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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. I've forgotten, but will look for the Canadian flag.
  2. Looks like we've got the Mario Andretti of pilots today.
  3. I can see it moving almost imperceptibly on the screen.
  4. Looks like a grey, but warm day for sail-away. Trying out the snipping tool on my new PC.
  5. You're so lucky to have Captain Timmers; we've sailed twice with him and he is a delight! Can you tell us your cabin number in case some of us would like to have it on another voyage? If you'd rather not give it out, you can let me know later by email ger underscore 77 at yahoo dot com
  6. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We try to patronize mom & pop places when we stop for lunch or coffee while we're out shopping. I'm not into smoke & mirrors; what you see is what you get. We had the pleasure of seeing 2 manatees beside the Rotterdam when we were in FLL in January - they swam right beside our ship; it was such a delight to see them! Winter seems having a hard time letting go; right now we're sitting at -27C, but it is expected to warm up during the day to around -10, so it will be bearable. There's really no putting away the winter coats until late May or June for us. Well just a few minutes past 7 this morning we had our first robo-call with a message that I was under investigation. Idiots. I always get up early (around 6), head to the computer to see what's happening here, and check in on FB. I try to take the phone off the hook around 7:30 so that DH can sleep in, as he's a night owl while I'm not. I didn't think they would start at 7; it must have something to do with the time change. Not much happening here today, but I do have to drop off the blankets I made for children going into foster care. I set a goal of 10 blankets and finished the last one yesterday; a couple of them are 30" x 30" while the others are 35" x 45". Here's a picture of them draped along our chesterfield. @seagarsmokerthanks for showing us the inside of your Pinnacle Suite; I know we'll never stay in one (unless I win the lottery), but was happy to see what it looks like. @RMLincolnI'm glad to hear your DH had a reasonably good night; hopefully things will continue to improve for him. @luvteachingI hope your DH had a good night as well. I like today's menu suggestion, especially the pineapple salsa. I often make mango salsa in the summer, so think the pineapple would make a nice change once in a while. DH has asked for hamburgers, so that's what we'll be having - burgers, tater tots done in the air fryer, and fresh veggies at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially for the families of the victims of mass shootings, which are becoming all too common. Cheers to all with celebrations, especially our Daily family members who will be sailing away today! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  7. Total Wine, Publix, TJ Maxx, Ace Hardware and a few other places like a fitness centre, and a nail salon are all in the same strip mall just a block or two from Holiday Inn Express on 17th. There are also restaurants and bars there. The place is called "Harbor Shops".
  8. Walgreens is about a block away from the Holiday Inn Express. CVS is about 6 blocks in the other direction. You could probably get most everything you need at Publix which is in the same strip mall as Total Wine.
  9. And you're right across the street from Ross, Dollar Tree and Panera. Of course, there's also TJ Maxx a few doors down from Total Wine, too. We either stay at the Hilton Ft Lauderdale Marina or the Hyatt just down the street from Outback. So glad you made it; we'll watch for you at sail away tomorrow!
  10. I forgot to mention to @marshhawk if you don't like something hanging around your neck, or tend to let it drape into your bowl of soup like I have, consider using a badge reel holder (available almost anywhere from the dollar stores to the office supply stores) to carry your key card on the ship. I clip it to the waistband or pocket of my shorts or slacks and it's always handy. Just another idea for you.
  11. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I like some things on a stick - kebabs, marshmallows, hot dogs, but will leave the critters to others. DH is always fighting the weeds in our lawn; it's a never ending battle when your neighbours don't take care of the dandelions on theirs. Respect your cat day? Sochi wouldn't have it any other way! Dang, we're back in the cold again; right now we're at -31C with the wind. I sure hope the robins don't make an appearance, they're going to be shivering in the trees, I'm sure. Last week we had the little finches come back, so we went out and made sure the feeders were topped up. Poor little things must be checking their calendars to make sure they had the return dates right. @smitty34877I'm sorry your aide left you; prayers that you are able to find someone capable and reliant to give you some respite. @RMLincolnsending hugs to you and prayers for DH's surgical team today. I have to tell you that last night's dinner was a hit with DH. I told him the salmon was going to be a little different than what I usually prepare (I used mayonnaise instead of Dijon mustard) and there would be a different topping - the strawberry/basil relish. He wasn't sure about it, but as soon as he tried it, he loved it! As he was enjoying last night's dinner, he suggested we should serve it to guests next time we have someone over for dinner. The only thing I would do different is add more basil to the strawberries, as I love the taste of basil and found there wasn't enough for my liking. The only fly in the ointment was that we forgot to buy fresh green beans, so I had to substitute with canned - DH didn't care, as he loves them. Here's what our dinner of panko crusted salmon with strawberry/basil relish, parmesan potatoes and beans looked like last night: I don't know if I mentioned this before, but DH has been working on a project for a couple of years - in conjunction with the University of Saskatchewan Music Department - where he is creating a database of musicians and composers from around the world with their birth and death years. So far he has over 50,000 entries - this keeps him out of my hair when I'm doing other things - and is always looking for more. Now I know that some of my Daily family members are musical, as you've said you were singers, etc., so if you've ever sung public, or played a musical instrument, I'd love to add you to the database. All I need is your first and last name, and the year of your birth. You can email me at ger underscore 77 at yahoo dot com and give me your screen name so I'll know who you are. You could put Cruise Critic Music in the title that will give me a heads-up on the email. Seriously, I'd love to hear from you! Not a lot happening today, so will finish off my 10th blanket and get it packed up, as tomorrow is the day everyone is dropping off their donations. I've got a small pork roast that I'll put into the crock pot along with a bottle of barbecue sauce and we'll be enjoying pulled pork sandwiches and coleslaw at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for all who are in need, especially for the people in the senseless killings at the school in Nashville. I have no words for that. Cheers to all with celebrations happening today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  12. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! One of my favourite uncles was a Joe; he was also my godfather. We haven't been to the theatre in ages, but used to enjoy the experience of live productions. I'm happy to say I don't scribble; I think I still have pretty good handwriting. DH, on the other hand, has an essential tremor; some days his signature looks like a doctor's prescription pad, while on others, he can print so small I can barely read it. We've got sunshine peeking over the houses with a clear sky, but are still having cold temps - right now we're sitting at -21C and are only expecting a high of -11. We won't be putting away the winter coats any time soon. Hopefully the skies will remain clear throughout the day and evening so we can see the celestial line-up. We had fun yesterday doing our hot cross buns run; there was only 1 house that we didn't get to because they were out of town, so that left us with a dozen left over. Guess what we're having for breakfast this morning? I've got an appointment to get my nails done, then DH will pick me up and we're heading out of town to drop our tax information off to the woman who has done them for the past 5 years. I've always detested accounting, and she loves it, so it's a win-win for us. @smitty34877yes, we're over 2 thousand miles away, but think of all the wonderful scenery you'll encounter between your place and mine! LOL @mamaofamiI'm glad to hear your vision is starting to come back. After we drop off our taxes, we'll stop at the grocery store and liquor store on the way home. Note to all my Canadian Daily-ites: starting on April 1st our government is increasing the alcohol tax by 6.3%, so you might want to make a run to get a stock of Cardboardeaux. While we're getting groceries, I plan on picking up some strawberries and fresh basil because I've decided tonight we're going to have salmon with the tomato relish from the menu suggestion of a couple of days ago. I'll let you know how it is; we'll be having salmon, tomato/basil relish, air fryer baked baby potatoes and green beans at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those enduring Nature's wrath. Cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  13. Oh my goodness, I didn't think I'd end up the topic of conversation at someone's dinner table! It's interesting the teenager actually looked up our area - I'm so glad you enjoyed the DH's video. You know I fondly refer to it as the "frozen tundra", but we really do have beautiful weather in spring, summer and fall. You must know if any of the people and their people from our Daily family ever make their way northward and end up here, you are most welcome at our dinner table at any time of the day or night. It would be my honour to host you and share whatever we happen to have on our menu. And BTW, I have tea, coffee (decaf and regular), and pop for those who don't care for alcoholic beverages. Often DH just has water with his meal, but I enjoy wine, so there you go. We just got back from our hot cross buns run; made stops at 6 houses, enjoying quick visits at each stop. Now it's time for a couple of rows of stitching on the blanket and will get to heating up our leftovers from last night. Take care everyone, see you tomorrow!
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