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Everything posted by dolittle

  1. We have gotten two ''Black Fridays'' fancy mailings this week from N.C.L. and Carnival both had good prices on selected cruises.
  2. Just did N.C.L. from New York two weeks ago. Booked at 10:00 P.M. Friday sailed that Sunday price was not great. A few years ago booked Sat. for the next day at a great price.
  3. Was on a cruise when this was going on before ,had no effect and I was ignoring it anyway .You should do the same.
  4. Ok not earth shattering but, on the Escape last week (great cruise and nice group of people) BUT the choice of T.V. channels had no major (or minor) American sports channels . The ship was in New York and the N.Y Jets were playing the Phila. Eagles . Many if not most people are from these two areas no game on any T.V. on the ship, also no baseball games from the playoffs . There were however two channels of English premier league . soccer and cricket. The ship is on the east coast of the U.S. not Europe so get with it N.C.L. ''when in Rome'' .
  5. Have gone from Manhattan many times first for Brooklyn . Thanks for the help.
  6. I have two ,I will start with the U.S. in port Canaveral in Fla. a short drive away is Canaveral National Seashore the biggest stretch of natural beach and thousands of acers of wildlife . It is mostly locals, and few tourists find it but it is worth the trouble to find it . Even on busy day if you are up for a walk on the beach you can have an amazing Atlantic ocean beach all to yourself. My second one in Europe the port in Naples which has so many great excursions there is an easy walk from the ship to Toledo street again few tourist make to this very real and very Naples experience . What are your best spots that many are missing.
  7. Key west is not Venice locals will always find good reasons why others should stay away . In fact turtle's are having a boom in most of Florida .I am glad that you are into saving turtles (I am a huge turtle guy myself saving the eastern box here in Pa.)I wonder how much you cared about this before you moved to Key West.
  8. Very few people were born in Key West most have moved to a big tourist town then turn around and say ''there are to many people here'' .
  9. I think it is human nature to hate tourists until they are gone . In some cases like Venice and Santorini it is legit to question the amount of people in a small area. As far as Key West and Bar Harbor it is more likely locals who have moved to a nice place and don't want others in the rarefied air they breath.
  10. Hope all goes well we enjoyed your show on X many times. The first time I saw you I thought ''I have seen this man somewhere before '' and then you mentioned you had worked in EPCOT I think in the English pub you were wearing a very stylish hat. Get well to your Mom.
  11. He is a piano playing lounge singer who is very outrageous and very funny. He was with X for many years and had a big female following .
  12. We love Naples the way the port is in the middle of everything cannot be beat, also Antica pizza is also the best we have ever had.
  13. It think the quality is very high . We brought them our first time and they are fun to look at. When you are a large family group all dressed up for formal night they are priceless and worth the cost.
  14. The insane part is my interest in natural phenomenon mostly lighting ,wind and floods not fires. I also like when the water gets rough on a cruise(so does my wife) but want everyone to stay safe. My flood ''thing'' started when I was in high school and got caught up in hurricane Agnes (1973) which was at the time the worst of all time .
  15. I did not mean or say I wanted to visit the wildfire site .I have no interest in seeing other people suffering . I think events can change your perspective of a place. I have been lucky to go to many places and have always had a complicated view of Hawaii . In the 90s after one too many trips to Disney World I asked my wife and teenage Daughter how about going to Hawaii this year both groaned and ''said nothing to do there'' but beaches . I had to admit they had a point when the pineapple factory is one of the big tourist spots it may lack some good attractions . I hope to some day get to Hawaii and I promise I won't be gawking or crepping on anyone.
  16. Mark Twain who made most of his income from travel writing took one of the first Med cruises (it was not for transportation) . When asked about it he said it was great but the price of excursions really added up.
  17. No green flashes but many flying fish in Central Florida .
  18. I am the same way I am drawn to Lighting ,wind and most of all floods .I hate to see human suffering anywhere but can not stop interest in these natural phenomenon.
  19. God help the people of Maui but oddly it sometimes makes me want to see a place I know it sounds strange bit I think there are others of you who are like this . I once wrote on this site a post about me NOT having any interest in going to Hawaii and now I am re-thinking this. Thinking about it disaster has always been a part of travel think Pompeii . One area I would like to see is Mount Saint Helen's the aftermath of a volcano going off in the early 80s. What do you think and what places would like to see.
  20. Great site thanks for the tip.
  21. This port is huge it does have some internal trans. This is the one port we take the ships tour the best value is bus only to Florence . Also one of the ugliest ports anywhere.
  22. Have seen most kind of shows on most lines .I think the best are short versions of Broadway shows a little plot and a lot of songs .
  23. The higher number spf stain more than the 15 . I use a high end(nutragenia) 15 spf and it works well .We go to the beach often so I do use it all the time.
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