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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. Wawa is everywhere here. My grandsons get on their bikes and go to the one closest to us. There Are 2 that I could walk to if I so desired. My weekends were spent in Bay Ridge and Bensonhurst. One of my friends lived and still lives on Bay 19th St. We sometimes went to the "Penthouse" in Bay Ridge. Ah yes, Wetsons! A couple of people on my Adventure Roll Call have been talking about going to WC when they get to NJ for our cruise. So crazy that WC is being discussed on both this thread as well as my RC
  2. How do you get to the helipad? I'll be sailing on Adventure next week! I have made our reservations for Adventure; I talked to someone the other night who just came off Adventure, and she told me it was a cluster**** for MTD even for those with reservations....
  3. A sad day indeed. So sorry 😔 Very impressive Yeah, I head read about that. Ouch! Good luck on your prepping. As we all know, that's the worst of it. Tomorrow will be a piece of cake (sorry about the food reference)
  4. How awful.🙏 Good news for your daughters negative. You had a very busy day yesterday, but good busy. Love the Kraken! Cheers to you! Let's hope they leave the "drama" out of it this Season . If not, it's adios to this show that we e watched since their very first season What is this show about? Is it a series? Bon Voyage, Bob and Micheline!! 🛳️
  5. I'm with you, GBE! Always good eating! Have the best time, Greg! Bon Voyage! Keep up the good work, Marietta! I may be a little nuts when it comes to packing, but I fold every top and wrap each one in tissue paper before putting them in the large ziplock bags . You are a gentleman, Graham!
  6. Oh no! My new luggage hasn't met the airlines yet. After a cruise several years ago, my biggest piece of soft side luggage had the wheels break in me. Too much weight, or luggage was getting too old? It had served me wella Arzeena, I've been doing the same for years.i use the large ziplock bags..I put outfits together in them and just put in the drawers. I also use some packing bags Great organization! Jim, on the other hand.. .. We pack our own bags. I also make lists.. Jim, not so much. Years ago, he didn't pack enough briefs.😐
  7. We just came home from the High School football game. We proudly watched our grandson Ryan play the clarinet with the Marching Band, while our grandson Jack live-streamed the game on YouTube from high above the bleachers.
  8. My newest luggage is IT also, but mine is hard sided. I love it, although I do miss being able to just pack everything in the one side. I've always had soft luggage, but on one of our cruise trips where we went by bus with a group, it had begun to pour, and the bus driver put all the luggage on the walkway where Jim's and our friends clothes were soaked when they unpacked on the ship. I also would've said JFK's funeral was the most watched on television
  9. I've been watching several episodes of BD DU on Peacock. I'd like to smack chef Ryan, Magda, and Benny. Just saying.
  10. Following along on your wonderful and soon to be memorable vacation!! Safe travels and smooth sailing to both you and Michelline, Bob!! Bon Voyage!!!🛳️🛳️
  11. We also enjoyed a 12 day Hawaiian cruise. 7 days of the Islands, 5 sea days. It was quite memorable. Safe travels to the 4 of you tomorrow. Bon Voyage!!!!
  12. So sorry that Charlie got so sick on your long awaited cruise. I hope your insurance gets settled for you Dinner for one??
  13. Recording what the doctor said is a great idea..most of the time all we hear is bla bla bla when under conditions such as your DD is going through.🙏🙏
  14. I also missed something. Did something happen on the cruise, Marietta?@Danidanielle OMG!! Your poor friends. I love seeing pictures of Jade.
  15. Bob, I've tried finding this in my cruise planner for 4 of my upcoming cruises with no luck. I can only find options for wine. .
  16. @jagsfanthank goodness you and Dick didn't pass out in that old hot elevator. Dick is certainly your superhero, climbing up and attracting attention with your cane. What a horrific experience for the two of you, Mimi
  17. I won't leave the house with the clothes dryer on. A friend of ours had their dryer catch fire while they weren't home years ago. My daughter has her children unplug the toaster, coffee pot, etc when not in use.
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