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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. @aliaschiefThank you. I just ordered our 4. Of course recently we don't go anywhere except them grocery store and the doctors, and there, the minute we walk in, our temp is taken. Since my temp is usually 97.2 if it went up to something normal, who would know I had a fever ? To all of you about to board a ship, Bon Voyage! Travel safe, cruise happy! I am going to go to the HAL site, and see what kind of 2024 trip I can find for eastern Canada. If I would play the lottery, and could win the lottery, I would live on a ship, but they would have to let me bring my cats.😸 Oh, and next week the hours were cut to 15, 18 for the week after. Cant pay the cruises off on this, and the hours wont go up until the end of January.
  2. Just saw this in googly news-reminded me of yesterday's conversation https://www.yahoo.com/news/five-dogs-attack-electric-worker-170107442.html
  3. @StLouisCruisers I've lived down here since 1979, it has never snowed on Christmas. It did however get down to 0, on Christmas 1983. Why do I remember that? It was the only time my parents came up from Florida for Christmas, and my father gave me an outdoor yard thermometer, which we hung on the tree (that grew through the deck) and the temp showed 0. Way too cold.
  4. @grapau27 Graham, what creature is making the trail by the house?
  5. Happy Thursday Morning Dailyites! Its 46 and cloudy, that is what the computer says, so lets move the curtain.... 30 minutes later, (cats said I had to feed them) (and make breakfast) well it is cloudy and cool. There is a rumor of sun later today, but colder. I have no idea what DH and I will do for the Holiday. We have been going out for Chinese food on Christmas, for the last three years, this year everyone wants to go do something else, like go to a movie (nope) in laws, (nope) I am not inspired to cook a huge meal. Spend all day eating...nope Maybe my wish will come true, and we will have snow on Christmas...... I would like to go to the port of the day, the meal sounds good, and the quote sounds like an AA 4th step, but true. Have a wonderful day!
  6. I am so glad that @kazu is almost to her destination. Very exciting, and hopefully it will be a joyful cruise, and not one of any more accidents! I do know one thing about pet ownership. A house cat is the most murderous animal in the world. They kill for fun. They get good meals, and if you let them out, they will kill birds. I've even seen Fawn go after a hawk. At that point I realized she had problems figuring out the actual size of things. It was on the picnic table out back. She was too big for the hawk, but she didn't realize the hawk was too big for her. He looked down at her, spread it's wings, and she stopped cold in mid jump. Pretty funny. Bubbles never hunts anything. He hunts for places that will feed him. He has his own blanket here, so he comes back to sleep here too. Tonight with this awful rain, they are both on the porch, with the space heater. @ger_77I copied the recipe and printed it out. Was thinking I could swap out the inside for mince meat?? May be? Or that might make it too gooey. Stay safe everyone! I was looking for angels who travel memes, and found these two-
  7. @bennybearTell you what with the recent coyote attacks across the country, I could be a moose and be spooked by coyotes. Yes we have them, my friends had spotted some while driving home using our back streets at night, but not to the extreme of the loose dogs. Hope they don't mate. There would be a bunch of coyotepits... or bullties. I am not fond of pitbulls, but I am not alone in that. In fact in this county if the police see a loose dog and even think it's a pit bull, it's shoot to kill. Which of course will never happen in this hood, as the police do not like to even drive around here or to a crime when it happens in this neighborhood. Well I'm in the midst of laundry and I just put the lights on the tree, now to decorate the rest of the office, I mean living room.
  8. Wasnt Roatan dock crashed into by a ship several years ago? The first time we went to Honduras, we couldnt dock at Mahogany Bay, and ended up in Coxen Hole, but since we had nothing planned, we enjoyed an empty pool, and a quiet ship. The second time we got into Mahogany Bay , enjoyed the snorkeling, but wished we had gone back to Coxen Hole.
  9. The office cat has followed me into the den, and is now telling me I need to go to work, and I would be at work if the hours hadn't been cut. Zoom meeting tonight at 6. Whooppee! @smitty34877Great about the surgery getting scheduled! I got a call this morning from the medical group regarding my request for a change of primary physician. The doctor my friend Debbie told about will not take any one who wants to switch doctors. Only new patients. He said he had someone else that he could recommend, and that he would check with them and call me back. Which he did within an hour, but I cant get in to see her until the end of January. So I will continue coughing and sucking on cough drops for at least another month. Getting two hours of sleep at a time, if I'm lucky. I cough so hard, that I get cramps in my sides, and gasp for air, and this stinks. Why the original doctor refused to treat me is one thing, why he couldn't refer me to an ENT is another. The endocrinologist said that she could not refer me, it has to be from my primary, and that was a circle I no longer wanted to play in. Roasted chestnuts. Yes I had them as a child when we lived in France. I remember liking them, nutty texture, warm and a little sweet. When we came back to the states, we lived and stayed in suburbia NJ and I never saw roasted chestnuts. Lived in Boston, moved to St. Paul, back to NJ and then to the Atlanta area, and I still have never seen anyone sell roasted chestnuts. I either need to find where I can buy some chestnuts, and learn to roast them myself, Or ...plan a trip back to France. My boss sent me a text this week of a song -it was called Chipmunks roasting on an open Fire. All I can say, is if you want a good hearty laugh, google it. oh it's sick. but funny! and totally politically incorrect. just a warning.
  10. Happy Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Guess what the weather is in Georgia this morning? Right, cloudy and cool, 44 degrees. Weatherperson said last night that the storms coming in will bring in WINTER. Since the official day is next Wednesday, I guess it's OK it if actually wants to arrive early. I am off to the farmers market today, I decided the way to bulk up curry was to put a roasted cauliflower in it. My hours got cut down to 23 hours this week, and I know they will be less next week. I cant imagine telemarketing on Christmas eve? Today is also Christmas card day, I finally found some at a book store. I just need to do them, and decorate the tree. We did put it in the house, and every afternoon, the ginger and tan cats sleep next to it. I guess they are hoping for an early delivery of kitty presents. Not to worry, they will each get a box to play in, with catnip in it.😸 One of our not so nice neighbors is letting their dog run wild around the neighborhood. Being a safe place for the feral cats, I try to get the Fawn and Bubbles in the porch at night, but last night could only find Fawn. This morning Bubbles showed up limping. I am hoping he gets on the porch and stays there. That darn dog was barking until 1:30, and was the first thing I heard this morning at 7. I have complained to the neighborhood association, but nothing has been done. And if we call animal control. well they show up in a few hours, cops? they show the next day. We are unincorporated, and are at the mercy of the county... Have a great day,! Enjoy your weather, what ever exciting adventure it brings!
  11. I am currently procrastinating walking the neighbors dog....Our bug man is here (she hates uniforms) the feral and her buddy are freaking out on the porch,( it's hard to hide under wicker furniture) and the dude is parked right in front of our mail box, (hope the mail person does not come right now). Once he is gone, I can go. However, he seems to be loitering far too long. I had a lovely walk this morning in the cold, it was 51 earlier, the car said it was 49 when we got to the park, and now the computer says its 47. For once the weatherperson was sort of correct, they said our temperatures would be dropping, but they said that for Wednesday. Guess I should check NOAA. I think any one who can get away before this winter happens is lucky. I think, to quote my years in MA and MN, that this winter will be "wicked" and not "wicked good". I am still struggling with that 1000 ask, ,my boss knows, so my dial cards are pretty much people who have not been seen or heard from since 2018. They dont answer the phone. So each day I do about 70 calls every 3 hours, and talk to 1-3 people. I laughed yesterday when @Quartzsite Cruiserasked if she could answer her phone because our computers were down yesterday...and we could not call, have no fear by the time i started calling TX last night the computers were up and running. I got a 50 dollar donation, a 100 dollar pledge and one will consider. No thousand in sight....
  12. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! It's another cloudy day in GA. Temp is 51. Yesterday the sun did come out, most of the afternoon, in fact. We finally brought the Christmas tree in, then tried to find a strand of lights for it. I took everything out of the Christmas closet that I could, but the Christmas closet is also the suitcase closet, and the suitcases were actually on top of the Christmas lights. DH found them. The sofa is completely covered with bags of decorations, and I got a decoration of a Santa head on the front door, but that's it. I am going to do it this morning, get that walk in, so I'm off to wake up the DH.
  13. before I forget... Saint Lucy's Day, also called the Feast of Saint Lucy, is a Christian feast day observed on 13 December. The observance commemorates Lucia of Syracuse, an early-fourth-century virgin martyr under the Diocletianic Persecution, who according to legend brought food and aid to Christians hiding in the Roman catacombs, wearing a candle lit wreath on her head to light her way and leave her hands free
  14. Happy Monday Afternoon Dailyites! Got up early as DH had an appointment, sat down at the computer, and the phone rang, since I didn't know the name, I didn't pick it up, but realizing it was too early for a telemarketer, I did, and his appointment was cancelled for today. So we ran over to the grocery store, bought some low carb yogurt and strawberries, some nuts and berries, and a cucumber and salad yummies, cranberries, and walnuts, and onion rings, and now I'm set to go for another few days. Had lunch, and got home in time for Dh to start work, and the computer system has crashed. Not here, but for all the telemarketers. Who knows, I may get a night off?? It's quarter of two in the afternoon, and the sky is once again DARK! We had 25 minutes of sun today, that's it, long enough for the dog walk. When i was cutting down the dry shrubbery last week, I know that I got into some poison ivy, and that is what was making may hands itch, but on further inspection, every bump has a tiny bite in it, so it was ants or spiders. I have loved everyone's pictures of Turkey and Istanbul. @grapau27I am glad that things went so well today at the docs. @kazuI am keeping the prayers going for you to be able to get that cruise in. @durangoscotsstay safe even though town wont get much snow. My BFF said about Providence RI last night, even a half an inch of snow and ice, can make you fall. I said it was much better to have a good three feet of snow, that way it wont hurt. @AncientWandererI'm so sorry about the Covid, it really seems to have raised it's ugly head again. @sailingdutchy Your belly dancer was beautiful. I cant be a ballerina, or a modern dancer anymore, not skinny enough, but belly dancers are not skinny, if they were they would be called stick dancers. @smitty34877I was very happy to read that Tana had some PERKINESS today! @Quartzsite Cruiser Your cookies picture from last night, was food porn to the max. I did see some cookies at Walmart that I contemplated purchasing. Ugly Christmas Sweater cookies. You made the design on a pre shaped cookie with colored sprinkles, rebake the cookie and the color from sprinkles melted, giving you the ugly Christmas sweater. I didn't buy them. But I am wearing my ugly Christmas sweater today.
  15. @erewhonNothing worse than a hungry Christmas cake. Feed it well. And for the winter that is about to reach most of us.....
  16. I didnt know Shutterfly wasn't a membership for Cloud Storage. But that's what i am looking for, somewhere for DH to post hic pics and be able to see them.
  17. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! Another rainy day in GA. Storms are coming in from the west this afternoon, expecting lots of rain. Which is now unfortunately way too much rain, and with that storm that @kazuposted about, we will get hit even harder on Tuesday. That's quite a storm. @grapau27Thank you for posting Father David, and good luck on all of your medical procedures that you are having this week. I love butternut squash, my dad was responsible for veggies on the holidays, so we always got mashed butternut, mashed potatoes and mashed turnips. Personally I like them roasted instead, but growing up with two yankee parents, every thing in the 50's and 60's was boiled and mashed. Oh, and creamed onions. I still love those. It's amazing that with all that soupy food we ever developed bones. My mother would even make creamed celery. (gag me). I would really love to go to Iceland , my friend Debbie says she wants to go, but DH says it's just another way to have to spend money...Which means to have to work more. LOL. I do appreciate all the photographs that you all post. DH says he wants to post, but does not know how. For the last three Saturdays we have been watching our favorite holiday movies, which means we will really have to cram them in next weekend. Week, one, was Love Actually, Week two was The Holiday, Week 3 (last night) was The Last Holiday. And now we are down to the Oldies, Holiday Inn, White Christmas, and then on Christmas Eve, It's a wonderful life, and Scrooged. So back to the DH wanting to post pictures, what do you all think of Shutterfly? Can I gift him that for Christmas? I know with the loss of sight in one eye, he has not been taking as many pictures, but he was a good photographer, and I think he needs to get that hobby back.
  18. @1ANGELCATthose two fur babies look entirely adoptable @dfish If I understood what you said, you now have mail. Thank you. I have been to Cozumel I think around 9 times. I like getting a day pass at El Cid, not sure if they still do that, but it's close to the port, in walking distance, and they have great food and offers great snorkeling. We have also done the Isla Passione, a couple of times, going by the catamaran, great way to see the island from the water, and nice to get away from the crowds. Have done a bus tour around the island years ago, but being to dorky tourist I am, I love the art museum, and the Pole flyers. l
  19. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites. The Atlanta Master Chorale Christmas concert last night was very enjoyable. I grew up singing, it was mandatory in the school I went to, in college I joined a church just to sing in the choir, when I graduated I went back to my home church, and sang in the choir, and when I moved south I joined the Dekalb County Chorus. Then I got married to husband the first, and gave it up. (that was dumb of me) So add on 30 plus years, and while I knew that DH enjoyed the symphony i was not sure if he would enjoy chorale pieces, and lo and behold, he loved it! The woman sitting next to me, had had a hip replacement surgery, and she told me that she really wasn't supposed to be out and about yet. I figured out why she was there, when they had the audience sing along, that woman could sing! Turns out she was in the chorus, but was not allowed to be singing and standing with the group due to her surgery.
  20. Well, talked with sister in law, Clay does not have a broken Femur, he fractured his hip so severely that he is currently undergoing emergency hip replacement surgery. With Mom's caregiver, now needing care, I think that DH is considering flying back out to Arkansas. I guess that will be decided if he can get Patty to pick him up at the airport, and take him back in a couple of weeks. I mean, with our jobs, as long is there is wifi, we are good to go anywhere. The only high note of the day, is that we have a concert to go to tonight. the Atlanta master Chorale performing the Happy Holiday Christmas at Emory University. It has been raining all day, the neighbors at the bottom of the hill, have flooded yards. I noticed some big trees leaning towards the entrance street to our subdivision.
  21. Good afternoon Dailyites! I caught up with all the reading. Went in for my oncologist appt today. While we were about to leave the car, and go in, DH got a text from the same doc, that if he wanted to, he could change his appointment from February. to 1:30 today....it was 9:30 in the morning, he called the office, and they got him in after me. Besides my blood sugar sky rocketing, i'm low on oxygen, couldnt get a read on me at all...this congestion has to go! Of course that's not her thing, and I am still waiting to hear if my request to change docs has been approved. I cant even schedule an appointment unless it's approved. My In laws appear to be falling apart...Mom broke her arm in the fall earlier this week. Her son Clay (DH's step brother) took her to the doctor yesterday, got home, walked his dog, and fell, breaking his femur, he is currently in surgery. I'm scared to let DH out of the house right now. We are waiting for a call from my sister in law. Please keep this family in your prayers. Clay has fallen and broken his shoulder, his arm and his leg while walking this labradoodle. Not much doodle, and doesn't even sound lilke a happy lab. Well off to research diabetes diet again. and to try to actually stick with it!
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