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Everything posted by EngIceDave

  1. Pfft.... There's a reason there's a song mentioning the "Dolphins make me cry..."
  2. We are on the same wavelength I'm somewhat antisocial because all my life in my work I have had to be sociable. I don't like crowds, especially drunk crowds (I don't drink).
  3. Oxyclean powder in a ziploc or if you can find a few of their trial size packs
  4. Are there any secret passages to any outdoor decks up forward? I know a few ships have them
  5. Get the powder for beverages and then just drink it all ASAP. If you can deal with the sour, can just pour under tongue and they'll hit you faster if you need. Kinda like you'd do with the ol BC Powders to attack a headache quickly If you're smart and careful, you can vape and no one will know, ever. You do not have to make choo-choo train puffs to use a simple vape pen. Wait? what are we talking about? Cupcakes, right?
  6. Hello and welcome. I have to disclose upfront that I have NOT slept in or booked an inside cabin for myself, I have however for my children. My reasons for liking a balcony is somewhat anti-social, I want to be alone at times. I'm a nice guy, fun to be around, but at times I want to shut that off and chill. I want to have my coffee early in the morning, quietly sitting on my balcony looking at the ocean or some far away port. It's just a nice place to start your day. I am also a napper. I lay down and take a nap for an hour or so, and again, waking up, slowly and quietly with a coffee or water, just chill. I live in Florida, have all my life, so I have no desire to lie in the sun and fry or swim in the pool. In the evenings, before bed, sitting outside and hearing the waves lapping at the ship while as you look far off you see nothing but a deep blackness you'll see nowhere else. Watching and cheering on pier runners is fun. I feel, or believe, you feel a more sense of freedom in a cabin that gets sunlight and you can step out in it. If you like sleeping and BLACK DARK cabins, insides are your thing. One of my kids was going through that period, sleeping all the time along with being on phone for games or whatever, inside cabin was HEAVEN for her. Otherwise, inside is fairly similar, just DARK....day or night, door closed, light off....you're in outer space blackness It's like Vantablack in there
  7. When we sailed Horizon last year, I was under the impression P&A was open for lunch outside (included) and inside for dinner (extra $$) If I am wrong, cool, but it sure looked like pay in the evening. Only complementary outside at lunch
  8. and that info came from my nieces brother's best friend's cousin, of course it's right
  9. We don't know what happened behind the scenes. They very well may have had a nice talking to with the security folks, understanding but firm in "don't pull that again" We all only have a few frames of a full movie
  10. They're not defending, only saying don't beat the snot out of them?
  11. You are both right and wrong. People have their limits. If someone started publicly verbally attacking your child with derogatory comments and racial slurs, you would do nothing? This is on a cruise ship, you really can't run away and has been stated, staff didn't do anything to stop Jimmy McRacist. You don't know what he said and or what triggered them. Maybe Veterans and he started talking sh#t about veterans or war in general. It's easy to say "never" But there are always exceptions to every "never"
  12. I am curious about the "special assistance?" What does that entail and/or offer? Due to recent knee replacement, that may be advantageous and yeah, my Cuban Bowling Shirt would be out of fashion in today's bowling, and apparently a huge Boss Ross afro is a key to success.
  13. I know, right? Darker when cooler, lighter when hotter. I'm in Daytona Beach
  14. MCO is a nice airport, it's my home airport. Very simple I have stayed in the Hilton in airport, had a super early flight, no big deal really, everything shuts down about 10'ish and it's a ghost town accept for late arrivals
  15. In honor of your visit to Little Havana /Calle Ocho, I will wear one of my guyabera's today
  16. Chickens in Miami is common. Deeper into the city, the more chickens. No one really knows why or where they came from....or who their owners are, so they're never caught and slaughtered. Some also fear them, some religious thing. Probably the crazy Santeria folks
  17. I am so conditioned that if a restaurant claims to be a "Cuban Restaurant" but doesn't have a walk up colada and pastelito window from the outside....I'll pass That's what makes it real, that's authenticity
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