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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. there’s a good possibility. I won’t be here for sail-away today. Can someone make sure to try to capture a screenshot of @Vict0riann for her? Thanks!
  2. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Happy 3rd Anniversary of the Fleet Report and Daily; may it continue long into the future! What an amazing group of friends we have become, cheering each other on, giving soft shoulders to lean on, offering advice and commiserating with sorrows. I honestly don't know of any group quite like this one. I think all of us hope to live long and prosper, with or without Star Trek. If I'm making up my own holiday, it's Eat Your Favourite Dessert and Don't Gain Weight Day. While I don't hate spinach, I prefer to leave it to people with bulging muscles who smoke a little pipe. It's nice getting up in the morning and seeing hints of daylight peeking over the houses across the street. It's also nice sitting at the kitchen table having dinner with sunshine streaming through the window - maybe spring is really coming??? I like today's quote, and am pretty sure today's drink suggestion could almost qualify as health food - the vitamin C in the strawberries keeps you healthy while the alcohol kills the germs, just like my rationalization of drinking strawberry margaritas on a BHB. Special thoughts go out to @luvteaching's DH, hoping he had a good night. @marshhawkI'm sorry I forgot to reply to your post a couple of days ago, but you know, you'd always be welcome at our table, kitchen, dining or on the deck any time! And here is the website for the video DH produced for you to watch again: https://riverlandsheritageregion.ca/ I hadn't realized the terrible tornado damage that occurred in Mississippi and Alabama until I saw the news yesterday afternoon - unbelievable devastation! My heart goes out to everyone affected by that storm cell. Although we have to put up with stupid cold, it's very rare that we ever have tornados in the area. There are distinct advantages to living on the "frozen tundra". Not a lot on our agenda today, so I think it's a good time to pick up a few dozen hot cross buns and drop them off to various friends around the city. We do that every year, just for fun, to bring a nice little sweet treat and have a quick visit before we go on to the next house. I like today's menu suggestion and will be using it the next time I make chicken strips; I'm sure they'd do well in the air fryer. We each brought home a full piece of schnitzel last night, so we'll be enjoying that along with parmesan potatoes and green beans at the dinner table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  3. We'll be watching for you; if you can tell us where you'll be at sail-away, we can try to get a screen shot for you!
  4. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! One of our favourite things on an IHOP menu is the pecan waffles - although we haven't been to one in years, as there aren't any close to us. I think the last time was when we took a driving trip to visit our friends in North Carolina; we might have stopped at every pancake and waffle house along the way. LOL Wow, today's drink sounds like it would be very sweet, much like eggnog. To start the day, DH would like to thank everyone for their congratulatory wishes yesterday; I read all of them to him and he said he was humbled by the responses from people who don't even know him. I told him I was part of a caring community where we celebrate the highs and lows in our lives, and the common thread is that we all love to cruise. I can't believe it's going to be 3 years tomorrow that the Daily threads began! There's not a lot going on for us today, except staying warm; right now we're back at -21C and we can expect similar overnight low temperatures throughout the coming week. The saving grace is that we've got lots of sunshine so it isn't gloomy as well as cold. I love today's menu suggestion and am going to make the strawberry relish the next time we have salmon. Thank you @0106 for stepping in for Debbie; you've done a great job keeping our recipe books filled with great tasting delights! Last night I was thinking about what to make for tonight's dinner when DH suggested that to celebrate his award, we head to the new little restaurant across the city where the specialty is schnitzel - like last Saturday. Who am I to argue when it gets me out of the kitchen? So it's looking like we'll be having schnitzel with jaeger sauce and salads at the restaurant tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, and cheers to all with celebrations. Welcome home to all our Daily family coming off cruises and Bon Voyage to those embarking today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  5. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Cheesesteaks aren't very common around here; I'm not sure where I'd get one. I don't mind chocolate covered raisins, but prefer them without the raisins. Did someone say cocktails? A little late to the party today - for a good reason. We were up at the crack of dark this morning (well, 6:30) because we had a something very important on the agenda. This morning DH was honoured with the receiving of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Medal for his lifetime contributions in education at both the elementary and university levels, and for his work in creating the Riverlands Heritage Region promoting tourism in our province. The medal was presented by Saskatchewan's Lieutenant Governor, and was certainly memorable. There was a brief coffee reception after, and now we're home. Here's a picture of DH (on the right) with our LG, the Honourable Russ Merasty. Now that we're back to being ourselves, I asked DH what he wanted for lunch - his reply was "Let's go to McDonalds." LOL Like me, he's a cheap date. Not a lot happening for the afternoon, just working on deconstructing another afghan for the yarn, and working on the latest blanket. I'd like to try today's menu selection, but I'm pretty sure DH wouldn't enjoy them, so will give it a pass. It's Friday night pizza night at our house and because it was a special day, I'll let DH choose what will we'll enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for all who are in need, cheers to everyone with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  6. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I haven't had melba toast in ages; I might have to put it on my grocery list for next week. Chips and dip are hard to resist, so we don't stock them in the house too often. Who doesn't love puppies? Even those of us who are cat people can't resist them! We're starting out cold this morning (-20C), but are told that the sunshine should start warming things up and we may very well see melting with our high of +1C (33.8F). Looking ahead, we aren't going to be getting any warmer than -4 for the next week or so, but that's not uncommon for us in March. While many of you are heading out to the garden centres, picking up plants, we can only dream of what we'll be seeing there in maybe another month or so. I do know we want to get more papyrus plants, as they did very well for us last year; I hope the centre we got them from last year will have more this year. Gosh, the drink of the day sounds like it would be better for a dessert! And the wine?!? Wowee, the price!!! I'm happy to hear that our Daily family are getting good medical results, and will send good vibes to those with continuing problems. @Quartzsite CruiserI believe you said that dachshunds were bred to hunt badgers - really? Badgers are known for their ferocity, not sweet little dachshunds; I can't imagine, it! I really like today's menu suggestion and have to say I never did make that particular recipe during lockdown. I'm going to tuck the recipe away and will make it when we head to see our family in Calgary next month, as I know they love pasta meals, or as the boys say "Oh yay, noooooodles!" LOL I'm going to make something we haven't had in a while, a favourite of DH's - hot dogs in the air fryer. They're as close as we're going to get to having them over a bonfire, so we'll be enjoying a light meal of hot dogs and potato salad at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for all of our Daily family with needs, and cheers to all who have celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  7. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Most days I have no idea how young or old I feel, I just am. I think mentally I'm still in my 40's; my family may oppose that thought. Who doesn't like National Goof Off Day? I like singing along with the radio in the car; DH doesn't care for it because he likes to hear the music. I sing anyway. We've stopped at Alicante twice on trans-Atlantics; love that port. The first time we were there we took a walking tour which was so nice. The guide made us feel like we were family with his congenial manner; we were sorry when the tour ended. I like today's quote, and am sure I'd like the wine, but way too much $$. I think many days as a retired person can be classed as goof off days. It's nice not having a schedule (well, most of the time) to have to follow. We often sit in our jammies reading the newspaper till around 9 or 9:30, then decide what we're going to do that day. This morning we know we have to do a run for Gatorade for DH (who hasn't had leg cramps since he started drinking it), and after making the meatloaf the other day, I realize it's time to replace my large loaf pan. I bought the pan when I first moved out on my own, way back in 1975; I think it's earned it's retirement, and will likely live out it's days in DH's garage holding screws and nails. While we're out we'll pick up a few groceries and that will be about it for our commitments today. @dfishwishing you good luck with your surgery today; prayers for you and your surgical team. @kazuI hope your surgeon is pleased with what he/she sees, and will give you some relief from that pin trying to come through! @cruising sister Happy Angel Birthday to your DS. @Gail & Marty sailing awayI know if I was on the world cruise, I'd be joining your Linus Project; kudos to you for taking on such a worthy cause. I like today's menu suggestion, and will look for a version of it on Friday when we order our weekly pizza. Tonight I've got some pork chops thawing that will be made into a new recipe I found called Cajun Pork Chops. I think they'll go well with buttered noodles and a side salad at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially our DH family with health issues. Cheers to everyone with celebrations going on. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  8. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Since Covid, we've used our credit card almost exclusively, and paid it off every month. I don't remember the last time I used my favourite fragrance; I think I'll have to start spraying it on a cotton ball and leaving it in various rooms around the house, just to use it up. I've never been a great fan of poetry. I had to share this with you - I'm sure most of you have heard of crop circles, those beautiful designs made in fields around the world. Well, here on the "frozen tundra" we have our own version, made in the snow, by the bunny rabbits. Here's what we woke up to on our front "lawn" yesterday morning: I did something yesterday that I'm not sure a lot of people think of - if you are part of the Nexus or Trusted Traveler programs and get a new passport, be sure to log into your account to update your passport number. I don't know what made me think of it yesterday, but checking the FAQ's on the website made me realize it was something I needed to do. We are now up to date whenever we travel - or at least for the next 10 years. LOL Happy first full day of spring! I'd like today's menu suggestion and will keep it for one of those hot days in summer when I really don't feel like cooking; I think it would make a nice light meal. I've got a couple of chicken breasts thawing that will be made into chicken strips, cooked in the air fryer, and now that Romaine lettuce is no longer needing a bank loan to purchase, will be served along with a big Caesar salad. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those with medical appointments and surgeries upcoming. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  9. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I've never been abducted by extraterrestrials, but I'm pretty sure when they fly past the earth, they lock their doors. I think every day should be an international day of happiness, and one where we celebrate Mother Earth. A question - didn't we used to celebrate spring on March 21st? I guess we're doing it now on the 20th instead. Not a lot happening today, just laundry - it's relentless. LOL @0106 Thank you Tina for taking over for Debbie; the dishes look great. @smitty34877I'm sorry to hear you had such a rough night; hopefully you'll get some rest now that Tana's aide is in the house. @kazu I know what you're saying about the cost of groceries; now you can bring 2 little bags into the house and it's close to or over $100. @kochleffelI'm sad for you having lost Sasha; it's always hard saying goodbye to our little furry family members. I'm not sure DH would appreciate today's menu suggestion, but I think it's something I would order in a restaurant, just to try it. We have a good amount of meat loaf left from yesterday, so that's going to be served alongside some air fried tater tots and coleslaw at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for all who are in need, cheers to everyone with celebrations happening. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  10. Thanks everyone, see you next weekend; enjoy the week ahead!
  11. That's the sound we've been waiting for - good toots!!
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