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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. When I was pregnant with my first child, I mentioned that I was planning on having a Natural childbirth. My FIL got very agitated with me, since he thought I was talking about having a home birth😜. (I did deliver all 3 girls natural, with the 2nd pregnancy being our twin daughters) Thank you, Debbie. So far, they've only met with the endocrinologist and her staff for 2 very lengthy meetings last week. That is frightening! What is wrong with some parents??
  2. That's great, Marietta! RJ must've been so proud of himself. Especially that he did it for his Dad.💕. God love him!💕
  3. Thank you Arzeena😀 Jack is fine now Ryan looks so much healthier now that he's on insulin. He and my daughter are going through a lot now, between doctor visits, phone calls, and learning about carbs, testing, shots, etc. Each day is becoming a little more normal around here...their"new" normal. Thank you so much for asking❤️
  4. @harryfat1We went on a Carnival cruise years ago, and Jim forgot to pack enough underwear for the week. Luckily, the ship had a laundry room where guests can do their own laundry!! To answer your question about over or under packing, I'm an "over", but plan on working on doing better on our next cruise, although it looks like we may have to pack a light jacket and closed shoes for Canada. At Mass today, our pastor said there are two kinds of travelers. Those that pack light, and those that wish they did😁
  5. Today is our grandson Chris's 19th Birthday. He's celebrating today at Villanova University, where he began his Sophomore year there last week. Today is also our granddaughter Meghan's 17th Birthday. She's celebrating her big day in Manhattan today. Meghan began her Senior year in High School in West Hartford last week. We call Meghan and Chris the Birthday twins😊 Today we found out that our Ava Jude made the Shore Conference Field Hockey "Preseason Players to Watch" list. She is the Captain of her High School Field Hockey team, and will be starting her Senior year next week. They sure make us so proud!
  6. Glad to hear all went well. Shopping already, Debbie? I'd love to have some of your energy!😉 How wonderful you and Marietta got to meet up! So great that you all had such a wonderful time on your cruise! Thank you for sharing the pictures of you and Debbie. Welcome home!
  7. +1@aussie Sounds like a wonderful trip. Great weather is an added plus! Congratulations Sue on the new addition to your family. So glad all is well with your little love! +1
  8. Thank you, Greg. I really was concerned about you after reading your post...it just reminded me of my experience... Everything in moderation 😉
  9. I've always had sewers also, Dani! Thank goodness!😉 I'm with you, Marietta!😉. Glad you're having a great cruise with your family😘 It looks beautiful there, April!
  10. I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better, Greg...after reading the way you've been exercising, I just want to share what I went through on New Years Day, 2020. Since it was the new year, I decided to exercise more ..you know, get into the habit....I was like the Energizer bunny. ...lifting weights, on exercise bike, going non-stop for a good while, etc. When I sat down to relax an hour or so later, I began to feel lightheaded.. my arms and legs began tingling and feeling numb, and I had trouble walking. After a while and not feeling better, my daughter called the ambulance when they arrived, the paramedics thought I was having a stroke. After getting a Cat scan I was admitted. Since it was a holiday, I had to wait until the next day for an MRI. A neurologist said it wasn't a stroke (thank God) and I was finally discharged the next day. In my heart, I feel that all of this was due to my over zealous exercises on New Years.
  11. Did you see long lines for MTD? I have 7:00 reserved and was thinking of changing to TD my TA said we should be okay with the MTD on Adventure later this month.🤞. Early TD is fully booked...TIA
  12. @h20skibumMark, you and Susan are in my thoughts;. Your daughter is especially in my prayers. Your children and grandchildren are so Blessed to have you as their parents and grandparents. 🙏
  13. Glad you're feeling better, and, as you said, you've now will have gotten it out of the way, ensuring you'll not have to worry about getting it onboard!😊
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