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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. three hour zoom....zzzzzzzzz. took lots of notes. had dinner and got back on the phones i went and met my new doctor, three weeks ago? they updated my file today, it said i had an allergy to cats.
  2. @Quartzsite CruiserYes stores do that, so that you will notice things that you bypass when you know where what you want is. This way you will do more impulse shopping. For at least two trips. After you relearn the store, you buy what you came for, or like DH and I, we will shop elsewhere. It is up to 70 degrees now, the sun was out for awhile, and the cats are in the window, but tomorrow night it is supposed to get down to 31. I think the weekly yo yo effect is affecting every one. 3 hour zoom meeting starts in 30 minutes...countdown begins.
  3. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! This morning when I sat down at the computer the weather showed a moon and said the sky was clear. There was no moon in the sky, and it wasn't clear. It's cloudy and the weather forecast is for storms to come in tonight, with lots of rain, and strong winds. DH and I decided that while we like making the extra money, we are not getting enough together time, and down time. So next week we are going to schedule a day off, and both be on the same page when we choose a day. A day that doesnt start with doctors appointments, just a real day off. I know that I am not a medical expert by any means, but I do suffer from common sense, Covid, as you know has changed multiple times since it raised it's ugly head in 2020. We came up with home tests. I have three different packs, but the brand of covid changes faster than our tests strips, so maybe when people are testing the strips are not catching it because they are not made to test the new strain? I am sure someone will correct me, but it seems that we need to assume that it's out there, and live our lives accordingly. My doctors offices are no longer allowing the spouse to come in with you for a visit. Our heart doc sees us both at the same time, which solves that problem. @rafinmdIt sounds like you are sleeping better, the only thing on tv that puts me to sleep is well, nothing, I will nap through NASCAR, but only if my favorite driver is out of the race. Try listening to DeBussy or Enya. @dfishThank you again for the great recipes and research. And to our Beverage team, I dont drink anymore, but I like the pictures. @JazzyVThank you for your concern over my friend Fern. She is out of the coma, but still in ICU. She answered a text that Lisa and I sent her, she said she is in ICU because the doctors dont know why she passed out and fell, so they are watching and waiting and running tests. She didnt know she had been in a coma for more than a week. Her sister did figure out her address and is caring for her cat. Yeah!
  4. DH took a break, and informed me he was going back to work at 6. My break was at 6. He works until 8, I go back to work at 8. We were supposed to have a steak we bought last night, we are now eating frozen chicken.....we apparently have a failure to communicate.🙀 I told him he was taking me out for breakfast tomorrow, He asked why? Because we need to run a few errands, I said, and because it's a good post valentine's thing to do. We ate at waffle house last night before the concert. He wanted to go to our favorite Cajun restaurant, but we only had an hour between when we left home, and when we had to be at the symphony. Time conception problems.... Beam me up Scotty.
  5. @Sharon in AZNext time you cruise in your dreams, I want to go! Bu the way it snowed in Tucson in January 1977.... I was there..... I love spiced gum drops. Especially the clove and cinnamon. And spearmint, and licorice. And...
  6. @StLouisCruisersLooks like you are docked at Mahogany Bay. When we were there in 2012, we walked over to the beach, DH was snorkeling, and I was walking along side the dock on the far side, looking into the water. Yes his vision was better then, but he did not see what he was swimming towards, a rather meal sized lion fish. He wasn't hearing me when I was yelling, and finally he saw it and backed away. Pulled his head out of the water and said, "that fish does not belong here" and we all know now it doesn't. But it was here in the Atlantic side of the world. Roatan is one of my favorite ports, either at Coxen Hole or Mahogany Bay. DH says he is done with the western Caribbean, wants eastern or southern, places we have not gone to.
  7. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! The computer said when I turned it on that it was 57 and sunny. In reality it was raining outside. Some one must have walked by and slapped Mr computer upside the head, because it now says Rain off and on. I slept until 8:30 this morning. To tell you the truth, going back to just one job, took half of my stress away. I would be late for the 3 am wake up party, oddly enough my wake up time is 4:23. Which is my birthdate. Weird. Termite control coming this morning to check the traps. Fawn and Mr. Bubbles slept snuggled up in the car port, even though their porch door was open. Guess I need to turn the heat off out there. Going up to 70 over the next two days, and then once again the bottom falls out and we go below freezing. Very nice concert last night, excellent guest artist. I mentioned in my late post last night, that our subscription seats are next to the family of the musicians seats. The woman next to me asked me which one was mine...I said, none, I'm a subscriber. She said, then they are all yours. I then asked her, which one was hers, and she said two of them, her son in law and her daughter. Proud mom. I was checking on the cyclone news in New Zealand and saw that they also had an earthquake this morning. Perhaps mother nature, is ill because of the stupidity of mankind. Prayers to all that are suffering, cheers to all that are cruising, traveling or partying at home.
  8. I finished out my last day with Houston, and had 3- 100 $ donations, put on the actual cards, not pledges, so I feel I closed out my account well. Our phone problems were never told to the client, and they had already replaced us with another company last week, they just didn't tell our management. All well that ends well, and off to Hollywood Bowl full time starting at 5 tomorrow night. Yeah! I however will really miss my boss, even though he is a cat hater. My cat Tazi must have known that because every time we had a zoom meeting, she would jump up on the desk, and show her butt. All the other members of my team knew her from previous campaigns, and would say hello to her. My boss hated that.
  9. @XBGuy Please remember that the DSO is a county symphony, with a most excellent conductor. (Paul Bhasin) The members of the orchestra that we have met are truly friendly and talented...and our subscription seats are right next to the complimentary family members seats. The guests are all somehow tied to Emory University, as are many of the members of the orchestra, Professors, and students, or local musicians and guests from the Atlanta Symphony. Tonights program began with Rakaczy March from Berlioz' La damnation de Faust. This was followed by three arias performed by Bethany Grace Mamola https://www.bethanygracesoprano.com/about Her Si mi chiamano Mimi from La Boheme was fantastic Then they performed Down a Country Lane, by Copland. Then intermission. The two final performances were Faure's Pelleas et Milisande Suite and Variations on a Theme of Joseph Hayden by Brahms. They are very good on the first four pieces, and then sort of lose momentum in the second half, but if it's big and loud they are great, just not so great on the quieter moments on a Country Lane or Faure. And of course the upside is, they are grateful for all that come, they give us candy when we leave, and it takes us less than 5 minutes to get home. Parking is free and the hall is just the right size. The hall has about 500-600 seats, so it is very intimate. This was our second concert of our season, but with all the perks we have decided to renew for next year.
  10. Happy Valentine's Tuesday Dailyites! Computer says its 47 and clear. and now it shows, that earnings upcoming. Well, that's a weird weather forecast... I like giving and receiving books. Books are the most constant friends. The characters don't change, they are as true to you when you first read the book and are the same when you reread the book 20 years later. We may change during that time, and maybe we don't like the same characters, because we don't think along the same line, but they don't change... My license states that I am an organ donor, but not sure anyone would want the parts...none of them are in good working order these days. Ferris wheels are fascinating, they seem to be at every F1 race, but I dont do UP very well, so I stay off. (not that i go to the F1 races, just watch) Part of the quote reminds me very much of the quote that we had from Stranger from a Strange Land last week. DH's vision is still blurry. I thought that it was because of the antibiotics that we had to use on the stitches getting into his eye, but in reality it was because when the lid had folded under, it was scratching his eye ball. The doctor said that it will heal, but takes about two months. Swelling and bruising will go on for a few more weeks. Tonight we have tickets to the DSO...Dekalb (our county) Symphony Orchestra. They perform at the college that is near us, so since I am on strike against my previous employer (ASO) (not really on strike, they let me go, they went to ticket master several years ago) I decided that if I wanted classical music, the best way I could do it, and be happy, would be to support my local symphony. I do have a question about HAL today, I read in the section what you need to know-Why does HAL take your passport away from you when you board? I'm doing Alaska and Canada from Vancouver. Have a great day!
  11. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! Heavy frost on the roof tops, computer says it's 37 and sunny. Yes it is sunny! Not in our yard yet, but I can see the sun hitting the house across the street. I might change my name today to Lucky. When I sent boss #2 my weeks hours, total sales and projection for hours for next week, along with the fact that my other campaign had ended, and hinted if I could work a few more hours for him, he upped me to 40 hours a week. Which because DH and I share a purchase path computer I cant do 40 hours, he also said he would get Chuck his own computer sent out to him, so that I can work more hours. Here is a picture of us for our closing campaign- I love lasagna, but as I stated a few weeks ago, there is not really a way to make it for one meal for two people. So, I'm with @dfish, if you make it, let me know, I'll come over, and I'll bring wine. Today is work, walk neighbors dog, take DH back to the eye doc, then come home and work, and dinner is left over chili. Which I get to slurp down while being on the phones. We watched the updated Vera last night, and when that was over, we switched to the game, BFF called and asked if it was OK to talk, I said sure, the Vikings were not playing, I was available. And DH was laughing at the commercials through my whole phone call. Nice tight game though. Have a great day, and @JazzyVthanks for adding me to the care list, but the telemarketing fairy must be looking out for me.
  12. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! The computer says its raining now....duh. It was so windy last night, that DH woke up and said "I hear a truck outside.". I said, " nope its the wind, and go back to sleep. If there had been a truck, you wouldn't hear it" I did hear hundreds of pine cones hitting the roof, but thank the Lord that it was the cones, and not the trees. Due to lack of variety of meats the other night when we went shopping , instead of our Sunday dinner of steak tonight, we will have to celebrate the super bowl, with chili. Short one job, maybe burger meat and beans seem more suitable now anyway. We are not football fans, but love the ads, but on Sunday nights Britbox is loading one Vera from the new season, so we are more excited about that. @grapau27Thank you for the last two weeks of food porn, and the Father David posts on Sundays. Regardless of where ever you are, you have made my Sundays complete. To all who post, like, thank or laugh, thank you! And for everyone who stepped up recently to keep us covered...a BIG thanks.
  13. @Cruising-alongYour new grand cats are just beautiful. I am sure names will be announced shortly. In the book Tail Chasers Song, legend has it that a cat has three names. The name a human gives it, a name that the cat chooses for itself, and the name it will answer to.
  14. Well I survived the zoom meeting, but not the job. We all got laid off, turns out the management thought that more people in Houston had more money than they did. Some people really do come from another planet. Our last day is Tuesday, and we can work all that we can in the next two work days, but cannot exceed 8 hours a day. Lucky for me, I still have my other part time job, however, If i lose that one, I will be down at the unemployment office, just not sure if you get SS that you can get unemployment.? Somehow doesn't seem right. Right now, my most wonderful boss is trying to place the 5 employees that he has in other campaigns. This means that someone must need us, or want us. I will not hold my breath. If something doesn't come up by Monday, I will see if I can stock shelves for Dollar tree. (1.25) I wonder if they pay a dollar an hour???? Lisa wants me, but she doesn't have a campaign right now
  15. I was thinking about the quote, and then added what I knew to be the true quote (in my head) and it was the quote that @JazzyV said. I just got back from my errands, it is feeling much colder than 51, and while driving from point a to point c, i came up with a spring poem... the cherry trees are showing their pink and the daffodils are dillin but it's way too early for spring I think cause the temperatures are chillin. 😸 I stopped at chick fil a to get breakfast, two chocolate milks, two chicken biscuits, two tater tots. I got home opened the bag, and there was one chicken biscuit, two tater tots, two chocolate milks. arghh! I called, and she said I could drive back over and get another biscuit. And that was not going to happen today. We have had problems with our phone system (OMG! a telemarketer without a working phone!) but they switched it to another system, and we are working less, because a computer dials, and if it get na (no answer) it goes to the next dial card. Since most people no longer have house phones but they are listed as the first number, we are missing a lot of people who are cell phone only. So we are having a zoom meeting, either we are all fired, they are going back to the old system, or we finally get to vent. In three hours on Thursday night, I had 5 calls, when usually I get 65, so I am not happy. You must stay on line, you have no control, you cant just put it on hold. Now I did come up with another way, but it means that management has to do more. In an ever changing business world, you sometimes have to see things as gray, not black and white.
  16. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! The computer is back to normal, I am getting the weather again, and not stock reports....51 and cloudy. The news is on the tv behind me, the weather person just said that by noon, the rains will be heavy, and the winds will pick up to as high as 40 miles an hour. There has been so much talk about pizza recently that DH and I went out for a salad and pizza at our favorite Greek restaurant. I had a 6 inch vegetarian pizza(loaded with Greek olives) and DH had an Athens pizza, and we split a Greek salad, and then we headed to the grocery store. And left disappointed, no steaks, no fresh seafood, the highlight of the trip was finding two frozen Stouffers veggie side dishes. I got a sale yesterday, it took more than an hour, it was the smallest sale I have made for Hollywood, but the person who bought two subscriptions for 1 person was 94 years old. Yes, and she goes by herself. And she has to travel more than 3 hours to get there. She does not drive. She uses a walker. Now that is a person that loves music! Music feeds the soul, she said...she wants to be well fed while she is on earth. And that sale was a joy! The whole hour was a joy! @aliaschiefI am loving your pictures from Cancun. For all of you who have stepped up to the plate to keep this thread so marvelous with the recent "management" changes THANK YOU! I have a zoom meeting at 11, and a couple of errands to still run before then. Have a great day!
  17. @RedneckBobI hope you meant National Grits Day. Nobody wants Girts. The key to medication once you get sober, is to take as directed, and when you feel you can go without, go without, and get rid of them. Ok, here are the test results. There is an 8mm nodule in one lung, and a 4mm nodule in the other, there is a small adrenal gland tumor, and a cyst in one kidney. Dr. K is sending me to a pulmonologist, he said we might need to worry, but as it is, all is fine, he just wants me with the right doctor, to get his opinion. So I guess until I get a BAD report then I can be taken off the lists now. DH said it isnt good but with my cough he thought it was going to be a much worse story.
  18. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! My computer is no longer giving me the weather, it's giving me the stock information....But it's cloudy. Low 50's and not getting really any warmer here today. Up early, off to talk with my heart doc about those scans they took over a month ago. I'll be checking back later , but have a great day everyone!
  19. DH said yesterday that since the surgery, and his lower lid isn't folded over, his eye does feel better, not all the itching....but the stitches itch. He just got up, so I have not seen the eye today, but he says it feels alright, yesterday the upper lid was swelling, and dropping down over the eye. He is bored, he wants to work, he may go back to that today, and once i get us fed breakfast, I will put the antibiotics on his stitches, and we can chill out this morning. I did take a picture yesterday of his eye but I know some of us are squeamish, so i wont post it. I took it for his history.
  20. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! The computer says it's 58 and cloudy. I took the food out to the cats, it actually doesn't feel any warmer than yesterday, because of the humidity. It was raining earlier, and more is expected. I saw an article on the Today show a couple of weeks ago, that taught me something. If you fall, and things don't feel right, do not wait, do not pass go, do not tell your SO to take you to the doctor the next day-dial 911 and get an ambulance to take you to the hospital NOW! For several reasons, one was to be seen immediately, apparently when you wait a few days, and then show up, they wont take you seriously because you have managed to be injured and carried on all by yourself. You want to go now! You also dont want the SO to drive you, or you them, if its them that is injured because they may get worse, or you worse, on the way to the hospital. You will also be seen by a doctor. There, who will look at your xrays, and tell you what is wrong, and fix it, then. Or triage you until you can be seen by an expert. We have to stop acting like martyrs and start treating ourselves like the royalty we are. If you question your worth, I now pronounce you all prince and princess of the Royal Daily Family, and hope that you wont wait until you cant stand the pain anymore, ...when you are in pain, or fall, or don't feel well, no more just wait, seek help immediately and take your paparazzi's along with you. @StLouisCruisersDrive safely, and Bon Voyage! @rafinmdGlad you are sleeping better. @Seasick SailorFind another doctor for your life, and send Dr Jones a note, -this is not a thank you for your apathy towards your patients.
  21. My scan reports will be made on Friday at 8:30, it has been more than a month since I have had the tests done. So it will be nice to have an answer, but I could have called them, and gotten a passcode and created a portal, and then tried to figure out what the professional medical person was talking about. I would rather just talk to the doctor. I hate to admit it, but since I am usually up 2 or 3 times a night, I have in the past week (except for the Vietnamese coffee day) slept all night through about 4 nights. And last night was another one Head hits pillow and I slept all the way until 7:30. I have been very tired, at everyone else's beck and call, and I slept ALL NIGHT LONG! Yippee! Today-fix breakfast, get antibiotic on DH's stitches, work for two hours in the Houston campaign, walk the dog, (not my dog) fix lunch, go back to work for work for Hollywood, fix dinner, run to the store, get back on the phones for Houston, finish up at 9:30, send the daily end of day reports, put the goo on DH's eye and then chill out til bedtime. Add feed the cats, clean the litter boxed, get the garbage tin back up the driveway, get the mail, Tomorrow is just walk the dog, and work one campaign, so much easier..I need the cruise.
  22. Happy Wednesday Morning Dailyites! My computer says 55 and cloudy. Yup it's cloudy. Yes rain coming in as @StLouisCruiserssaid earlier, and while she is heading south to get on a ship? The temperatures will drop back into the below freezing zone. Ah the south in the winter. @RedneckBob I dont know if you have been on here for a year, but the Fly a kite day was posted about a month ago. BFF sent me an email yesterday, he said he had cruise news. Well it turned out we will be skipping Skagway and going to Victoria instead. There was apparently a rock slide in Skagway at the port, which may be the reason why the ship is not going there, but the sad part is that I have paid for a 13 hour excursion from Vancouver to Victoria two days before our cruise. Apparently we will get, well BFF will get the cancelled excursion cost back, and I guess we could do the Gardens with HAL, instead of Land Sea, and I can get the money back from the 13 hour excursion, and choose to do something else that day in Vancouver, I guess i need to talk it over with the guys, but I would love to get that 800 plus back from LandSea. Well I got the ball rolling on that, I just emailed the BFF.
  23. DH is back home, I'm a terrible nurse, and he's an even worse patient. His eye area is starting to turn a very dark bruise, and his face is beginning to swell. All of this was to be expected ( I hope he read the material they gave him pre surgery.) They placed an ice pack on him in post op, and he said his eye really hurt. And he yanked the ice pack off! They gave him some of those "good" drugs, he wanted chick fil A and we did the drive through and came home. BUT because he yanked that ice pack off himself, his eye started bleeding, again, something they said may happen, but really, not because you rip off an ice pack. Dinner tonight is a patty melt. I do believe it was @aliaschief that got me hooked on Tillanook dairy products, so sad to see Krogers discontinuing carrying their cheese. They melt very well, and will make a great patty melt. Figured if he was not seeing well, he could figure out a sandwich. I am a firm believer of eating with my fingers... I am tired, and I am babbling, may put on a movie, and take a nap....
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