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Everything posted by Steelers36

  1. Bummer. IDK if there is any recourse through Customer Relations. In advising you that you would not be getting the pre-cruise price, did they mention they used to do it and that ended recently? Did you ask? Was your visit to the Cafe on embarkation day (Day 1)? Thanks.
  2. I would sit on any GC's until time for Final Payment. That way less risk of cancelling and dealing with getting back GC amounts. Always save the GC number and PIN until voyage is completed.
  3. I confess to not checking T&C's for GC's, nor the FAQ"s of late. Although, I doubt this is a new policy. See more below. Almost missed this since you didn't properly tag me as @Steelers36. 😉 Keep reading.... You may be on to something. Keep reading to below. Seems like you got conflicting responses. First, NO to EZ-Air, but then YES to Flexible fares. (Aside: Does anyone actually booked restricted with EZ-Air? What would be the point of that as cuts you off from price drops?) Your report seems to match my situation. We have four voyages in October. First three are B3B on REGAL. All three REGAL's have FCD deposits. The first voyage also has our FCC's from Covid cancellations (we had never paid those in full). There was not enough FCC to fully pay for the cruise portion or the airfare. This first voyage also has our outbound EZ-Air flight (Flexible naturally). Gift cards paid off the balance owing recently and there was no question nor issue about using them to pay the balance. Other gift cards were applied to Regal 2&3, and small balances were charged to Visa. No air on those cruises. Our final voyage is on ISLAND, and it includes our return flight (also Flexible EZ-Air). I have also applied final $2,000 in GC's as a partial payment on the account balance. Deposit was FCD's. The GC amount does not cover the cruise fare, but would cover the airfare. This booking is not yet paid in full, but I might request early ticketing before FP Date. If I do, I can report back since the airfare has to be fully paid in order to ticket early and the only way it could be considered paid today is if the GC amount was accepted as payment.
  4. I wonder when a contestant gets voted off, do they have to walk the plank, or are set ashore at the next port.
  5. No such thing. All you can do is the $25/pp/day upgrade to Premier Fare option. You can pay the difference between $12 and the cost of your drinks, plus 18% gratuity on the price difference.
  6. My response is I do not understand why several posters have focused on the M&G or expectations of sticking together, etc. I primarily look to RC's to connect with others who are interested in small-group private tours. Either join us or we join something of interest. This is a great thing to have and is separate from any M&G or Slot Pull, etc, that may be organized. Never been to a slot pull and not interested, thank you. I suppose some newer folks might be shy since there is usually someone gathering names and wanting to know if you are coming to the M&G if one is organized. These can be informative with attending crew. Also, the last one we were on doing tours, we got to meet F2F the folks we would be on tours with. Met new friends and it was fine. Didn't mean hung out with the RC after that. Also, some have mentioned political divisions. Sheesh, I have yet to see any political posts in any of the RC's I have participated in. Besides, political division has existed well before Covid and is just a thing in general. I don't see it interfering with touring. We look to tour with non-smokers and have never requested a political affiliation.
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