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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Yup, it sounds like we are all falling apart these days, but we are doing it together. Got an email from my senior center, they said this morning that due to the trifecta of covid, flu and RVS, it's back to mask time... I never left my mask time. now @Vict0riann reading that your doc says that this strep A used to be called Scarlet Fever, is down right scary, this was the disease that took out our aunts and uncles in the early 20th century. @USN59-79I am sorry to read about your leg. My doc says add more Vitamin D to your life for bone strength. @summer slope I was sorry to read that your DH is having a hard time with Covid. Please stay safe!
  2. never made it for the walk, did get brunch, and work in the garden where i stabbed myself in the arm with a stick from a plant, and got attacked by ants.
  3. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! I told DH last night i really wanted to go for a walk in the park this morning, it is still cloudy, not cold, in the 60's, and I realized around 2 a.m. our park pass had expired. But I am going to bite the bullet, my blood pressure is up, my sugar is up, my mental state needs some wilderness. So have a great day! I will catch up later.
  4. @luvteachingI am so happy to know that you are going to the Skagit Holiday Symphony. I hope you and your DH have a wonderful, Joyous time. @ottahand7DH and I used to go to a great restaurant at our regional airport. It was called Down Wind. DH is Vietnam vet-Air Force, not a pilot, but his Dad was. DH loves to look at planes. So finally a restaurant with the right ambiance. but the owner was the rudest person this side of town, and after a few years of going every Wednesday for dinner, and the owner, seating us, but never acknowledging our existence, we moved on to other restaurants. I guess we should try it again one nice spring Friday afternoon. Speaking of recognizing our existence, DH and I got into the habit while he was doing radiation, that we would stop at a nice little taco place on the way home (5 days a week for one month), we then made it our Monday place to go, and then since we both work, it became our way home from the doc place to go. And for the last 3 years, we have had a meal on them. It happened yesterday. The order taker, thanked us for being such great patrons, they wanted to thank us, and lunch was on them. I left 10 dollars in the tip jar, the week before Christmas, I will leave a 20.00. It's just so sweet of them. Today with all these free hours, I called the Medical Group I go to, and asked to change my primary physician. it has to go through a process, it can take up to 10 days, they will call if my request is accepted. I have been to the same doc for 10 years, but last year when he said because i had not seeked treatment (during covid, when if you had a cough you could not come in) he would not treat me.(for my cough) On my last refill of blood pressure medication, there was a post that said I had to see the doctor before he would refill my prescription, and I didn't want to see him ever again, so I have 90 days to find a new doc. My friend Debbie told me about her new doc in the same practice, and so I put in my request today.
  5. @JazzyVThank you. MIL does have early dementia, they sent her home last night-however, when DH called her this morning, she said she was about to get in the shower. I thought that was a bit weird, and I am not sure who is at home with her. I know that when I broke my elbow, I didnt get a real shower for a month! DH poured water over my head to wash my hair, and that was about it. it's not only the economy, it's the month of holiday spending. add the two together, and I expect a lot of NO's, but I did not expect so many people not answering their phones. LOL, I am actually happy when there is one number listed, and it's no longer in service. I can close the call out, and not try again. Fund raising is calling the same time that sales are calling, that special funding is calling, it's way too much. @StLouisCruisers Just to let you know, you are getting rain at home this week but not as much as north of I20. Your plants will look great when you get home.
  6. Happy Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Yesterday remained dark and gloomy, and no warm weather appeared. Last night the fog came in, and finally appears to be lifting (almost 10 am). I slept until 8:30 this morning! Wow, I'm usually up by 7. No more political commercials on TV! Yeah! Yesterday DH got a call from his brother, Mom fell in the grocery store (Mom is 88) and they called her son, and he actually got there before the ambulance. He called DH immediately. She broke her right arm just below the shoulder, but that's all the news that we have right now. Pretty sure my DBIL is getting some rest right now, he was still at the hospital past midnight. And they sent Mom home, completely bandaged, to remain still. I certainly hope one of the grandkids will stay with her. I am still on the campaign (the one looking for 1000 donations) I still do not have one of those. In fact, I think I have been secretly moved to new contacts to correct the contact information, as last night I made 69 calls in 3 hours and spoke to 6 people. Three of those people told me to put them on the do not call list. So I actually only spoke to 3 people. The other ones just yelled at me, which is not the same thing. And I decided that asking for morning hours which the boss gave me, being special and all should not happen if I cant start getting donations. I haven't gotten a donation in over a week. So my hours were cut. @Seasick SailorHappy Day of the Joys! Make someone take you out to lunch! I thought DH had a dr's appt today, turns out it's next Monday. I don't work until tonight, long day in the gray...and still too wet to clean out the front garden. No book is calling me, and the tv gets turned off while DH works in the afternoon. I guess I can clean quietly...or nap.
  7. @Cruising-along When you feel better and can sit at the computer longer, just ask us to give you a synopsis of what's happened . We will all fill in, hope you are feeling better soon!
  8. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! It's another raw, damp rainy day in Georgia...and all my joints ache like crazy! @cat shepardYour meme was spot on, and yes i sang it. I am currently being attacked by Furnando this morning, head bops, face swats and finger biting. I have no idea what I did wrong this morning. I think he's been watching too many animal attacks on tv. The recent coyote attacks I understand, they moved into suburbia and are eating what is there, but the raccoon that attacked the little girl on the front porch? Eeks! @Crazy For Cats Ashlee is one lucky girl, and she has the most unusual coat color. I had a resentment towards Disney for years but it wasnt Disney's fault. My mom wanted a family reunion, but she didn't want me there, so she got all the family together, had the reunion, and then told me about it. She said she didn't tell me about it, because my husband (first husband) was physically handicapped from polio. And she knew that he would not be able to walk around the parks. (We all know that Disney would have made it happen) After my parents passed, I started going to Disney. To me it was like getting to be a child for the first time in the most perfect of worlds. DH's skin cancer was getting bad, and he still wasn't' addressing the issue, but a little girl turned around on one the boat trips from the Wilderness lodge to the parks and asked him what was wrong with his face. (his mom and I had been nagging him for years) He made an appointment with a doc the very next week. (thank you little girl)...BUT one day while we were discussing going back to Disney World, we both had an idea, why not just go see the world, instead of a minute representation inside a bubble of Florida. We have been cruising ever since. Obviously we haven't seen much of the world, but we are getting there.
  9. @USN59-79I booked Air Alaska after a quote from Delta for two regular seats for over 2K. No way! The problem with flying around this country from Atlanta is that every airlines wants you to change flights in their airport Hub. I didnt want to fly to Dallas, LA or Chicago to get to Seattle. You cant fly directly from here into Vancouver. We upgraded our seats, we are right behind First Class, we have more leg room. We get meals (although we do have to order and pay in advance) we get snacks, we dont drink, so that wasnt a problem....I am hoping that Air Alaska or Alaska Air, gets their act together. The day we booked the flight there were 3 flights to choose from, now there are over 14. I know they are not going to fly 14 flights from Atlanta to Seattle in one day. And I didn't want the last one, because if they screw up, I'm on the first one the next day. Just hope that if I leave Atlanta on May 3rd, I'll be in Vancouver on the 6th.
  10. @dfish What did you mean when you said- As others have said, since Air Alaska made the change they will work with you to get a better schedule for you. It may not be a legal connection. ?? Well I did call Air Alaska, spoke to Jessa (who sounded like an old employee) I told her that they had changed our flight on us from 4:30 to 7:30 which only gave us 40 minutes to change flights...which just wouldn't work, and instead of getting in Vancouver at 9, we were now getting in at midnight. But if we missed that 10:55 flight connecting flight from Seattle to Vancouver, we wouldn't be able to get a flight into Vancouver from Seattle until the next morning. The last three flights from Atlanta to Vancouver all had the 10:55 departure time from Seattle. So , now we leave at 5:30 from Atlanta, get into Seattle at 8:15. So, I have booked the flight to Rome in October, changed the flight in May for my first BHB cruise, booked my hotel in Rome for 5 nights, and now I am waiting to hear from the BFF for his flight plans. Because if he flies in the next day, after us, I will change the hotel reservations in Vancouver from 4 nights to 3 nights, and get a hotel near the airport for that first night. That is going to be a very long day. The weather information on my screen is still saying sleet. but now Heavy sleet. So I checked, what and where is this weather coming form on my computer-Decatur IL? Decatur AL?....no it said Decatur GA (the biggest actual town near us) It's raining, but maybe if i was a weather balloon about 3K feet up? it might be sleet. Even the dog wanted to get back in the house today. Her mommy always says she loves cool weather...maybe on a sunny day, but it so dark and dreary here. I am trying something new today, Delicata Squash. To be served with salmon and salad.
  11. Happy Monday Morning Dailyites! Once again my computer is out of sink with my reality. It says sleet on and off. Not here. It's cloudy, we are expecting rain, and temps later this week in the 70's. Where does my computer think it is? @aliaschief Hope your flight goes well. Glad to know you are feeling better. OK, Dailyites, I was checking on my May flight to Vancouver via Seattle. They have changed my flight from a 4:30 flight to a 7:30 flight, and now I only have 30 minutes to get from one plane to another in Seattle. Is this doable? Or should I suck it up and take another flight and pay more? Not sure how this works.... Air Alaska
  12. @cat shepard Um, what am i not seeing? what was in the secret hiding place? old eyes. Maybe a bunny?
  13. @aliaschiefAddiction is the perfect word. Yes I am addicted to the Daily, the rest of CC is sort of like a diversion from the actual addiction. i learned quickly, if you have a question about cruising, you will find that where ever you try to find the answer, it will send you to CC. I'm good with that. It's just that I am happier here than anywhere else on CC. Our Chinese Food lunch was good, our waitress had sort of an attitude with my DH, but not Debbie or me. Because as I have mentioned before, he has a hard time making up his mind. The restaurant was less than half full, but she sure seemed to be in a hurry. I had shrimp egg foo young. one and a half egg rolls. brought home the left over egg foo young (half of a huge portion) guess i will have it for lunch on Tuesday. I am too full for a real dinner, so I will have a blueberry muffin, maybe some left over coffee, and catch up with my Death in Paradise binge. On Sunday DH calls his mom, and I usually talk with my BFF. I doubt if I stay up past 10. @StLouisCruisersYour day looked very interesting.
  14. I cant find an image of cats with patty melts...this will just have to do.
  15. Happy Sunday Morning Dailyites! Today is the day that I get to do all the things I should have done over the last few days. We are meeting up with Debbie for lunch at our favorite Chinese restaurant, we need to go to the Wild Birds Unlimited before lunch, we need to go to Wallie world to check for Christmas cards, and a few essentials. We need to pay bills and mail them. I say we, but I mean me. And I still haven't had that nap. or cleaned out the rest of the front garden so that we can put up Christmas lights. I think tomorrow I'll have to suck it up and go shop for my glasses without my expert with me. I know I need the new glasses, when I read the list of days today I thought it said Cheetos. I was so excited! The wildest thing I have had the opportunity to pet was a Bobcat, that was behind a fence near Carlsbad New Mexico. It was a place for injured animals. He came up to the fence, and I stuck my hand in and scritched under his chin. Did you know Bobcats purr? Patty Melts are one of DH's and my favorite meals. But as easy as they are to make, I usually just get them at Waffle House. And the prices have gone up so high there, that we have not been in a year. DMIL kept wanting cheeseburgers or Mexican food when we were out in Arkansas. After several meals out we put our foot down and had to say, no more cheeseburgers, and we haven't had a burger since. That's been almost a month. @grapau27Thank you so much for bringing us Father David every week. I love his messages.
  16. @Quartzsite Cruiser I loved your picture of this fellow. He looks like how I feel in the mornings! @ger_77 Watched the video, loved it, Even DH stopped working for a few minutes and came out to watch it. What day of the year should we all head out there to get weather and warmth like that?
  17. @mamaofamiI think your mouse may have been over the right hand side block. I too have done things like that if the mouse is misbehaving. But I cant swear to it, DH is my IT guy, and he's asleep. Weather today is cloudy and 52. Apparently this week, the days when it gets warm it will rain, the days it gets- cold we get sun. Atlanta's big news stories are about all the shootings here, and they have decided that parents should be more involved with their children..... Where are Christmas cards this year? The joy of receiving something in the mail that isn't a bill I guess has ended. None at the grocery store, none at Walgreens, no boxes at dollar tree. And stationary and card shops are also a thing of the past. I am too late to order through magazines, but next year, I will know. I will try Walmart tomorrow, but I think I might be out of luck. In order for traditions to carry on, it looks like us older folks are the ones to do it! DH doesn't think his tests yesterday went well. They were checking blood flow, the leg with the stent in it will probably have to be redone, and they kept checking the right side of his neck. Follow up with the doc is in two weeks.
  18. I never got my nap today, DH's appt at 2 didn't start until 2:20 and he got out after four, and then we had to to to the store. Which I get to do again tomorrow. I did finally book our flight over to Rome for next October, and tomorrow I will book the hotel. I guess I need to read reviews, but I really like the look and location of Pantheon Inn. @ottahand7Your brother has had one heck of a time with his knee. I hope he is doing better. @smitty34877I hope you can get some relief pre surgery for your hip. And I hope Tana is doing better with her medications. @dfishI told DH about the recipes today, he says he will look at them tomorrow, as he loves pork chops and one of the dishes looks very much like one my mom used to make. Sweet dreams to all of you.
  19. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! It's 40 and cloudy, with a bit of a breeze. I say breeze as the last of the plants in the front garden seem to be moving back and forth. We have plans to go to a free piano recital today at Emory University, but as this is my day off, and I'm extremely tired, and DH has a dr's appt after the concert, I am contemplating just going back to bed. We need to book our flight to Italy next year, and book the hotel, and I am hoping to do that today too. Would be nice to pick up a Christmas tree and start decorating too. ARghh, and DH and I both work tomorrow. @Rowsbythe advent calendar is not portraying me this year, as our "home" is not full of furry animals. Last night I repurchased London again. So I can enjoy both. I'm glad that others are enjoying Jackie Lawson! @Quartzsite CruiserI am so happy to read that your DH is home and doing so well. @lindalerI was worrying about you the other night during the storms. Your description of the rain sounding like someone with a hose on the house was quite accurate. I am so glad that you are happy in your new home close to your family. @Cruzin TerriI am hoping that your cruise will be wonderful. You definitely deserve a break. For all of you who are on a cruise, leaving this weekend for a cruise, or planning a cruise, best wishes for a wonderful time. For those of you with snow, enjoy!
  20. Happy Thursday Morning Dailyites ! Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit! I saw an interview with Trevor Noah this morning. He said the one thing that we can not make more of is Time. So in order to do all the things that we want to do, we have to rearrange the time we have. Once the Bowl campaign starts, I wont have any time, except for doctors appointments, laundry and eating. I always make time for eating. We had meatloaf with BBQ sauce on it on Tuesday, meatloaf sandwiches yesterday and the last of the meatloaf last night. I think if there was a bit of pork in the meatloaf, a mustard glaze would be perfect. Well I just realized that a bill is due today, so I need to go up to the mall and pay it. Have to get a move on.
  21. St Andrew’s Day is on November 30 and is a day for Scots to celebrate their patron saint, Saint Andrew. The Scottish celebratory day is also known as the Feast of Saint Andrew and much like St George’s Day in England, St Patrick’s Day in Ireland and St David’s Day in Wales – the annual event brings together families and friends to celebrate their nation’s rich culture. The day has been celebrated for over a thousand years dating back as early as 1000 AD, but it wasn’t until the 18th century that the annual celebration became commonplace. St Andrew became the official patron saint after Scotland declared its independence in 1320 with the ancient town of St Andrews being named and claimed as his final resting place. Andrew was Jesus Christ’s first disciple and an apostle, according to the New Testament. He is the brother of Simon Peter and is a son of Jonah and preached the teachings of Jesus around the globe. St Andrew’s blessings were felt far and wide beyond Scotland and for that reason he is also a patron saint in many other countries including Russia, Spain, Romania, Barbados and Ukraine. St Andrew was crucified on an X-shaped cross in Greece on 30 November 60 AD, which is now represented by the white cross of the Scottish flag.
  22. I kept thinking that I had heard the quote before, so dug through my memory-pre King, and found the line, if you are not being born, you're busy dying. Not plagiarism, but thought borrowed- 1965, It's all right Ma-, Bob Dylan.
  23. Happy Wednesday Morning Dailyites! I slept awfully last night, squirrels in the brain, and way too much coffee. Got to sleep after 2 and woke up at 7:45. It poured buckets last night, and at least in this area, that was as bad that it got. Prayers out to those west of Georgia. I heard from the Hollywood Bowl yesterday, wanting to know if I was available to start work at the end of January. I knew my current boss did not want to lose me to the Bowl, so I reached out to him, to get his permission to split my hours. After he yelled and screamed via text, he asked me what I wanted to do. I told him I wanted to work with both of them, but if it meant being dropped out of his campaigns I would stay with him. At the most he only gives me 20 hours, and with that cruise in May and Greece and the transatlantic in October and November, I need the extra money. I also know that if the bowl wants me for more hours, they will get their way. He agreed with that, and complained some more. But this a a campaign that brings in over 4 million a year. Big campaigns win over little campaigns. Enough about work. What will be, will be. I really need to wake up! @aliaschiefI hope you start feeling better soon. I'm wondering with all these new variants if our existing tests actually can catch them? Right now, you sound like how I have been doing for the last 3 years. I should have bought stock in Kleenex. @kazuI am glad that your foot is doing better. @Quartzsite CruiserI am hoping that tomorrow is the release of DH day, sounds like it is-can you get your kids back for a couple of days to help out? @dfishIt sounds like your move was a perfect fit for you. I'm glad that you are enjoying your new home. I am going to show the recipes to DH today, if a meal involves pork chops, he's all in. And then I'll make him make it.
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