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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I think every day should be Let's Laugh Day - it's good for the soul. I know a few certified nurses and we eat a lot of poultry, but didn't know it had it's own day. It's a bright sunny morning out there right now and we're sitting at -17C, but are told the temps should climb to -4C. Because our street is on an ever so slight incline, the thick layer of road ice has begun to melt with the bright sunshine. That sounds great, right? Until you realize that it now feels like we're driving down an old wagon trail as we try to get to our house with all the bumps and lumps caused by the melting. Ah, the pleasures of living on the "frozen tundra". LOL @mamaofamiI know you're concerned about your cataract surgery, but rest assured, it's very easy. DH had both of his done a number of years ago and was amazed at how quick and easy it was. Our good friend had hers done last Friday morning and we were enjoying a coffee date with them 2 days later. Well yesterday's dinner suggestion didn't go as planned; as we were reading the morning paper, DH found a new restaurant on the other side of the city that has schnitzel as their Saturday special. You didn't have to tell me twice to put the ground beef back in the fridge for another day! We drove there around 5PM and were treated to 2 large pieces of schnitzel covered in jaeger sauce. I had to ask what was in it, and was told cream, garlic, mushrooms, onions and capers . . . oh my, was it EVER delicious! We both ended up bringing 1 piece of the schnitzel home with us and DH had his as a night snack before bed. I think I'll let him have mine for lunch today. Delicious as it was, I did miss the lingonberry sauce on the side that you get with schnitzel on a BHB. Not a lot going on today; I'm going to package up most of the ground beef we bought yesterday into 1 pound flat packages so they're quick and easy to use later. I'll be watching the NA sail-away (yes, I'm one of the addicts), and working on my latest blanket. Tonight will be our dinner that was originally planned for yesterday - meat loaf with green beans and mashed potatoes at the kitchen table. And wine. Prayers for all who are in need, cheers to everyone with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  2. That's all I can do for today, addicts, thanks for everything! See you next time.
  3. There's no PP on the Volendam! I'm imagining dishes sliding sideways as she makes the turn!
  4. Delayed by shopping, and just checking in now to see that I'm not late after all - yay!
  5. With the time change, I now have to remember to be at my computer at 1PM for a 3PM sail-away; I think I'd better set an alarm on my phone as a reminder!
  6. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I've had several awkward moments, many of them of my own doing. We honour those who have made the supreme sacrifice, and as @puppycanducruise mentioned, the city of Edmonton is mourning the two officers who did just that this week at the age of 30 and 35. So very sad. After yesterday, DH and I both decided that when we pass away, our service is going to be held in the morning. An afternoon service kind of leaves you with what we call a "nothing day". You can't really head out in the morning and do things because you're watching the clock and have to get home, clean up and get dressed for the afternoon service. Then, after lunch there's the service, the reception, and you get home around 5PM at loose ends. Just my rambling thoughts this morning. Friends are going to drop in this afternoon for coffee, so I'll make a brownie (their fave) to have on hand when they arrive. This morning we're heading to a grocery store across town that has lean ground beef on sale for $2.50 a pound; I'll get a number of packages and stash them in the freezer. I like today's menu suggestion, as I love lamb, but DH doesn't care for it, so will have to take a pass on it. Considering the fact that there's going to be a lot of fresh ground beef in the house, I'll be making a meat loaf (DH's favourite), and we'll be enjoying it with mashed potatoes and green beans at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  7. Our son and daughter-in-law lived in Asakusa 12 years ago and we went over there so I could perform their western wedding ceremony. We stayed in the area and were treated almost daily to lovely Geishas walking down the street. We love the subways in Japan, as they are among the cleanest in the world. Thanks for taking me back to some great memories.
  8. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone who is Irish, and all the wannabe's as well. I think everyone is part Irish today. I'll pass on the corned beef & cabbage - I don't care for corned beef any time, so DH will have to enjoy it at a restaurant or in the corned beef hash on a BHB at breakfast time. I can't do submarines; a number of years we were in Vancouver and there was a sub at the dock where for a price ($$) you could tour it, with the proceeds going to a local charity. Well, I mustered up my courage, DH went down the hatch first, our DS went next, and I took about 5 steps down before my anxiety took over and I scampered out of there faster than you could imagine. I still get the willies just thinking about it. The people on the dock wanted to give me my money back, but I told them to keep it, it was a donation I was more than happy to make if I didn't have to go into the submarine. I have a sick sense of humour, so I actually chuckled at today's quote. I might have fixed my computer issue - it seems the email from my internet provider keeps repopulating the deleted emails, causing my inbox to become over the limit. I'm going to keep an eye on it to see if it happens yet again (I've had it happen twice already), and I might have to delete the program and reinstall it. I know our old computer was seriously past it's prime, but it didn't give me the grief this new one has. @kazuI'm delighted to hear you've booked another cruise; if necessary, find a bubble wrap suit to wear until then! @cruising sisterthanks for sharing your sweet little leprechauns! @bennybearI have to agree with you; Kyoto is one of my favourite places on the planet as well. @dfishBig black and hairy? Yikes! Do you have a security camera? Maybe it's time to get one! So this morning I needed to iron a scarf (ironing is something I haven't done in ages), so I plugged in the iron and . . . it's dead. I'm sure it died from neglect, as I don't recall the last time I actually used it. I have a second one I use for sewing, so I put that to use and will let DH take apart the old one for the cord and whatever else he can salvage from the innards. We're off in a couple of hours to the funeral where DH and our friend will sing What a Wonderful World. I know there will be lunch following the service, so I'm not planning on anything for dinner tonight. I think later this evening we'll have a light snack and that's all. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  9. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Well after everything I thought was wrong yesterday, today's everything I'm going to do is right makes me feel better. Yes to freedom of information, and who doesn't love seeing pandas, giant or tiny? I've never heard Oscar Wilde's quote, but have often said I'm probably going to hell, but at least I'll know people there. A little late to the party this morning - after we finished DH's respirologist appointment, we stopped for coffee at Tim Horton's and ran into the husband of our friend who passed away last year. We sat and enjoyed coffee with him, then went for groceries - running into him again. At that point, I figured we should invite him to have dinner with us (as I saw from his basket that he was just going to have a frozen pizza that night), and we could really catch up. Well, several hours and a couple of bottles of wine later, we said goodbye to him, cleaned up and realized it was nearly 1AM. I'm usually in dreamland around 10:30 at the latest, so it was a late night for me. Combined with the food and drink, I think I went into a coma and didn't wake up until after 7. DH's appointment went well yesterday - the respirologist is going to turn down the air flow setting and increase the humidity on the CPAP to help make breathing more comfortable, and that's about all. DH's lung functions are good, so there's no problem, but he may have to sleep on more of an incline so he doesn't get stuffed up. Glad it went well. @seagarsmokerBon Voyage; will we see you waving at sail-away? @kplady safe travels as you make your way to Australia. @aliaschiefwishing your DW and her sisters safe travels as well. @cruising sisterI know why you call her Ruby; she's gorgeous! My favourite colour! @kazuI'm glad your neighbour was able to get you to your appointment. Hopefully the scrape to the garage was minor - yikes! Not much happening today - our friend is coming over so she and DH can practice their song for tomorrow's funeral. While they're practicing, I'll finish off another blanket; I only have a few rows left and then can crochet the edging. I think I can make at least 2 or 3 more before we have to hand them in at the end of the month. I like today's menu suggestion, and although I've often done chicken pieces in the slow cooker, I've never done a whole one. I've got a small ham that's going to to into the oven this afternoon and we'll be having it along with mashed potatoes and parmesan asparagus at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for all who are in need, cheers to everyone with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  10. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We have only had turkey buzzards around this part of the world for the past few years - wow, are they ugly! I'm not often dumbstruck, and I seriously hope not everything I think is wrong! What a great quote. It's nice that we can see the sun coming up a little earlier in the morning, and it's still up at 6PM - that might mean spring is coming. @StLouisCruiserscongrats to your DGS; it's a big step for him and his soccer career - I wish him all the best. DH has a respirologist appointment today as it's been a year since his appointment about a CPAP. I'm sure he's not going to be thrilled (the Dr) because DH doesn't keep it on all night - he says when he gets up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, he just can't be bothered putting the mask on again. He also said he often wakes and is stuffed up, so takes it off. We've used several different masks, and he's had the same results, so who knows? I'm past the point of trying to argue with him about it - he's nearly 82 years old; it just isn't worth it. Today is also the Ides of March - DH said he's going to find a Caesar salad and stab it. A dear departed friend of ours who was a great outdoorsman, and who lived on a lake, always held an ice fishing derby for his friends on the weekend closest to March 15th - he called the Ides of Perch Derby. In his honour, we're going to have some lake-caught walleye (no perch in the freezer), air fryer fries and a Caesar salad at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for all who are in need, cheers to everyone with celebrations happening. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  11. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I love butterflies; every time I see one, I'm reminded of a dear departed friend who always called them flutter-bys. I'm a sucker for potato chips, although I prefer plain ones. Pie? If I could only have one, I'd have a peach pie made by my godmother; it was the best. No, wait, maybe it was my mom's open faced rhubarb pie. Yum! You can probably tell why I never was invited into the skinny girls club. We don't have clear skies yet, but the temperature certainly has moderated; right now we're sitting at -6C with only a ripple of wind, making it quite nice outside. This morning I'm heading out to breakfast with a number of retired colleagues. It's always nice getting together to see what's happening in their lives. We never know from one month to the next how many will show up, but there are always at leas 4 of us to have a good chat. @bennybearHappy Birthday; enjoy your next trip around the sun! @StLouisCruisers and @Mr. Bostonplease wish your DB and Mom respectively a very Happy Birthday. I'm going to take a pass on today's drink, as I don't care for rye or bourbon. If someone wants to buy me a bottle of the wine, I'd love to try it! I haven't made meat loaf in a while, so will put it on my upcoming list, but I think we'll be having panko crusted chicken breasts, parmesan baby potatoes and green beans at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for all who need them, with special thoughts to all in the path of Mother Nature's wrath. Cheers to everyone with celebrations happening today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
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