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Everything posted by bobmacliberty

  1. It's about 21 miles long, starting around 12 miles north of downtown Orlando and extending south to just past Universal Studios. No trucks or RVs allowed...just cars and some buses. There have been several times where I've been doing 60 mph+ in the express lanes (2 in each direction) while the regular lanes are nearly at a standstill. You can still hit heavy traffic further south by Disney, but it makes going through Orlando so much easier and faster. 4867-I4Express-Print-Brochure-12x18-20220421-onlineversion.pdf
  2. Nothing at all like Donna Summer, but I also watched a fascinating documentary recently called The Codebreaker. It's about a woman named Elizebeth Smith Friedman, who was one of the greatest cryptographers in US history, but who remained almost completely unknown throughout her life (and even well into her death). What she endured just because she was a woman, and what she accomplished despite that, amazed me. Much of what she did was considered top secret and was not declassified until 2008.
  3. I've learned the secret to driving on I-4...Sun Pass and the Express Lane. Life changing, for only a few bucks. I don't think I'd drive I-4 without it.
  4. I fully understand being OCD about planning. There are a lot of Florida people here from all around the state. I think I can speak for most when I say that we're happy to help answer any questions that you might have. I second the idea of trying a place first, ideally with an extended visit, but even just for a week or two at a time. We made 4 different trips, at different times of the year, before buying. That gave us a feel for crowds and weather, among other things.
  5. Although you don't need a bunch of replies, I want to add my condolences also. Terrible news and a terrible way to learn of Natalie's passing. And I want to also rant about people who only share information via FB. Especially important information like the passing of your friend. I'm not one who believes that everything should still be handwritten notes or personal phone calls. We've moved beyond that and I'm fine with email or even text messages. But her husband should have made an attempt to send messages to important people in Natalie's life, like you. Many people don't use FB for a variety of reasons. I still avoid it like the plague since it's still very cyber unsafe. Earlier this week I received an email message supposedly from my sister-in-law encouraging me to click on a link that contained pictures of two ladies that I might remember. I nearly clicked on the link while on my phone (which only shows the "friendly" name of the email sender), thinking it might be a picture of my mother. I checked the actual email address and it was from jmiguel0518 in Mexico. I worked in the cyber field and still almost fell for it. I think her FB account was hacked. Those of you who use FB, be VERY careful online. And absolutely do not use the same username/password for FB as you do for other accounts...DEFINITELY not other acounts that are important like financial institutions. FB accounts get hacked way too often. I don't mean to highjack your message Patti. It just really bothers me that you had to learn of Natalie's passing the way you did, which triggered my FB ranting. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss.
  6. Ah yes...June gloom. You have a very good memory. Better than me, because I don't even remember telling that story. 😀
  7. We've been watching Race To Survive: Alaska on USA network. It's a reality show involving adventure racing through the wilds of Alaska with pairs of people as teams. The last team to arrive for each leg of the race, or any team that doesn't finish within the allowed time, is eliminated. If your husband isn't into reality shows, he may not like it, but the scenery is great and what these people put themselves through is impressive to watch. They have no shelter other than what they carry on their backs and limited food, so they need to forage and fish. We love the AK Boys...two really chill brothers from Alaska.
  8. When I was still working, my company used CIBT for all passport and visa services, including expedited needs. They were once able to get additional pages added to my passport (done in one city) and then get a Brazil Visa (done in another city) in just 2 days. Of course, you pay a hefty amount for this kind of service. I believe that they have different levels of expediting (at different price points) so you may be able to get it done before July 1 without costing an arm and a leg. Maybe just an arm.
  9. Unfortunately, we're not dealing with people who think straight. They believe in the "no such thing as bad publicity" approach and think acts like this will get more people behind whatever it is that they think is wrong in the world. I say make an example of them so that maybe (although not very likely), the next group will think twice before doing something stupid.
  10. Today was a great day to go golfing. Micheline and I had an early tee time, and both played well. I had my second best score of all time (despite a $%@# double bogey on the 18th hole) and Micheline beat her best score by 2 strokes. Golf is always more fun when you play well. 😁 Here is one of my favorite views on the course, overlooking the ocean from the par 3 16th hole. Untitled video (5).mp4
  11. That definitely looks like my kind of place! How are you enjoying the Smuggler's Cove book? I've seen several YouTube bartenders recommend it as the best Tiki book out there.
  12. Is it your grandson or his friend that is asking one of the Steeler greats for an autograph while wearing a Bengals hat? Gutsy kid!
  13. Thanks for asking Dani. We're sort of in a holding pattern. Everything is booked, and I just need to make final payment on a few things. We just booked a duck pin bowling bar for the night after the wedding for my daughter's friends to all gather and have a good time. I've probably said it before, but I'm just the banker. My daughter is the planner. She has done a great job of designing a fantastic wedding while not "breaking the bank".
  14. Sounds like the idea behind Jefferson's Ocean Bourbon. They put barrels on ships such that the motion and temperature fluctuations create more complexity in the aged bourbon. Jefferson's raises the novelty level (and price 😉) by having different "voyages", with some voyages being better tasting and therefore more desirable (and harder to find). Whether it's a novelty or a real benefit, I like it and always have a bottle in my liquor cabinet.
  15. We enjoyed Madrid almost as much as Barcelona. In addition to what you mentioned, we were awed by the Royal Palace and greatly enjoyed El Retiro Park. We did a fantastic walking food tour (Madrid Tapas, Taverns, & History tour). I previously mentioned to Dani the gourmet "food court" on the top floor of the El Corte Ingles store on the Gran Via. Here's the sunset view from that floor.
  16. We really enjoyed the Mercado de San Miguel when we were in Madrid. So many food booths to sample different things. With 4 of us, we made a nice meal by buying and sharing food from several different booths. We were similarly disappointed in the paella at a restaurant somewhere near the Plaza Mayor. Just like you experienced, it was lacking in quantity and variety of seafood. I think that is largely a tourist area and I'm guessing that the locals know of better places to eat. My daughter's boyfriend is a chef and makes paella that looks like your DH's...lots of different types of seafood and plenty of it.
  17. While they're digging up the front yard, maybe you should put artificial turf there as well. Then, no mowing anywhere!
  18. Congratulations to Andrew! He has my sympathy also. I played trumpet in 5th grade but then my family moved. They had enough trumpet players in my new school and told me that I should play the french horn instead. While I liked playing it, I hated having to lug it back and forth to school. That's back in the days when kids actually walked to school.
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