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Everything posted by bobmacliberty

  1. @Jimbo Found this photo which may better show what I was trying to say in my last post. Directly behind the OTW cabanas (right-center of the picture) are regular loungers. The beach beds are in the right most part of the beach in the photo. It looks like the majority of beds are to the right of the OTW cabanas. Hopefully, someone who has actually used one of the beds can better say if a blocked view is a problem. Note also that there are 2 (or 3??) rows of beds so no matter what, your view may partially be of a bed in front of you. Some additional photos from the internet: From Coco Cay Beach Club looking at Breezy Bay From east end of Breezy Bay (where jet ski rentals are located) looking at Breezy Bay and the floating bar and CCBC OTW cabanas Breezy Bay beach beds
  2. We usually go to Breezy Bay. It's close to everything, and far enough from the pool that you don't hear the loud music there. It's also where the floating bar is located, which is under the Breezy Bay arrowhead in Brillo's marked up Google Map. As someone else mentioned, the Breezy Bay daybeds could end up looking at the back of a Coca Cay Beach Club over-the-water cabana. Those are not shown on Google Maps (picture taken before they were built) and are located between Brillo's South Beach and Breezy Bay labels...where the beach juts out the most south. The Breezy Bay daybeds are just to the right in the photo of where the OTW cabanas are located. If you have one of the beds on the right/east end of the line of beds, you'll be able to see the OTW cabanas on your right but will have a view mostly of the water. If you get a bed on the left/west end of the line of beds (closest to CCBC), you'll be looking almost straight at one of the cabanas. I've not used one the Breezy Bay daybeds and can't confirm this from personal experience, but I remember thinking that I wouldn't be happy if I got one of the daybeds with the "obstructed view". I don't think you can request a specific bed. I think it's first come, first served, so get there early (unless they're assigned by when reserved rather than when you show up).
  3. There is a very similar Van Gogh experience happening in Jacksonville, Florida right now. I looked it up and it's called Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience. It also projects art on the walls and floor with an accompanying soundtrack. Apparently, there are 5 different Van Gogh immersive experiences. Off to investigate buying tickets for the Jacksonville show. Looks interesting.
  4. Was this Owen's first time standing? Looks like he pretty quickly went from having trouble standing, to a little awkwardly moving side to side, to fairly comfortably moving all over the wave. He's definitely an athlete. Does hockey (balancing on skates and shifting from edge to edge) translate to flow riding or are they too different?
  5. I don't recall the UC Doctors mentioning VAP, although I easily could have missed it. I do recall them saying that they don't feel he can breathe 100% on his own yet and will slowly wean him off the ventilator as his breathing improves. I think this was from lung damage sustained during CPR??? The only negative that I remember them mentioning is the discomfort of the ventilator to Damar.
  6. I just watched Doctors from the UC Medical Center provide a great update on Damar Hamlin. He still has a long recovery ahead, but the news is really good! They described him as neurologically intact and able to communicate by writing (he still is a breathing tube in place and can't talk). One of the questions that he asked was "Did we win"? 😁 The UC doctors repeatedly praised the medical staff at the game from both teams, as well as the independent physician and others at the stadium. They said their response was textbook and is a large part of the reason that Damar has had good improvement. They immediately recognized the severity of the situation and performed CPR and defibrillation. @Ocean Boy - I know you spend a lot of time providing physician services to your local sports teams. You probably have your share of relatively minor injuries to address, but your knowledge and skill could, and maybe already has, make a big difference in the future quality of life of a young person. Thank you so much for what you do to help young athletes.
  7. Anything that I, or any of the other Florida residents here, can help with? We went through that same process 2 years ago. I'm guessing that your question is related to the homestead exemption as we found that confusing.
  8. Since we're on the subject of Buc-ee's again, here's my Buc-ee's travel report. There's a new Buc-ee's now open in Kentucky at exit 83 on I-75, just south of Richmond. It seems even bigger than the other Buc-ee's that I've been to. There's also a new Buc-ee's being built in Tennessee on I-40 east of Knoxville. They must be doing very well as they seem to be doing a lot of expanding.
  9. Thanks. It was pretty scary to watch, even though I don't know any of the players personally. I tend to get overly emotionally involved when it comes to the Bills, and I'm still a little shook up. I can't imagine what Damar's family and the players (from both teams) must have felt. I've never seen players look like they did last night. Grown men in one of the toughest sports crying and with fear on their faces. Seeing that happen in person, with someone who you've spent more time with than your family, must be very traumatizing. Damar is still not out of the woods. From what I've read, he's still in intensive care and in critical condition. Damar's family has asked that everyone keep him in our prayers. Damar started a Go Fund Me in 2020 to raise $2500 for toys for kids in his hometown. That's become the place where thousands of people have now donated money in his name. The fund currently has $4.3M+ donated.
  10. I'm as ready as I'm going to be, but still nervous. Hugely important game to both teams. Wearing my Thurman Thomas jersey. I've got a bottle of bourbon on the line with a buddy from Cincinnati.
  11. I played golf in that fog this morning. Teed off at 8:40 and couldn't see a green from a tee box until the 15th hole. Weird.
  12. Spectacular show. I liked the tribute to the Queen and the finale was amazing. Cool use of lasers and drones in addition to the fireworks. They must have shut down the London Eye and the Queen's Walk area for several days to set up. Here's the video for those who want to watch. The "show" starts a little before the 4:00 mark.
  13. I leave mine on all of the time also. I recharge every night and rarely have a problem running out of battery. When I do, it's from doing something video intensive and not related to bluetooth. No real need to turn off bluetooth to save battery.
  14. Glad to see that you made it to Florida and warmer weather. I'm looking forward to following your cruise. Bon Voyage!
  15. Correct. The iPhone of the person walking past your bag would report the location of the bag (assuming they have a cellular or WiFi connection) so that you can see the bag's location. If you are then close to the bag, you can use your own phone to zero in on where the bag is specifically located. More info:
  16. You need to be careful with Allegiant (or Southwest, or Frontier) since they don't share with other airlines. If your flight is cancelled/delayed for any reason, they will only rebook you on another of their own flights. No jumping on the next Delta or American flight unless you pay last minute one-way rates out of pocket. I'm guessing you won't have much flexibility Jimbo flying out of ROA. I would definitely have a backup plan in place just in case. Like Dave, we've flown them a few times from Cincinnati to various Florida airports and never had a problem. Friends of ours though had to cancel a long weekend Key West trip because their Allegiant flight couldn't fly (mechanical issue after they had already boarded). I also agree with Dave on Allegiant being a budget budget airline. They are more like flying buses.
  17. We used them also on our recent Alaska/Hawaii trip. They worked very well. They rely on being near someone with an iPhone so if there's no iPhone nearby, you won't see a real time location. We tracked 4 suitcases on our trip and since there are iPhones almost everywhere, we mostly had a good idea of where they were. We had one instance flying from Atlanta to Jacksonville where 3 suitcases showed that they had arrived in JAX, but one was still showing as being in ATL. The time stamp for the bag in ATL was from a couple of hours earlier, so we were fairly certain that it would show up as being in JAX at some point. It never did until it came out on the baggage claim belt. In a situation like what's currently happening with SWA, you'd at least know what airport your bags are in.
  18. I've seen a couple of posts on Twitter from supposed employees of Southwest Airlines who anonymously posted info to help stranded passengers (and I think vent their own frustrations). They claim that the problem is not so much weather related (although that was probably the trigger) but rather due to an antiquated crew management system that is used to schedule pilots and flight attendants on specific planes. The system is based on where crew are supposed to be, rather than where they actually are. It started losing track of who's where and eventually could no longer be used. One pilot said that there are more than enough crew where he is (Denver IIRC), and the crew all want to fly so that they can also get home. Even though they have planes and crews in the right place, they struggled to get things set so planes could actually take off. I'm not sure how true this is (social media after all), but the pilot said that they need to do a hard reset of the system. It will take several days to get things unwound, and they should be back to full operational status in about a week. Lost luggage however could take as much as a month to get returned to the rightful owner.
  19. I preferred the original as well. It seemed more realistic and the characters were more hateable (other than Benoit and Marta), where the Glass Onion characters just seemed...sad and forgettable?? I quickly guessed "who dunnit" in Glass Onion, although it took a while for the motive to be revealed. Whiskey was one of the best parts of the sequel. 😉
  20. I-95 had heavy traffic in both SC and GA, but at least there are 3 lanes in GA. It mostly moved at or above the speed limit, with occasional slow-downs a little below 60 mph. This was from around 8:15-11:00. I'm guessing it got worse later in the afternoon.
  21. Kitten update from my daughter…Goose still hasn’t fully accepted Roo, but is no longer trying to smack Roo with his paw. They are starting to co-exist, hopefully on their way to being best friends.
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