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Everything posted by EngIceDave

  1. This is where people have lost respect for others. I wouldn't smoke in front of you or anyone. I am always discreet in public. If I did take a hit, you'd likely never know. If you noticed and said something, a respectful person, like myself, will understand, stop or move on.
  2. This is correct. The problem other than it being illegal is that they can't control how much you consume like they can with 15 drinks per day, that's a safety issue. They don't work the same. You eat an edible and wait, and wait, and wait....half hour, 45 minutes? Then, how much "hit" does it have? Do you eat another? Imagine when you go to the bar to get your drink, and you drink it, but feel nothing for an hour and then you MIGHT be buzzed, might not be. It's not the same. That said, it can be "smoked" discreetly simply by using vape cartridges. You also do not need to puff puff like a choo choo to pizz people off. You can discreetly inhale and slowly, gently release it and no one is the wiser. Many strains have have a fruity scent and vape removes alot if not all of the weedy smell. This is not your old dirt weed stuff from your high school daze, it's high tech stuff now...vape, dabs, shatter, then drinks, food, candies and more...and good old dirt weed is still around too. I vape because I do not want to smell weedy. No one knows I do it.
  3. We only want to know if you had to pay for coffee in the MDR...LOL Glad to hear it, we're on her in a few weeks on the Trans-Pacific from Brisbane to Seattle
  4. No complaints because they aren't issues for me, but changes I've noticed. Once a day cleaning (same as a hotel, some hotels) Food portions are smaller in all areas. No more gorging yourself on 10 entrees per seating. Service is slower. Does seem short staffed at all hours. Sure Coke to Pepsi was a financial decision (I prefer Pepsi) You'll have to live without your 3am soft serve ice cream.
  5. Weed doesn't make people unruly or fight. People need to quit with the bad rap on weed. Many (of us) are actually prescribed it instead of pills to manage PTSD, insomnia and many other issues. I don't even get high, it only levels me out, same as some pill might do....but of course I have to try 20 different pills to find out which works for me and eventually it'll stop working and have to try all the different pills and weights again. If you don't like the smell, fine, understood. Yes, I do know what the laws and rules are, not advocating anyone break those rules, only saying weed isn't meth. So don't act as if weed is creating anything more than mellow people. More people should smoke weed.
  6. Please expand Bottomless Bubbles to include specialty coffees and shakes.
  7. I apologize, I really thought I was being clear..... It's about making decisions where you may not know all the background details I used the tax thing as an example of background things most people do not know. Not sure how that's confusing, but I apologize.
  8. Way I read that is they want you to self test and self report, if necessary? It's honor system?
  9. You don't want to understand it. Decisions can have unintended consequences due to a lack of information.
  10. Because you may be hurting them and others in ways you are unaware.
  11. If you say so, that's fine and we disagree. Making a judgement call on who gets what when having zero details on what happens behind the scenes seems....well, words I shouldn't say here....well, ok....seems poopy...it's poopy.....it is. It's just wrong. Did you know that when you stiff a waitress, you stiff the busboy too? Did you know BOTH still have to pay taxes on the money you didn't give them? Yup, they do. Percentage of your tab is what determines their taxable tip amount. Nope, it's not the same, but the point is, you're hurting people you don't see. Believe what you want, do what you want, free country.
  12. Check in on app, but there's usually a wait of 45 minutes +/-
  13. Yes Plan your dining time in advance, both usually have long waits
  14. Think of this logic... You go to Disney World, go all through the park, but you decide that the only person who deserves to be paid is that one girl who buckled your seat belt on Space Mountain for you. She deserves it because she was hands on with you. Never mind all the people who run the ride, secures your safety, it's cleanliness and assists that young lady who helped you. But only she is to be paid.
  15. I don't like the idea of taking off gratuities for any reason. You want to give the steward additional, as I do, please do so, but to take it upon yourself to decide who gets what by what percentage is just wrong. You have no idea of the behind the scenes assistants who help you one you actually see. Have a problem, go to GS and ask to speak to the Hotel Manager. Don't like how they do it, go to the Hotel Manager. Whole idea of holding tips hostage or whatever rubs me the wrong way.
  16. This is correct. We would spend the same money anyway, difference is I get to use that money as entertainment, because gambling for me is entertainment.
  17. The Hilton there has a SMALL one, least it used to be small.... It also had hours, it wasn't 24/7 Bimini is postage stamp in size.
  18. Anyone notice it seems like the spa may closed during this time? No offerings, no reservations.
  19. Hi, lowly gold who will graduate to plat on his next cruise, a journeys cruise....so, no real perks this time.... We've always eaten about 5:30-6 Do they offer any list of lectures, events or the like prior to sailing?
  20. I wouldn't worry about it and I tell my wife all the time "Tell the people on the phone that you're me, what are they going to do, argue? You know all the same personal information, can answer every question."
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