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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. What a beautiful tribute to your dear friend and athlete. I'm so sorry for your loss, but glad that you have so many warm and wonderful memories of time spent with Len Dawson.
  2. I hope your forehead heals quickly, Lenny, and hoping you aren't in too much pain. Thank goodness you have a nurse in your family!
  3. I'm wondering if the MTD has finally gotten better on Adventure? Has anyone cruised on her in the past weeks or two? Here's hoping🀞
  4. Healing prayers and positive thoughts for your daughter, as well as for you and your family during this stressful time πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
  5. 🀞Sounds good, Graham! BTW Happy Anniversary to you and Pauline on Monday!!!πŸ₯‚πŸŽ‰β€οΈπŸ₯‚
  6. I sure hope it gets fixed quickly! Right after we bought the condo we are in now, the AC went on us. Luckily we were there that November to go on a cruise. The temp was well over 90's and very humid. We had to wait over a week for the AC guys to come. The AC was not even 5 years old, but we were told the warranty did not work for us, since we were not the original buyers of the unit. It cost us well over $2,000 for the repair. We went back to the Condo the following January, and had more problems with the AC. More money, and we were told the part would need to be ordered. We waited for a week or more and still no part. Our neighbor 3 doors down had his AC guy at his place, and asked if we'd like him to check our AC out. It turned out that our AC company that put the original ac into our unit had left some part out when they installed our AC. We wound up using our neighbor's guy; we trust him way more than the original company. It costs us another $1,000 or so. Long story short....For what we spent in repairs, we could've put a little more money into buying a whole new unit and had a warranty.
  7. Ouch, Graham! Are you considering getting a knee replacement after seeing the x-rays and talking to your doctor about them? Such a beautiful song. What Christmas is really all about. Thank you for sharing, Greg!!!! Our grandson Ryan just finished his Marching Band camp this Thursday, and we watched a video of the band performing. The first football game is September 2nd, and we're pretty excited for him. I never followed football before, but it's never too late to learn..lol!
  8. I'm so sorry this happened to you years ago, but it sounds like it's made you a much stronger person. So many dysfunctional families out there. After words were exchanged on FB between cousins, two of my sisters will not even acknowledge me. I wasn't involved in this exchange, but our kids were. I would send birthday cards, Christmas cards, etc. No response. It's been well over 6 years now. Unfortunately, it is what it is. It's great that you found loving "surrogate parents", along with their children. It sounds like you are not only strong, but that you have a wonderful and loving relationship with your son. ❀️
  9. Happy Anniversary, John and Sharon! Here's to so many more years of happiness to the two of you!πŸŽ‰πŸ₯‚ Here's to the Meteorologist being wrong about a rainy forecast while your daughter and grands are visiting. I know you'll all have a wonderful time just all being together. Lots of hugs and kisses all around! ENJOY!!!!!πŸ₯° Mimi, have a wonderful time on your cruise!!πŸ›³οΈ
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