate" Boosts. We made it home with enough hours to work if he wanted, but apparently he didn't want to work, and after an hour and a half of making that decision, we sat down to watch Band of Brothers on Netflix, another film score I lovel If anyone asks what is my favorite movie, it is Band of Brothers. While my travel friends are unable to go on next years cruise, my BFF said yes! I guess he figured we would not be able to do our usual annual trip, if Europe was going to be my trip, unless he came along. Yeah! Back to the series. Hugs to all!`
  9. My favorite film score is from the film, Under Fire. If you have seen the film, the gentleman portrayed by Gene Hackman, was one of my dad's friends.
  10. @dfishI read several years ago that humans probably swallow a spider while sleeping at least once in their lives, when I mentioned that to one of DH's docs, he said, it's more like one a month. Sounds like a spider bite on your eye. I am glad that it's looking better, but you might want to check with a doc to get something to treat the pain.
  11. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyties! Last nights storms were quite more than what the cats could handle. Poor Tigger ran in from the porch and flew into my lap when the lightening and thunder were over head. Furnando ran into the den, and hid under the love seat, and Bob just laid on the floor by my feet. We decided that we would go to bed at 11:30, and just as we were turning off the lights and TV, they announced a tornado sighting down near Conyers, where our travel friends live. Now, the hubby in that couple goes to bed by 8, and the wife is the one with dementia, and she stays up all night watching tv. I hope that he had a weather alarm on his phone. I will check in with them later this morning. The cars this morning are now white from all the dogwood petals that were torn down by the rain. Currently it's 54 and partly sunny. Today DH has his immunotherapy session, which lasts about 3 hours. It is usually set in the morning and we get lunch on the way back, today it's at 1:30. So we will get out around 4:30. And then he wants to work this evening, but we still need to go grocery shopping. The fridge is now bare. The treatment lasts an hour, but they do blood tests first, then set him up in the therapy room, and if there is a meeting with the doc about any changes, we all go back to talk with them. Last time, they met with DH while he was in the therapy so I have no idea what was said. He has lost so much weight, has no muscle and his clothes are falling off of him. I need to just throw some Boost in the cart and not let him decide if he wants it. He is 6'2" and weighs 168 now. Skin is sagging on his belly, gotta get some weight on him. Being a diabetic I need to keep my weight down, he needs to gain, cooking is becoming a nightmare. @smitty34877Sending prayers and hugs your way. I'm glad that you got some sleep and respite last night.
  12. @Sharon in AZ two to go plates please, and thanks for sharing the secret. How much boursin? @Niagarawineall set, on my way. @Seasick SailorYes, there was one couple being interviewed on the today show. All the while, they said they had been told that if they were late from a private tour the ship would not wait. Apparently they thought that the cruise line was lying or it didnt apply to them. Those port fees are a lot of money for every hour that the cruise ship is parked there. If you book a flight and you are late, the plane doesn't wait for you. (this was Al Roker who said that) And the woman who was taken off the ship is not well at all, and responsibly shouldn't have been on a cruise, but she had a bucket list, and she was going to go. For every action, there is a reaction. If they had been stuck in Nassau, the problem wouldn't have been so bad. I just don't feel sorry for them. Guess I shouldn't say that, but we have all cruised, and known that. Now I feel so evil. but, as @tupper10 said, those people were all stuck together for a reason. They got the elderly ill woman home. They should be proud of themselves. They did the right thing. @rafinmd, I have not gone back to the Carnival thread since we got home. Everyone is entitled to find out what they like and dont like. Besides being slammed on their threads, I never want to stop someone from trying out cruising or a particular cruise line. I met some wonderful people on that cruise. But that doesn't guarantee that others will meet them.
  13. I'll think about the drive @Niagarawine, but the truth is, I want to go visit @Sharon in AZ first to get some meatloaf and mashed potatoes. I''ll come up, as soon as dinner is over...
  14. The oral surgeon was a nice person, who shook my hand like a yankee, none of that wimpy girly handshake that most southern men have (no offense to any southern men here, it was the way you were raised, you are not responsible). Either that or the doc likes to inflict pain, either way., I liked him. He came up with a plan B, which saves me tons of money. The tooth does not hurt. It had a root canal years ago, but what remained had dissolved and the pain is in the sinuses. I often wondered why my head hurt when i laid down to sleep. And now that the pain has a cause and has been identified, it really hurts. It comes out at 8 am on May 10th. Due to all the complications with my lungs, he will dope me up, and use laughing gas. I will not be asleep. HIs plan, once the tooth is pulled, and what ever infection is going on has been treated, do nothing. Not to worry about the empty space. He said it's so far back in my mouth it wont really show. My smile apparently is not that big. My dentist was worried about the rest of the teeth shifting. Since the one next to it also has a post in it ,it wont move, and the one in the back will move forward? I'm cool with that. It shouldn't affect my eating, because i chew on the right side, not the left. There will just be a space there, somewhere to store my tic tacs.🙄 I just checked in on NOAA Weather, and for my county it states the following- .DAY ONE...Today and Tonight... A line of thunderstorms is expected to move through north and central Georgia this evening and into the overnight hours. A few of the thunderstorms could be severe and capable of producing damaging wind gusts, large hail and a few tornadoes. .DAYS TWO THROUGH SEVEN...Wednesday through Monday... Areas of frost are possible across portions of north Georgia Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings. The potential for frost is highest north of the Interstate 20 corridor. @AncientWanderer Migraines. Had them for years. My dad told me I would outgrow them. There were two things that would help, putting my hands or feet in hot water. This would relieve the pain for a while. The other was a hand or foot massage. Sometimes its just hard to find someone to rub your feet. But what really cured me, and i have not had one migraine since January of 1990- I filed for divorce and left my husband. Totally cured. I guess they were stress related. My prayers go out to anyone who gets them. I would be unable to stand when I had one, and passed out several times from the pain. @RMLincolnGreat news on your hubby's eye! It deserves a @aliaschiefYou can post us news and photos from any ship you want. I have been thoroughly enjoying your cruise. The Dailyites took me in and accepted me, and all I had to show for cruising as an adult was with (gag) Carnival. I don't say that gag lightly. I'm platinum with them. But until they throw the chefs overboard, I wont get on another one. Last years cruise offered the most disgusting food I have ever eaten in my life-worse than the cow tongue my dad ordered by mistake for me when arrived in France. He recognized the word boeuf, and thought he had ordered a steak. And the tongue was not bad, it was just weird. Even the waitresses on that cruise apologized for the food. Mainly because they knew that most of it was sent back. @bennybearThose chocolates look wonderful= the one that is missing? What was in it? Are they solid, liquid? or just absolutely as delicious as they look? My favorite port is Progresso Mexico. I have always hoped to see it as the port of the day, and never have in the time I have been here. I just thought that the ports were HAL ports. The pier is so long, you can see it from space. (I have not been to space)The port itself is not that great, but the places to get an excursion there are incredible. Tigger found a hole in the screen, well maybe I pointed it out to him, and he came through the hole about an hour after I showed him. He and the other fur babies are very chill today. No fighting, no biting, they are enjoying the warmth. And well that they should as the windows are open, and the pollen is floating by- because there is that word FROST in the forecast. grrr. Luckily all my weeds are really growing well, and I have not purchased or planted a thing.
  15. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! I got up and spent more than an hour filling out the forms for my appointment today with the oral surgeon. I certainly hope today's appointment is just a talk, as I have not received any information about eating/not eating, where surgery will be done etc.. We drove past the place yesterday and there were no cars in the lot. I dont think Medicare covers oral surgery, but apparently I am the one that has to check that out, since I need a description of the surgery to approach Medicare, I cant see them doing the surgery today.. If they dont I have to come up with a way to pay for it. Tigger may have had that cone off of him in less than 3 minutes, but he managed last night to get the bandage off his foot in two hours. What a cat! Ahhh French Toast Casserole. Carbs in every corner. Calories in every bite. I have made it several times with ground sausage in it. (brown first). throw fresh fruit on top, and if you can have syrup, add your own. Still isnt healthy. Really good, but not healthy. @smitty34877I am sorry that Tana had a hard night last night. And if she is sleeping now, enjoy the peace for a moment. Give her a gentle hug from me. My new go to snack is celery with peanut butter. Last night Bob decided to lick the plate with the peanut butter on it. I had no idea that cats liked peanut butter. They probably don't, but he wanted to make sure I didn't eat any more of it. It is currently cloudy, there is a notice on the computer that we will get High winds soon. Yippee. Oh, its 67 degrees. Supposed to get up to 80 and then the bottom drops out after the storm passes and we go back into the 30's at night for the rest of the week, with highs in the 50's. This is not normal! But the weather threat is. Take care all!
  16. Good Afternoon Dailyites! I did post so early this morning, I ended up on yesterdays post. up at 5 vet at 7:15 got DH to his ENT appt by 8:30 (with a stop at Micky D's on the way to downtown Atlanta and got a sausage and cheese mcmuffin (no egg) got to the bank by 10 where we both had to appear with our state checked signed and deposited (we dont have a joint account) got the bills paid found the dental surgery where I have to be tomorrow got lunch, got home paid the phone bill that was overdue (they said I had to pay April's too) went to the store to get kitty crunchies and temptations got the cat from the vet paid that bill too and came home. phew! I hope all my days off in April are not this busy. Ok, Tigger and the vet. When we took him in for a check up two weeks ago, the vet mentioned that one of his toes appeared injured and to watch it. Well on Saturday I noticed that that toe was about 3 sizes larger than any other toe, and that the nail that was there was dead. It did not retract at all. That the space between toes looked sliced, so they declawed the one toe today since he was already under and told us they put a small bandage on his foot. The small bandage goes from his foot up to his tail. The also told us he had to wear "the cone" for 10 days. Chuck picked up the cat in the carrier and took him to the car, while I paid the bill. He was staring at the cat when I came out, and asked me, was there a cone on the cat when I picked him up? Yup, not there now.. Since he has to use paper litter for the next 10 days, right now he is living on the porch. Since it will be warm tonight, I will sleep on the sofa with the door open if he is having problems, and go out to be with him. I have a nice fuzzy thick comforter just for such nights. Paying the phone bill was a joke-I called and the hold time was more than 2 hours. I said no way, called back 2 minutes later and the hold time was 3.50 to 4.50 hours long. I pushed the button that said call me when a rep is ready. After reading everything that has been posted today, with all the losses of friends and family over the weekend, I wanted you to know that you all are in my prayers. Sending hugs to all!
  17. @ger_77 You are, what I refer to as an angel on earth.
  18. Its actually Monday Morning! Happy Monday, rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. to the vet for Tigger's neutering then downtown for Chuck to meet with his ENT then get home, walk the neighbotrs dog then go pay bills So a lot of running around. I know there is something else that needs to be done this morning, but for the life of me, cant remember. @Quartzsite Cruiser Safe travels today, whatever weather you are getting it seems like you are sending it this way. @grapau27Thanks for posting Father DAvid @JazzyVI hope you got more sleep last night, and that you find some relief from the pain today.
  19. Happy Sunday morning Dailyites! Happy Easter to those who celebrate. Computer says it's 55 and mostly cloudy. My view from the desk, shows completely cloudy. So far on a day that should be filled with peace, Tigger attacked Furnando (who is not a fighter) and was thrown out on the porch with a mouth full of orange fur. Poor Furnando. He ran down the hall to the bedroom and laid down in his safe place (near DH). I saw the most interesting documentary on Netflix last night. Live to be 100. Now I am not sure I want to live to be 100, but I do want to live a healthier happier life, and this documentary explains how. The teller of the information studied blue zones (areas in the world where people live longer healthier lives) and he took their philosophies and applied them to smaller living areas in the US. And it worked! While there are about 25 things to do, ( from all 5 blue zones) it basically breaks down to 4 groups, your Outlook, Your connection to others, to eat wisely, and to figure out your purpose in Life. It was advised to find your "Right Tribe" . And I thought about all that all of you have taught me over the last year and I think you are my "Right Tribe". They mentioned the healthiest meal, called the 3 sisters, black beans, squash and corn. For some reason when eaten together even the carbs are good. (they were not using butternut squash) I won't babble more on the film, it is in 3 parts, but we stayed up until the program was done. I will watch it again. After April, to see if I can make some changes by following it for a month.
  20. @kochleffel I am so sorry you fell last night, as we get older we have less rumpbess to protect us. If still in pain on Monday, I recommend seeing a doc. I ended up having surgery because of a rumpbess fall (it was down a flight of carpeted stairs, and I couldnt stop) I did wipe out my boyfriend at the time....he was in front of me. Ladies first. @aliaschiefabsolutely fantastic sunrise. Beautiful. Well turns out I'm off until May. At least with the theatre in CA.I'm still waiting on notice of mid April fundraising ( which I am terrible at) in NYC. I had a brief conversation with the husband of our traveling friends. HIs wife, is getting worse with her Alzheimer's, and has been having "bathroom" problems. In other words forgetting to get to where she needs to go. Temper tantrums when what she wants to eat is not available (burgers or lobster) and I'm thinking it might be time to place her somewhere for Alzheimer's patients. He thinks I am being too severe. I asked him what the doctors have said about the bathroom situation, and he has not told them. He says he thinks he is living in denial. He knows however that he cant take her to Europe anymore, he's not even sure that they will be able to make it to Florida with us in October. DH lost both his father and his sister to this disease, but it takes more of a toll on the caretakers than it does on the patient I am afraid. Have a great evening everyone, and hug the ones you love.
  21. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! The computer says its 53 degrees and sunny. It is sunny and I think it could be in the 50s. Yesterday morning when we took off to the doctors, it was 34, and got up to 50 in an hour. The house is always cold though. We got to the end of season 22 of Midsomer murders, and then found out that if we wanted to see seasons 23 and 24 we would have to pay. So we are done watching for the time being. I might have to start watching more Netflix to get me through the summer. I left work early yesterday. When I get to the point where I am calling someone twice a day? I think they have been harrassed enough. My boss was not happy with me. I now have no job, and have no idea for how long, as the other boss said he was meeting with the customer, but we have not heard anything about coming back to work. Oh well, the Lord always has a plan. DH is sleeping in late this morning, Tigger cat is always jumping on the stove when I am cooking, so he is on the porch right now, and breakfast is almost ready. I need to go up to dollar tree to pick up a few Easter items (milk chocolate) for my neighbor who will be with us on Easter for BBQ..
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