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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Oh my gosh, how distressing for those involved! I'm sorry you might not be able to get to HMC, but considering the circumstances, can understand why it may not be possible.
  2. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Every time we visit our grandsons, we bring new books for them - the older one is able to read on his own, but it's always a joy to read to the little guy. Cuddling is part of book reading, no matter what age. I often become the middle of a "Grandma sandwich". I still enjoy a good PB & J sandwich - sometimes I'll even top my waffle or pancake with PB & J. Yum! Wishing everyone a peaceful Palm Sunday and a blessed Ramadan to my friends who are taking part in the daily fasting. A busy day ahead - with our new found friends from Ukraine, we've had an amazing outpouring of support from friends and family across the country. Right now we have a bunch of boxes of things in our living room that we will be delivering this morning, as they were able to get into an apartment late yesterday afternoon. I was brought to tears last evening when we received an email from friends in another province who wanted to send an e-transfer of an amazing amount of money to help this young family get started. I know they will put it to good use, as they are literally starting over with just their suitcase of clothing. We'll deliver the boxes, then will take them out for breakfast and groceries and will stop for whatever sundry items they might need for the next little while. I think we'd like the sauce for today's menu suggestion, but I've got a small beef roast that will go into the slow cooker along with veggies, so that's what we'll be enjoying at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them, cheers for all with celebrations and cruises! Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  3. My friend said she's take out a marker and do her best to make herself look like the photo! LOL
  4. Two long, one short, just like my in-laws phone on the old party line at the farm!
  5. Are there only certain Princess ships that play the Love Boat theme?
  6. I just sent them a message on FB; hopefully that will help!
  7. A friend had posted this on her FB page and initially I thought it hysterically funny, but then reality set in . . . . . what on earth would you do???
  8. Just came flying into the house from a coffee run to check in . . . see I didn't need to hurry so much that almost forgot to turn off the ignition! LOL
  9. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit! Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'm pretty sure there won't be any April Fool's jokes played in our house. My mom used to do some tatting in hear early days; I think I still have one of her shuttles around somewhere. I'm not sure I'd have the patience to do it, but admire anyone who does. We aren't athiests, so can't celebrate that day. Despite the seriousness of the job, I always tried to have fun at work every day - life's too short to remain stern 24/7. I'm pretty sure right now my computer is playing an April Fool's trick on me - it says heavy snow, but as I look out the window, I'm seeing clear skies and the trees are beginning to lighten up from the sunrise. Hmmm. Before I go any further, I want to say I'm praying for those affected yesterday by the terrible tornados that tore through central U.S. A sad loss of life, and destruction beyond belief. @Crazy For CatsHappy Birthday Amelia; I'm sure you'll be treated like the queen you really are! We had an interesting day yesterday - DH wanted to go out shopping, so we did (I married a shopper, much to my delight), and stopped at a fast food burger place on the way home. There was a young couple sitting a couple of tables away and DH said they "weren't from these parts", but he couldn't hear them speaking, so was unable to determine the language. A few minutes later the young woman came over and in heavily accented English, asked if they should clear the trash from the table, or just leave it. We told her we normally clear the tables ourselves, and asked where she was from. It turns out they just arrived in Canada from Ukraine only 2 days earlier and were staying at a hotel down the road. We introduced ourselves and chatted with them for several minutes, finding out they will be moving from the hotel into an apartment, but that they need absolutely everything, as they only came with their 1 suitcase each. We exchanged personal information and phone numbers, and I went to work as soon as we returned home. I went online and put the word out that there was a young couple with a sweet little 5 year old who needed everything from beds to dishes, etc., and the response has been wonderful. A number of people have e-transferred money for gift cards, while others have already offered household goods to help get them started. People are pretty wonderful! I like the idea of chicken tacos but will leave out the avocados - neither of us is a fan - and I do like the idea of a simple lime juice and salt marinade. We have to run out to get some lettuce, but that's about it, so it'll be chicken tacos for us at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  10. My goodness, I just saw some news footage of the terrible tornadoes that went through Little Rock, Arkansas this afternoon. Prayers for everyone involved!
  11. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! In high school, one of my classmates - who was always fixing her hair in the girls bathroom during breaks - accidentally set her hair on fire with a bunsen burner. I can still remember the smell. Fortunately, she wasn't hurt, well, except for her pride. Coming from the landlocked "frozen tundra", I've never developed a taste for clams - even when it's presented in a Bloody Caesar, so I'll leave my share for others to enjoy. I loved crayons as a child, and will be bringing a couple of new boxes along with us when we go to visit our grandsons next week. I'm sure I'd like today's drink, as it sounds very tropical, and would love to try the wine, but oh my, the price! I'll be sticking to my good old Cardboardeaux. @Seasick SailorI'm happy you're back, but sorry you're feeling unwell. I hope it's nothing more than a cold. ARGH on the suitcase; that's awful. I hope you find your earrings! @cunnorlwishing your son a very Happy Birthday! As others have mentioned, it's hard to believe it's the end of March already! A good friend of ours is going to enjoy his last day as a police officer after 36 years; I'm sure there will be lots of fun at the police station today. Another friend is having cataract surgery this morning - she was surprised when they changed the surgery time from 10:30 to 7:00. She'll likely be home before 9. We'll be bringing over coffee and treats for them to enjoy this afternoon. Not a lot going on today, just deconstructing more afghans. When we came home from a quick grocery run yesterday, we discovered someone had left a large bag containing 3 afghans on our doorstep. I have no idea who it was, but the colours will be great for kids - they've already been washed and dried and are ready for taking apart. I'm going to pass on the menu suggestion, as neither of us is a fan of red snapper. Besides, it's Friday night pizza night at our house, so we'll be perusing the online menus to see what appeals to us. It's pizza and conversation at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  12. Yes, it's a nominal charge of around $3 for a gallon bottle of water.
  13. What sad news; I'm so sorry for your loss. I also suggest contacting your local funeral home for assistance in repatriating your grandfather's body. Unless there's a directive he left for cremation before being returned. Please let us know how you manage through this; our hearts go out to you and your family.
  14. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'm in control most days, except when on a cruise - then I let someone else take over. Yay for doctors; we're among the fortunate who actually have one and have had for the past 40 years. I'd like to take a walk in the park, except ours are still covered in snow, lots of snow. It looks like our weather may be smartening up a bit; this morning we're sitting at a mild -8C (17F), and the high will be -1 which means if the sun decides to come out, there should be some melting of the glaciers in the front and back yards. A slow melt is always good, as it means the water isn't running away, it's packing down the snow banks and will be able to be absorbed by the earth. Yesterday we dropped off the blankets for children going into foster care - I was able to pack them into 2 giant sized zip top bags with carry handles - and as I was leaving the office, I heard the receptionist say "Ladies, we have blankets !!!!!" I'm not sure how many they'll be able to collect, but I was happy my efforts may have helped. Not a lot on the agenda today, DH is going out to his son's acreage to check on it. Last time they went, they saw large wolf tracks in the snow around the house; I'm glad there isn't anyone living out there, especially in the winter! While DH is out of the house, I'll do a general vacuum/dusting and get that out of the way. @SuslorHappy Birthday to you! @cruzn singleHappy Birthday to you as well! @USN59-79wishing you and your DW a Happy Anniversary! I'm pretty sure I'd like the drink of the day, and although I'd like to try the wine, it's out of my price range. Because tomorrow is pizza night, tonight we'll be having leftovers of salmon and burgers along with garlic mashed potatoes and a small salad at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
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