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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. @smitty34877They have announced on the Today show, that it is Pajama day. Tana has the right idea. I often refer to myself as a pet vegetable. Not a couch potato. More like steamed asparagus.
  2. Out of Skagway, we made it as far as Carcross (the abbreviated name for Caribou Crossing). It was September 9th (our anniversary) and the very nice people at the visitors center stamped our Passports. Since we didnt make it all the way to Whitehorse, I'll just show a few pictures, and not waste your time.
  3. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Computer says its 62 and cloudy. Its so cloudy it's dark. Our back yard has a lot of trees, so no sun? It's like predawn. I have opened one of the windows in the den, the birds are in the feeder and Furnando is in the window watching the "Morning Show".. We are supposed to have temps in the mid 80s this week, until Canada sends us another cold front! Thank you Canada. I took down some of the plastic from the porch, and now I have to find more dollar tree shower curtains to put back up. Dh wants mom cat to have the heater on, but I wont heat if there is no "walls" to hold it in. I pay the electric bill. Still no news on the job, perhaps Mark spoke out before he should have. Oh well, I got offered a kritter care job for a week. They didnt mention payment and to tell you the truth it has me juggling far too many critter cares. Still trying to figure it all out. @Mr. BostonI hope that all of your reflections fill you with joy and peace. @grapau27Tell Pauline-thanks for the poem. Made me cry. @0106I know your river cruise poem was about a bigger river, but it reminded me of the many times we canoed down the Delaware. And how fast life goes by. Chores for today- feed the outdoor cats, make sure Munchkin is comfortable and well today, get to the Pet store and get her Mom and Kitten food, paper litter, and toys for Tigger and the "boys". Tazi heard me open a bag of kitty crunchies yesterday and she ran from her hiding area jumped on the stove and was eating out of the container. Oh my! Or was it the sound of the kittens crying that got her attention.
  4. I would like to announce to you all, that you are now "Cat" grand aunts and uncles as Munchkin ( no longer a stray) gave birth this afternoon to- we are not too sure how many kittens. But we know there are at least two of them. One solid black (like Chumley) and one black and white like her. I think she may have had a third, but I told DH to let her be, and stop turning on the lights on the porch. I did go out and tell her what a good girl she was, and she seemed to appreciate it. We will know more in the light of day. If there is a third, it might be Tiggers, so i understand why she hisses at him through the window. She is on the porch, and the little family all seem to be fine. I thought we all needed some good news today.
  5. I love Big Macs. Cant help it. Either it reminds me of a HoJo from the 60's, or it's the secret sauce....but I know that they are a no no. Several years ago McD's offered a small, regular and Large Big Mac. It was at the same time that my dietician hooked me up to a meter (thin needle in tummy area, that monitored my sugars all the time.) But I had to make a list of every thing I ate. Every meal;, snack or nibble 24/7 for a whole week. One busy day I stopped at McD's, and got a small big mac...now remember I wasn't knowing the results of what I ate, that would come at the end of the week, when they took the needle out, and told me the results. What did I eat on for lunch on Wednesday? she asked. I looked through my notes and told her. A small big Mac. She left the room, and came back with 3 other people's diabetes results. All four of us had healthy readings after eating the small Big Mac. And then McD's discontinued them from the menu. They were not making enough money off them. Seems to me that if our results had been tested and sent in, there may have been a baby big mac. Baby Mac. And after talking with a woman who's husband lost his ear through the same type of cancer that DH has, and they have spent months at a time at the Hope House (run by Emory) I think donating to the Ronald House or the Hope House is an excellent idea. They drive up from south Georgia, 4-5 hours to get the best medical help they can get. I cannot complain about our 1 hour drive through suburbs again. @Mr. BostonI was very sad to read about your friends death. My condolences to you, her friend, and her friends and family. @kochleffelyou will have to borrow the full body bubble wrap that Jacqui needed last year, and some of this year. Sorry about the sprained ankle. Did it happen while you were finding serenity in the woods? @LambKnucklesI hope all went well with the doc today. I'm wondering if you don't have or did have RSV, and I'm not even sure there is a test for that. But after reading all I see in the googly news, that is apparently what I had on our last cruise, but because I have COPD it became more serious, and so I was suffering from that, bronchitis and COPD all at once, and I could not breathe. I am hoping they find you a cure! @StLouisCruiserstell your sister to rest while she can, because as @Nickelpennypointed out, the PT is a (bad word). I tore both rotator cuffs in a fall at work. My boss told me that the surgery did not help her. I went to see a surgeon and got MRSA in his office. I ended up having surgery on my leg that had the MRSA. I did the physical therapy instead of surgery. My arms were better, until I fell and broke my elbow in 2020. After another round of physical therapy, my left arm is at 90%. The elbow has 4 screws in it. My right shoulder has enough movement for me to exist in a pretty normal life. Well my normal life, I tote the 30 pounds of bird seed, and I pick up cats to snuggle with, I cant run a farm. Just a cat house...LOL.
  6. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! Safe travels to all for today, and may the docs stop practicing medicine and get it right today!
  7. @LAFFNVEGASFood porn! You know I love food porn! Thanks. So glad I ate earlier. made reubens. I used a french sauerkraut, that was organic....and expensive. DH said it was good. I have left overs.
  8. @Denise Twhy wait for retirement ?, and while I am from a Vermont family, I think the idea of NH is actually a bit better. Lower taxes, closer to the ocean, closer to Boston, and Maine. Since you are working from home, it doesnt matter where home is, does it? and if you want warmer? North Alabama is often referred to as the Vermont of the South to us lost yankees.
  9. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! I will celebrate the ex in ex spouses. If I can't find something to laugh about during a day, I smile at the end of the day, knowing that tomorrow may be different. But with the new Tigger in the house, I find I laugh a lot. I like dolphins, I spent one afternoon on the Legend cruising back to Vancouver watching the smaller Harbour dolphins swimming and jumping in front of the ship. They bring me joy. The computer says its 53 degrees and the weather girl said it will get up into the low 80's. Short season is coming! The driveway is done. Our neighbor said to DH, you should have told me, we could have done it for 500. DH said to him, I am too old to do this job, I watched and it was way out of my league. We cant drive on it until Monday evening, so hopefully the weather will hold and be warm and somewhat dry. They went through 50 bags of concrete. I got a call yesterday from my bosses assistant, who asked if I was available to work for a small campaign. I said yes, for two reasons, one if I do nothing, I have to clean house, and two, I need the money. Cincinnati opera summer season, and I am so hoping that they allow me to work this campaign. If I get the job, it starts on the 22nd for one to 2 weeks. Please send positive vibes to Mark in LA for me.
  10. @ORTravelGal I meant to say this earlier, but , WELCOME! to the Dailyies. So, you are taking a cruise? Jealous.
  11. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! Computer says it 53 and sunny. DH had to run to the bank this morning, and he said, whatever, it's cold out! Our windy days just don't stop. The guy is supposed to come today to fix the hole in the driveway. I hope he fixes the whole hole, which is now a foot deep. The plan is to dig up the driveway up to where the initial crack is, and then to where below the hole is, and fill in with sand, gravel and then pour concrete on top. I'm pretty sure that our neighbor who shares a side by side driveway will be happy for us not to use his anymore, and I just hope it lasts long enough until our final move. BUT he was supposed to be here an hour ago. So far all I can say about the very pregnant tiny cat on the porch is, that she is lonely for all the male companionship she has had for months, and that no vet is available to perform a kitten abortion at this time, that she does use her litter box, she eats, and she is very nervous. She hisses through the glass at the orange boys, and remembers Tigger from her time on the streets. Looks like kittens are in my future. Tigger is like having a moving dishwasher, if you put a plate down and turn your back, well, the meal is gone. He doesn't care what it is. Today he had peanut butter, and butter with crumbs from a whole wheat english muffin. I read the end of yesterdays Daily, @RMLincoln what a long hard day you had yesterday, but being with family is so important, and stepping in to help with calls, and texts and hugs was so important. Bless you. And how wonderful that your DH's vision is now good enough that he can drive! Plans for today? Putz around the house, do laundry, clean up piles of paper, pay bills, go to the post office, (well I may put that off until Monday, so that I actually have something planned for the afternoon.) DH has a PET scan on Monday Morning.
  12. DH decided before dinner that his bathroom needed cleaning. So 3 hours ago I made dinner, he ate, and I have not seen him since. I cleaned the litter boxes, but have not taken the trash out yet because a really LARGE possum was out eating left over cat food. Guess I should attempt to do that now.
  13. @Cruzin TerriI am sorry that you found out through an obituary about your friend. I found that our group of friends get smaller as we get older, and it just makes it harder to lose one. Sending you a hug.
  14. About my previous post, it did start out with Good Friday Afternoon Dailyites, got the info on how many times I had been there, what we did, and I started posting picture from the museum (these showed up last) and then the miniatures of Mayan ruins, they showed up at the end, with no explanation, and the guy climbing the pole, and the men walking around the pole. I have no idea what happened to my written part of my post. Anyway, if you are looking for something fun to do, and walking is a problem for you, the museum, miniatures and Papantla flyers are a great way to spend a few hours.
  15. Welcome @LambKnuckles. Its nice someone invited you! All my Cozumel trips were on Carnival. The Dailyites forgive me. I came to this site with questions, and I have never met a warmer more wonderful bunch of people. I stayed. I hope you do too.
  16. I have been to Cozumel at least 8 times- 3 times with a day pass to a hotel ( El Cid) snorkeling and lunch once a tour of the island once to Isla Passione (great trip) once to do a Salsa and Salsa (I dont dance) Once DH and I just wandered the shops, and had a great lunch But the most memorable was when DH and I saw the Papantla flyers- In order to be one, your father must be one, so when the Catholics tried to squash the gods out of the Mayans , they did this in secret in the forests- last man up ready to go, notice the flute player standing in the middle of the pole and away they go- when the head ribbons touch the ground, it's time to sit up and call it a job well done. They take tips, but are not paid by the museum.
  17. @NickelpennyI think your shadow box of Martina is wonderful. I meant to tell you earlier.
  18. @Cruising-along I'm thinking what can I do with all that wool. Dye it, make a short wrap? To keep warm? Untie it, and make a large thick scarf? What a great packing idea. @Mr. Boston I suggest one of the best ways to see Maine if you love the sea, is to get out on the sea. Check out Maine Windjammers and find a primitive cruise that goes to small towns. If you love the hills, just move 10 miles inland. We love Rockland.
  19. I found this pic when I was going through my photos- Cant believe I was that close, but he let me take his picture.
  20. @smitty34877The painting behind Tazi is one that I did of Christmas Cove Maine. I went there after a windjammer cruise to visit with my mother's cousins. Turns out they didn't like her either. LOL. But with trepidation they let me in, and we had a wonderful time. Said I was not a bit like my mom. Thank God.
  21. @Hogladyrider I have no idea how old you are, but when I went there as a child, and worked in Harwich Port the summer of 74, there were no sharks. And there were no sharks because there was no food source for them. And then we decided that killing seals was not nice, and the seal population bloomed, and the sharks had a food source. Now maybe we look like seals to the sharks, but we aren't seals. I guess they just add ketchup. And seals, really are not that precious. They are breeding machines, that toss their babies aside after two weeks, and breed again. I bought the best waterproof seal skin boots when I lived in Minnesota. I'm cold, I know, but humans are more precious than seals. Shark attacks from the 80's to present day.
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