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Everything posted by EngIceDave

  1. It's just marketing. Carnival's general dining is set and set on costs. Emeril is not coming in to change up the whole menu, if any at all. He may have some control in his on board restaurants, but I assure you, it doesn't go beyond that. It's just marketing, which is all Emeril has been about for years.
  2. I have yet to try Shaq's yardbirds, but will end of January. I have just never been impressed with Emeril's food or techniques.
  3. It's all gimmick. I promise you, he will not be in any galley making dishes or even giving a big fat "BAM" on each plate or sprinkle his salty magic like Salt Bae on each plate as it goes out...*gag* The Shaq one is funny....a play on CFO This one, ehhh
  4. Correct. the "19" only indicates the year discovered. There are thousands of coronavirus' No one wants to really go over all that stuff again. My point was only that viruses, including coronavirus', norovirus and more of varying degrees have been around for a long time, but this one was the nastiest.
  5. Order it on the Hub app now, correct? Since they got rid of the door things
  6. No, I stay away from the prop junk in the middle unless there's some weird trend going on
  7. I haven't played in a while, so I might buy in a for a hundred or so to refresh my memory on my next cruise, but I won't be there for a long time
  8. Agreed, true, but that's slow grind and we all know who the slow grind benefits.....
  9. In my view, if you may come close to full use or not, I'd like to have it. I wouldn't want to ration myself or worry about individual per drink math....forget it, splurge, it's vacation, have what you want and as much or little as you want (as long as it's less than 15 alcohol drinks) and not worry about it....get that half caff 2% half whip caramel crunchy peppermint mocha coffee, why not? Bottle of water? Coming right up, no math needed, paid for. Pepsi with dinner? Coffer for after? Late night espresso? No problem and no one is saying you can't.... Splurge, it's vacation, don't worry about it.
  10. There has always been cases of flu and Covid before 2019. Covid as a whole is not unique, only these latest troublesome variants are. Norovirus, flu season, etc, was all around long before this mess
  11. The old Ron Jon? If you're in there, ok, but that's all time share
  12. We were on Horizon a year ago, so my view is dated, but also based on what I have read here... Overall, service is slower. Room cleaning is now once a day Food portions are little smaller and quality has slipped. Other than that, IMO, it's mostly the same.
  13. I live here and I wouldn't do it. No way, no how. Not even sidewalks in those areas, they don't want you doing it
  14. anyone know max craps odds? At $5, I may play for a while
  15. You are not walking from any hotel to the port, that's nuts. I GO FLYING down A1A there at 60+ all the time and so does everyone else. CRAZY DANGEROUS. Once in the port, other side of A1A, you're fairly safe, but that mile to half mile is super sketchy dragging suitcases. Uber it
  16. We were on Horizon a year ago and while we had anytime dining, we usually ate about the same time each time, early, and we sat at the same table each time
  17. Yes, and have to have a foundation to work with, I used a combo of land casinos and airlines. I can't help if they want to change their business model away from loyalty. My understanding of the question was revamping the VIFP program, which is a loyalty program.
  18. - Each level has it's own line at CS, so higher levels get priority. -Higher levels should get comp upgrades -The most premium levels should offer some type of comp off-site parking/shuttle service. -Premiums should get priority booking and walk up at the restaurants. -Premium boarding waiting area should have comp drinks, even if only some foo-foo drink to get you in the mood. -Premiums should have an easily identifiable card, one that can easily seen at a distance, reflective, so your wait staff/bartender knows you're priority. I actually prefer a 24/7 colored wristband. -Premiums should get comp room service, 24/7. -Casino status should be considered and be an allowable comp status jump if your play accumulates enough points. Cruise lines should consider discounts on your total onboard spend, your discount increasing with your status, and those funds are applicable to your next trip. Little off topic, but applicable IMO - Need to have dedicated land based casino hosts. Someone specific who knows you, your wants and needs, and knows how to make you happy in order to spend money in the casinos. That person can relay that information to the ship board hosts, giving them a heads up about the players that have coming on each cruise.
  19. To clarify something.... I may get $100 cabins from the casino, but I dump a ton of money into their casino, so it ain't free. Casino comps are not FREE, that is a fallacy the casinos want you to buy into, "free stuff," that's why casinos always have give aways. I pay more for my cabin and free beverages than people paying rack rate.
  20. https://www.wesh.com/article/oia-holiday-travel-warning/42271504 "The airport's main message: get here early. If it's busy, officials recommend arriving up to 3 hours early. Orlando International said they expect three million people to come through. That's about 500,000 more people than last year. "It rivals what we saw in 2019. 2020 period, obviously just before the pandemic," said Kevin Thibault, the CEO of Greater Orlando Aviation Authority."
  21. Why I wish there was a non-alcoholic drink menu that's consistent across the fleet.
  22. MCO is my home airport. So many things can make a difference, you got kids? Large group? TSAPre? Clear? Without Clear or TSAPre, you are looking at a range of 30 min to 2 hours for security. After that, it's easy. I assume you're not parking, that's my biggest time killer. IMO, if you do not have Pre or Clear, bank on at least 3 hours needed AT AIRPORT, it takes an hour to get there.
  23. How was this determined? I just made up that cabin number at random. How do I determine my cabin? I fully understand the interlocking cabin construction, my question is, how do I figure out what cabin is what?
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