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Everything posted by Fouremco

  1. I don't have an answer to your question, but I would comment that a Vista Suite is a suite in name only. It's typically the same as a regular balcony cabin with a few perks added. We've booked one in the past because of the price was only slightly more than a balcony cabin, but wouldn't bother doing so again. We've not booked a Neptune suite, but they are far superior to the Vista suites, both in size and amenities. This page provides lots of information upon which to base a comparison: https://www.hollandamerica.com/en/ca/onboard-experiences/suites-staterooms
  2. Unfortunately, Seatguru has no listing for Porter's E195.
  3. Of the 24 F1 race racetracks for 2024, 14 run clockwise, 9 counter-clockwise, and one, Suzuka, is a figure 8 track, resulting in part being run clockwise and the remainder counter-clockwise. The 3 current US races all run counter-clockwise, but in the past have been held on clockwise tracks as well. All Canadian Grands Prix have been run on clockwise tracks, and I've happy to attend races at all three. Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming... 😇
  4. You can change your settings to allow only manual settings of the time. I did that with my various Apple devices for our RCI Southern Caribbean cruise and had no trouble. I then reverted to automatic mode at the end of the cruise.
  5. Just returned a couple of weeks ago from an RCI cruise out of Fort Lauderdale that included Aruba, Curaçao and Haiti. The ship remained on EST throughout the cruise, with many reminders to passengers that the all aboard time was based on ship's time, not local time. This was our first - and hopefully last - experience with this approach to setting the time.
  6. I'm curious as to what you view as an acceptable length of time someone can remain on their lounger before you consider the person to be a chair hog. Two hours? Four hours? And if there are empty loungers available, would you still hold them to that time limit?
  7. Well, I hope that was just a typo and that you really flew to Boston, not Fort Lauderdale. 😇
  8. We did the Voyage of the Midnight Sun, June 9-23, 2019. For the most part, the weather was good, with just the occasional, short-lived rain. Temperatures varied, with clothes ranging from short sleeves (but with a sweater handy) to multiple layers. At no point would I have even considered sitting in a cabana, and we used our balcony far less than usual. Bergen - June 12 Fishing Village, North Cape Region - June 16
  9. You hit the send button before I posted an almost identical reply. Even with a beverage package, I almost never buy bottled water, preferring to use my refillable water bottle. YMMV, but I find the tap water quite tasty.
  10. The Nieuw Statendam uses RFID chip technology, and the chip can be read through the plastic case. However, I doubt very much that bartenders would want to take the responsibility of taking your iPhone, just in case it was dropped and something broken. I think they'd ask you to remove the card and just give them that. No, unlike the magnetic strips of yore, RFID chips aren't affected by your phone or other magnetic field. There are credit card sleeves with adhesive backs that you could stick to the outside of your case to hold your card. That would probably be your best solution. Here's an example: https://www.amazon.ca/Senose-Silicone-Compatible-Samsung-Smartphone/dp/B09V6NPT89/ref=sr_1_2?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.d10Yad7-wEfPIC4xmizyhCKR3aRCE6wJYvUwjOINvFBTkoFBervqa-zFVPhDbJxAnyfKfBW0gg95V-hgBWIz4KR6nxRTgsVY-StSJf0yj_MDaAIoTJofEvvZcHRZ2tj59c89NWjl6ykvZzDS05ehd4kYuB7XIpw6KkcWPL8ICOeB0kRBZYUOUfOT25llx9UbO2DM4KbIWdQaOukSK4LIIbDuHNK-qY6LzVCXcnXMXrMWh_UdDUE3OyRZuUnAFHm7Z8nR_xfAWS53XIUk6JE0mD4mrPATjzK7Nwg-2vUesJA.eid6EelSSpkvoGo0_AMbEXTlxzI4AZ7xXGXo9repTWw&dib_tag=se&keywords=adhesive%2Bphone%2Bcard%2Bholder&qid=1708723507&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1
  11. I don't believe so. As you can see from this screen grab, Canadian vets are included. I can't speak for other countries, but it's not limited to US residents as far as I can see.
  12. I agree with @gnome12, having the merchant/restaurant charge you in Canadian funds instead of the local currency will almost always result in a higher cost to you, whether or not your card charges a foreign transaction fee. If you choose to pay for items in your home currency, you will generally be subject to a secondary fee built into the transaction by the merchant’s credit card processor.
  13. There are a few existing threads on Stockperks reflecting various posters' experience. Not everyone would agree that the system is more efficient. You might want to do a search and go through the threads to get an idea of what's involved.
  14. After claiming your baggage, exit at door 20 or door 28. You'll need to confirm with your driver which one. This webpage's map shows the two Uber pick up locations and the exit doors: https://www.admtl.com/sites/default/files/2024/MAP-DEPARTS-ARRIVEES.pdf?panel=filters&dcenter=45.454073,-73.748789&dczoom=16&panel=filters&dcenter=45.454073,-73.748789&dczoom=16 Uber's YUL website: https://www.uber.com/global/en/r/airports/yul/
  15. Gasp! Are you suggesting a possible error or inconsistency on HAL's website? Encroyable!!!
  16. Uber, Lyft and taxis all service YUL. Bus is cheapest if that is your primary criterion. I'd take Uber.
  17. Are the machines included under the Elite BP, or only with the Coca-Cola package?
  18. Exactly. Emergency disembarkations are a completely different issue. And while a cruise line might not prevent you from disembarking, immigration officials can deny entry and return you to the ship. Neither scenario is applicable in the OP's case.
  19. I've been happy tracking with my AirTags, but if there are airline apps available too, redundancy never hurts. Do you know which airlines offer this service?
  20. So true. I always try to book direct flights, but failing that, book flights with a generous connection time. My flight to CDG had plenty of time built in, but the plane out of Ottawa had a mechanical malfunction and by time they had diagnosed the problem and sent for a replacement plane, I was lucky to even get myself on the onward flight, let alone that checked bag.
  21. The same thing happened to a member of our roll call a few years ago on a YYC-YYZ-FLL routing. Unfortunately, her suitcase didn't catch up with her in time for sail away, and she had to make do with what she had in her carry-on plus items she purchased onboard. She had flown in the day before the cruise, but I don't remember whether there was no other AC flight arriving early enough on embarkation day, or whether AC "lost" the luggage for a day or more. I was caught in a similar situation a number of years ago with a YOW-YYZ-CDG routing. I was headed to Paris for meetings of an international body, and my suits were in my checked suitcase that didn't catch up to me at the hotel for a couple of days. Fortunately, I had flown in a few days early - flights were cheaper back then if you stayed over a Saturday night - so no great issue for me.
  22. Properly reported by US residents subject to US income tax. That excludes the vast majority of crew members.
  23. In theory, I'd love it if all sticker prices were all-inclusive. Canadians have grumbled for years that price tags should reflect the cost of an item inclusive of all sales taxes. But gratuities aren't included because if the same amount was given to crew members as pay rather than tips, the majority would have to pay higher taxes on the increased salary. Port fees and taxes are imposed by the countries visited, and cruise lines have no control over these charges. For example, effective March 1st, the Bahamas will end the VAT exemption for cruise line private islands and will charge 10% on all goods and services provided on these islands. Last year, the head tax increased to $23 from $18 for passengers calling at Nassau and Freeport. For cruisers calling at a private island, the passenger tax is now $25. Plus, the government in January imposed a $5 tourism environmental tax and a $2 tourism enhancement tax on each cruise passenger. When you consider the number of passengers cruising to the Bahamas annually, these new and escalating fees amount to a significant increase. Of course, the Bahamas is not alone in imposing ever-increasing taxes and port fees. Cruise lines are not about to simply absorb costs of this magnitude that they can't predict when setting prices 2 or more years before a cruise takes place.
  24. What a convoluted exercise in self-justification. Whatever it takes to be able to sleep at night...
  25. Multiple studies have found the opposite to be true, that most people are honest.
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