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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. @Overhead FredFine food porn. Especially the Christmas Log. and Roast beast. Yum.
  2. @cunnorl I too cant believe that someone who services people would have an attitude like that. I am sending you a hug, and you know these days, I learned it's Ok to cry.
  3. It must have been a rust pocket, every thing else runs clear, so I went around the house and ran all the water, all's good. @4966and556I am glad I'm not the only one who loves fruitcake. But I dont like booze in my fruitcake, so I guess i'm a Claxton girl, just a spot of whipped cream cheese and yummy! It's sad that the two foods i love (and they are not good for me) at Christmas, the stores put out around Halloween, and take away the week between Christmas and New Years. Egg nog, and fruit cake. To me Christmas and the tree and the trimmings last at least until New Years Day. Now they don't. These items are off the shelf, and no where to be seen in the stores. I am expecting on my next trip to the store there will be a rush of New Years items, and in a week, it will all be about Valentines day.
  4. Good Monday Morning, aka the Day after Christmas, the Last day of Hanukkah, and go back to work day. Well for me, the rest of the world is not. DH has the day off, but i get to work tonight. Any plumbers here? DH is still sleeping and I noticed that while the water from the sinks comes out clean, when flushing, the toilet fills with sort of tannish water. I'm concerned. Should I wake up the DH? It has been very cold here, and if there is a break between us and the street, then we wont notice until we get a thaw, and see the street get wet from the flow in our yard. Yes that has happened before. I;m thinking, yes I should wake the DH. Oh well, another weird start to the day.
  5. @luvteachingI really hate to hit Like when I understand your frustration. And there should be a "that stinks" button. I am sorry that your day started the way it did. But you ended with a full table, and children and family, and you got to see your DH. Sending a hug your way.
  6. @kochleffel Junior cat is training you. They are sneaky. When Feral Fawn wants "ccokies" (temptations) she get on the outdoor table, and holds one paw out, and hops around as if she's injured, until we give her the treats. And then she heals immediately. We had Chinese this afternoon, with our neighbor(minus the dog), and came back and had dessert. Talked about the fun Christmas gadgets that we had purchased over the years. I did get as a gift, a Maestro mouse who plays Christmas Carols. She had an automated bell ringer. DH loves the reindeer that is motion sensitive and makes crude remarks when placed in the bathroom... Life is good. Whether you spent the day creating new memories, or remembering better times, I hope that you all had a great day today, and I wanted to let you know how much I have loved all of you since you adopted me in here. You always make everyone feel welcome, and I hope that your joyful spirit will continue to knock the Grinch out of me, and make me more like you all.
  7. @Vict0riann 93% capacity may mean that there is still 7% of space for others to sit in the airport?
  8. A very Merry Christmas and last day of Hanukah! I hope that every one of you has a wonderful memorable Holiday. I need to wake up the DH so that he can open his presents before the cats do. Dinner is Chinese with our neighbor, the restaurant wont be open for dining, but take out. I just need to get moving! Set up the dining room to look like Christmas and not an office.
  9. The burnt brownies aren't that bad, but I've been eating healthy food recently, and my stomach doesn't like burnt brownies any more. Ee gads, what have I done! We went out to the store today, we needed more firewood and eggs. All the pipes are on drip patrol, and I don't want to see this water bill. But as the news man said tonight, better a higher water bill, than paying the plumber for fixing burst pipes. A senior living center north of town had burst pipes, and it poured down from the roof, all the way to the bottom floor. All of those people with every thing in their homes flooded out. It's supposed to get up to 31 for an hour tomorrow but we are to let the faucets drip for another two nights. Bubbles finally got on the porch, but then Fawn was out and about. They are now both on the porch, with the space heater. They do not snuggle, they both have their own space, but she is less stressed when her fur friend is in the room with her. We got home and watched Carols from Kings on Britbox, and then watched Scrooged (one of DH's favorite Christmas movies) caught the last 10 minutes of It's a wonderful life, and now the Pope is on. I think I got all the Christmas music covered.
  10. @rafinmdThank you Roy for staring our day today, courtesy of Rich. @RedneckBobThank you for the film on the creation of the Gingerbread village. @puppycanducruise I a sorry that your blizzard is still blizzardating. @grapau27Please tell Sarah Happy Birthday, and that I love her Paddington Cake! @Seasick Sailor I'm sorry about the nail...vicious door! @dfishThank you for the recipes. I especially like option 4, taste of home. I'm glad that your family can all be together for the holiday. When i was in Walgreens the other day, I saw your Farkle game. @aliaschiefI loved your memes today! @1ANGELCATI wish Santa would leave a cruise ticket in my stocking! @RowsbyAfter all this time, I am glad that your family can be together. @smitty34877Never apologize for being sentimental! @ger_77Your meals always sound so warm and inviting. Enjoy the holiday! @HAL SailerI hope that the weather cooperates for you so that you can see your DSIL. Drive safely! @Quartzsite CruiserThank you for posting Singapore today, it looks warm. @TiogaCruiserWhy would your mom not tell you about being Polish. @DeeniEncinitas Great painting!
  11. Merry and Joyous Christmas Eve (Saturday) Dailyites. Years ago on a Christmas Eve, I was coming home from a midnight service. It was one of those days that I had developed one of those migraines from Hades, but I was in the choir, and had to be there. My parents had left the church and gone home after the service, and I left a little later. But I arrived home 2 hours later. The migraine had become too much for me, and I blacked out while driving. I actually had stopped in the middle of the road, by the woods near the old Exxon offices. And when I came to, this is what I saw in front of the car. (Of course this is not the actual thing, but as close as I can find) It was my own little live Christmas card. I was so lucky that no one ran into me, or that I didn't drive off the road and crash. It was my own little Christmas miracle, and I am grateful every day for that one Christmas Eve. The computer says 18, the weather man says 9. Either way for Georgia it is cold! Feral Fawn escaped off the porch yesterday, and went to the water garden to drink some "flavored" water. She was so upset that she was walking on her pond! She did not last long outside, when I went out and sat on the porch, she came back. This morning I pointed out to her, that the water bowl on the porch had water in it, not ice, and she can stay on the porch. This morning I am making Christmas French toast with Panettone bread with sage sausage . DH is wanting to have dinner at Waffle House, so we can play the juke box and hear Grandma got run over by a reindeer. We miss those classics....
  12. @4966and556 When you said :" There was flour and maraschino cherry juice and sugar on the counter earlier, but I don't have a picture. " I was thinking you were describing something I would eat, not the mess on the counter. @dfishI am assuming that having your sister home, might be the reason that your mess was much smaller. When there are two or more working together, the work is easier....(except in the kitchen). lol.
  13. @rafinmdThank you for getting our day started today! Well, I'm going to be brave, go down the hill to get the mail, bring in firewood, and pet the Fawn. Not necessarily in that order. And before the suns sets. It was very nice, not to have to walk the dog today. Her mom was home for the holidays!
  14. I guess I should say, Catmando, is my DH.😸 oh he did say that. my mind has gone. I did bake something today. I overbaked brownies. This is why I don't bake.
  15. Good afternoon Dailyites! Happy Festivus Friday! DH has decided to join us, as he is the primary photographer in the family! I take pictures of obscure things, and come up with the why later. Todays computer weather post, says Wind Chill is a yellow triangle. I think that covers most of the country. I open the blinds, and it is very sunny, not a cloud in the sky. @kochleffel- A Very Happy Birthday to you! Feral Fawn is on the porch, and while we did have the door ajar last night for Bubbles to join her before the temps dropped, he chose the box. We tried to persuade him onto the porch and he took off. He showed up this morning after the Uggles (son of Bubbles) had eaten most of the food, and again, I offered him the porch, but now he is wary. So lonely Fawn is out there by herself, with a space heater, I hung up blankets last night on the lower portion on the north side, the help insulate, and she is at the sliding glass door, looking at the cats inside, and the wood burning stove. The first time we went to Key West was via a cruise with some friends we made on t our previous cruise, we did a lot of walking that day, got off the ship and headed to the Hemingway House, where I was bitten by a six toed Hemingway cat. From there we went to the southern most point, where I purchased a print from a young artist, who ironically graduated from the college that was part of the Woodruff center where I worked. then we made a left turn, and came up Duvall street, (it was a very cold December day and everyone on the ship was buying sweat shirts) We lunched at Sloppy Joes, and then went to the Fisher museum. 12 years later we went back (DH's current pictures.) We steered clear of Sloppy Joes, but wandered the Mallory Square area, found the sculpture garden outside the theatre. The sculptures were mostly heads, with a plaque telling you who they were and their affect on Key West. We had lunch at a great Cuban restaurant while chickens walked in the front door and wandered around the restaurant, some even heading back to the kitchen! Oh My! I ordered chicken something, figuring it would be fresh. The Aquarium was closed and being remodeled (this was this past September) and then went to the Art and History Museum. After that, we got one of @RedneckBob's favorite chocolate key lime pie on a stick. They are amazing, the chocolate stays frozen, and the pie, is creamy. A great end to another Key West visit. If the ships have more than 2K passengers, then they cant come into Key West, so I was very glad that Carnival kept at least two of their smaller ships. At least for now. Stay safe, stay warm. @StLouisCruisersstay safe on the roads tomorrow!
  16. @summer slope I am sorry your kitty is sick. Irving gets that way every time we leave home for more than a night. We realize that we give him part of our dinner every night, and he is used to be spoiled. When we leave I tell the sitter to give him some real food, like the deli meat we bought for him, and she forgot to give it to him, however our vet thinks something else is going on. Good luck! Irving is the same age as your cat. Mature. @kochleffelI used to get "binged" a lot, but i behave better now. (not) . I did read the older we get the less we tolerate, Life is short, and we dont have to put up with stupid.
  17. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! Preparing today for the incoming storm. It appears it will be a wind storm with freezing temperatures. I have a question. BFF has been trying to make reservations for the Tamarind on the NA in May. It shows booked every night, and to try again later. would they be booked up so soon? Or are we trying too early? Stay safe in your travels, stay warm be prepared and many hugs being sent to all of you!
  18. @4966and556Thank you. I will charge my phone tonight, DH charges his phone every night. And that I think are the only electronic devices we have. There are the work computers, but trust me, if I have no power, I wont be freezing in the office next to the window where the north wind hits. I have decided to staple some blankets to the inside of the porch. i hope that will keep the space a bit warmer. I am always scared because of the space heater, but it they are on the back wall, and i have the chairs helping to hold them in place, that should help the furbabies stay warmer. Inside the house, i will make little round blanket beds for the cats, two of them prefer just sitting on DH, and I have one who snuggles with me all the time. the other two like their own space, but a box with a blanket might just be the ticket. Better to be prepared, oh and the cat litter? It's worth it just to have one cat. but we have 5 indoors, and two who live on the porch and in the yard. They are now using a litter box on the porch, and DH said, we need to buy more litter tomorrow.
  19. The governor of Georgia has declared a state of emergency. Due to bad weather that is approaching. It is imperative that the chicken ranchers get the heating oil they need (so we dont have frozen chicken) oh and to the home owners. But in this case, the chickens came first. We are to remain off the roads as much as possible, and to not drive on Friday or Saturday morning. The cold will come in so quickly that the water on the roads from the rain we get tomorrow will FREEZE! and become black ice. We may lose power , but remember, if you lose power, so did your neighbor. We are all in this together. (yes he said that) (some how I doubt if the governor will lose power, either way you look at it) and when some one asked if they will bring in workers from other power companies, that was a no. Governor said they probably wouldn't be able to get anyone, so if we do lose power it will be for several days. Be prepared! The average temperatures in Georgia in December are a low of 29 and a high of 56. Not sure how we can really prepare for temperatures with a wind chill of minus 15. I checked my collection of candles. Not so good. Flashlights, eh. Firewood. No, just enough for a day, so tomorrow in the rain, we will GET to go out and get these items. At least I don't need white bread or milk, or eggs, things that would be nice if we had snow. One thing I do when we lose power in the winter, is I put a long lasting candle in the shower, and close the shower door, the heat stays in and helps the pipes. We open the cabinets under the sinks, so that they can get warmer, we have the wood burning stove, which heats half the house, and we close off the rooms we dont use. Right now we use all of them. So to my Yankee and Canadian Friends, what else would you suggest for DH and I and the critters.
  20. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Happy Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, it's all up hill from here. @rafinmdI hope you are feeling well, even though your tests say otherwise. @dfishall of those recipes look great! However it is a petit steak with roasted veggies tonight. @richwmnHave a great cruise! @Quartzsite CruiserWhat great news about your husbands recovery from this surgery! I heard something yesterday that I will share about Holiday stress. Instead of saying I have to,, say I get to. Consider the chores that you are doing, you are doing out of love and tradition, and you have the opportunity and ability to still be able to do these things. So now, I get to deliver a few Christmas gift today and tomorrow to people I have been unable to see recently. I doubt if I actually see them when I deliver their gifts, but I get to go out and do something nice.
  21. @kazu It might be CC. I was having problems with the @ with name and just clicking on the site, i had to try several times before i could get in. hope you are enjoying your cruise.
  22. @dfish I would recommend that when you call FedEx again, you just ask for a manager before you even start talking to anyone. Mentioning the word manager makes the rep feel like they aren't' good enough (they aren't ) and if the manager is stupid, well you know, poop doesn't bury itself. If that doesn't work, then call the realtor, and see if they can get in touch with the PO. My PO here is deceased, his son sold me the house, but the son also owns about 8 more properties in the hood, and sells when he needs money. So sadly we have vacant houses that have been vacant for years. I wonder what the law says about keeping packages that dont belong to you. There might be food and gold in them. But then again, if the sender was that close to them, you would think they would know she moved. So maybe not gold.
  23. Thank you every one who has posted great pictures today. While it's not on my bucket list, Sydney looks like an exciting city. @Cruising-alongI am so sorry about your buddy, but what a nice neighbor you have that understood the bond that you had with him. @cruzn single I am glad to know that you are OK. I understand the non decorating, and the non communicating. It's a "funk" of depression. While DH did make me feel guilty about not putting out lights, when he grabbed them and went off to decorate, it did snap me out for a while and I helped. Inside is a different story, I have a gaggle of angels sitting on a table in no particular order and even the glass table has not been cleaned. I keep thinking that something will tell me to finish, but I'm not there yet. I am glad that you posted! Yes, Bubbles did come home, and slept in the box. When Fawn got off the porch and realized he was there she jumped in the box and kept him company all morning. She did not leave his side. I put an additonal blanket over them to help keep them warm. When we got back from shopping they were both on the porch, he was in one blanket bed, and she was in the other, and I closed the door to add a little extra heat to the porch, but since he was so cold, and so forlorn this morning, I think they may have to stay on the porch all day and night, so that they can both get to feeling better.
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