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Everything posted by CruisinPashmina

  1. I am very disappointed that Silversea has decided to almost eliminate Solo fares. I have been looking at Crystal as they have cabins specifically for solo travelers. I have booked two cruises..one an easy 8 day “taster” and the other one an 18 day cruise IF I like the Taster. I feel both sad and even guilty for being disloyal (I have over 1,000 days)….but realistically it’s SS who is leaving me.
  2. I am very eager to hear Jollyjones’ impressions. My travel advisor told me that his longtime devoted SS clients didn’t love the Nova, but his new to SS clients thought the ship was very nice. Hope other SS enthusiasts will jump in…we learn so much from each other!
  3. After many years of reading Cruise Critic, I have gotten to know the engaged posters. You learn to depend on many of their “voices”. I will be very interested in Jollyjones’ opinions of The Silver Nova. Yesterday I wrote a negative review and it actually hurt me to do this, but management needs to be thoroughly aware that some of their paying customers are seriously disappointed in the changes being made in their beloved Silversea. It may sound strange, even self serving, but I feel that the WONDERFUL crew is being let down by management. I have personally seen passengers being disrespectful to individuals who were trying to be helpful. In one recent case a man was offered a jacket as he entered the main dining room on a formal night, he loudly refused, causing a horrible scene. When he realized that he would not be seated, he grabbed the jacket, strode to a seat and flamboyantly hung the jacket off the back of the seat. It was truly shocking. This just has to be demoralizing for the crew…many of whom I have known for many years and some are actually multi generational. Is the new relaxed dress code in any way responsible for general lowering of standards? All I can say is that when my children were dressed up, they were always on their best behavior. Could this apply to adults spending mega money on an “ Ultra Luxury” cruise? Gee, I don’t know. This all said, I leave in a week to join the Dawn, and am booked on the Spirit in September and on the Shadow in December. I will report back.
  4. I have cruised with Silversea exclusively since 1998, and after taking a holiday cruise on the Silver Nova, I am looking at other cruise lines. I feel terrible, even disloyal, but the Silver Nova cruise was very disappointing. The crew, without exception, was wonderful. The food was inconsistent…ranging from okay to lose to inedible. The layout of the Nova is weird in that there is SO much wasted space. And very sadly, the Arts Cafe is not in a specially designated room but in what is in a ship wide corridor which also houses the excursion desk and the reception desk and an oval shaped bar with seats. Noisy! And very limited snack selections….BIG DISAPPOINTMENT. i sure hope other asks old timers are happier than I am.
  5. Your long thorough report was very helpful! Thank you. It is a shame that Crystal doesn’t discount, at least somewhat, the higher category cabins. As a long time (20 years plus) exclusively Silversea cruiser, I am now interested in trying something new….the single cabins are indeed inviting. While I have booked the regular fare, for two, and travelled solo, it really smarts to pay a full fare.
  6. Thanks for the swift reply! On the promos aspect: Do they ever sell regular cabins meant for two at a special lower cost as a special reduced rate for a single? Silversea does this for quite a few cruises throughout the year. Hard to find this price break for specific itineraries so it’s kind of hit and miss. And you have to look constantly because the offer is often withdrawn as the cruise fills up.
  7. Can anyone weigh in on the availability of single cabins? Are they comfortable? Well positioned on the ship…as in not next to the laundry or staircase or butlers’ pantries? Are there ever promotions for low single supplements? Thanks in advance for any information, suggestions and personal experiences. ‘
  8. I love the Vista Suites on the Whisper…especially when not sharing a cabin. They are roomy, have less movement, and are on the same level as the Restaurant. Like so many others on their first sailings, my husband and I always took a Vista for starters. Even though one doesn’t have a balcony, the windows in the Vistas are huge. i agree with the other posters that a shorter cruise is advisable…..just to see for yourself what’s up. I suggest starting with a port intensive voyage as that is the easiest way to connect with other passengers. And play trivia! It’s a blood sport on Silversea and is SO much fun! My guess is that you are going to love Silversea. I sure do!
  9. Thank you for your kind post. I have been a widow for 8 years and haven’t been brave enough to go solo. I still cruise several times a year, but always with friends or my daughters. The cruise across the Bering Sea was off putting to my usual companions….all are chicken livered about rough seas or don’t like a lot of sea days. I whine, but I really do understand.
  10. I may have been a little misunderstood. When a tour and the guide were not at all good, I have had zero qualms about not tipping, But in my quite extensive Silversea experience, unsatisfactory tours are rare. Sometimes there is a language problem and sometimes there just isn’t anything interesting…at all…to see. But if I think the guide is giving it his/her very best shot, then I separately tip both the guide and the driver. And sometimes I don’t give a hoot and I embarrass myself.
  11. Perhaps I am lazy, but I always tip in US dollars and no one has ever said a thing but thank you! As part of preparing to leave home, I go to my bank and get a bunch of $5.00 bills.Usually a five is adequate but sometimes a guide gives a very special tour and I will tip $10.00. Like another person posting earlier I am surprised and a little sad when truly wonderful guides aren’t tipped….and I spite of knowing that this is none of my business, I do get a little embarrassed.
  12. This is a cruise I have been longing to take but, so far, I haven’t been able to find anyone to go with me…not even when I have tried to bribe them by offering to pay their fares! So… a special thanks from me on the wonderful photos and detailed reports.
  13. This is great news! I’m excited about Cafe Bijoux. But also I am so sad that I won’t be sailing with Mysty. Over many years I have followed several posters and she has always seemed especially interesting, generous with information, and sensible. You get to “Hear” some frequent posters’ voices and sometimes you actually feel you know them!
  14. Next Shadow Cruise will be in June 2024, (Quebec to NYC)…..then a holiday cruise in 2024.( Ft Lauderdale to LA). Plus a Spirit Cruise; Iceland to the UK in September 2024….this one is booked, the other two are in the process of being booked. I am now only traveling in the late Spring, the early fall and over the Christmas holidays. Over the years I have found that both a late spring …before schools start and the early fall after schools start, the least crowded times. As to cruising over the holidays, the ship becomes wonderfully festive and my children and teenage grandchildren are free to make their own traditions….suits us all!
  15. Musty, i just saw your post asking if I were joining The 2024 World Cruise. I have actually never taken a World Cruise…the longest cruise I have ever taken was 32 days. My pattern has been to take at least 3 cruises a year and not one very long one. My late husband was much less avid than I. We used to laugh that at day 10 we would wake up hating each other ….one day of keeping our distance, and then back in love! i currently have four booked starting with a holiday adventure on The Nova. The other 3 are on The Shadow on which I haven’t sailed in many years. I’ve always loved both the Whisper and the Shadow, it will be fun to get back on these lovely Sisters. I feel a bit apprehensive about The Nova, but it will be an adventure no matter what. Thank you for your spectacular reportage…I am SO enjoying this thread! PS. If anyone has fresh info on the condition of The Shadow, I would like their impressions. Is there anything comparable to the brilliant Arts Cafe? The deck plans don’t show one, and I have been LOVING this innovation on the Muse and Moon. And I also really enjoy the Observation Library with its Bar Service at night. Other than for private or special parties, is this area open for drinks in the evenings? Thanks in advance for any info!
  16. I am clutching my pearls so tight I think I may have strangled myself.
  17. Sweet pea, Your comments have certainly gotten my attention. I am one of Silversea’s loyal fossils as I have been an avid patron since 1998. No surprise….I am terribly sorry that the dress codes are changing. I am afraid that the SS special party atmosphere will be lost. The festive formality was always a draw for us and our children, in their early 40s and fifties, also love dressing up. Originally we lived on a Virginia farm and now live on an island in SW Florida. Our usual dress is very casual so dressing up on cruises to Mumbai, Buenos Aires, Bangkok and Stockholm etc, is FUN! ps. My husband and I went carry on at least 50% of the time….sequins and tuxes with no problems at all!
  18. Thank you ALL for such a wonderful, comprehensive thread. I think it’s the best one I have ever read on CC. It was terrific fun to sail along with you, to pretend I was hiking and to order off the menus along side of you. The Wind was our first SS ship in 1998 so she will always be special. Long may she sail, and may she always sail with lively, appreciative voyagers!
  19. This is such a timely thread for me. I have double hip replacements and have a lot of metal implants as a result. One hip was implanted over 25 years ago, the other one is “younger” but has been done twice…Okay….that all said, I have only used the airport wheel chair service once….in Heathrow very soon after an operation. I HATED IT, and felt embarrassed, and concerned that some one who needed it more would think I was a lazy opportunist. And now, about 15 years older, and a lot less mobile, I am concerned about making a SS arranged flight to Osaka with a really tight connection from Atlanta in San Francisco and on to Japan. I think this thread has convinced me to get a wheel chair and to buck up because the service is not designed just for the most disabled. I know I will be very uncomfortable, but, once again, my CC “ friends” have given me a new, very reassuring perspective. I’m going to call United tomorrow and request a wheelchair.
  20. My last two Cruises were captained by Capt Zanello. He’s a very calm, pleasant man who I liked very much. I quickly decided that SS is very lucky to have him in command.
  21. Love playing Trivia as long as there are simple enforced rules to keep the game fair. How big a deal is it to have a strict limit on team numbers? On The Moon last Christmas/New Years cruise there were huge sized teams playing against four person’s teams…..mine…although we did amazingly well…because of one star player…it was very annoying to play against teams of as many as 14 players. Fingers crossed that the CD on my upcoming Muse cruise around Japan will do his/her job and run fair and fun Trivia games!
  22. I like the printed Chronicle and find having it delivered at Turndown very helpful…almost comforting as I always read it right before I go to sleep and again over breakfast. It’s a nice touch and one I would truly miss.
  23. Have to jump in about Grand Voyage passengers being unfriendly. The one time we were on a single segment at the end of a World Cruise we were afraid that we would be out of place and not feel out of place. To the contrary, we were treated like celebrities. The World Cruisers must have been sick to death of eachother! The irony is that when cruising my husband and I always preferred to be alone and we sat by ourselves in the bars and restaurants. Not on this cruise! There was no escaping the bonhomie of our fellow passengers. Almost 15 years later I am still occasionally in touch with a few of them. So, worry not about The South American cruise. I’m sure you’ll have a great time!
  24. I always contribute to the Crew Fund. It doesn’t just pay for parties, My understanding is that it also tapped for crew emergencies. i also just about always tip both the butler and suite attendant. Only once in the last many years have I not tipped this team. In this one case, the butler was sloppy, and kept telling me to give him a great review. Total turn off so he got no tip and no recommendation.This was such an aberration from the usual wonderful service that it stood out. My advice is to always contribute to the crew fund, and to tip the butler and the suite attendant if you get especially excellent personal service. What I do not like to see is passengers slipping cash to bartenders or other service crew. This changes the atmosphere,… and not in a good way.
  25. Your posts, with such wonderful details, are so appreciated. It is very generous of you to spend so much time painting clear pictures of such interesting experiences. Thank you!
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