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Everything posted by EngIceDave

  1. I said at the beginning of it, the world will never be the same again. Work rules, restaurants and social places. People STILL stand 6' apart (or close) when cueing for a line. These are some of those changes. You also can't expect a company to shut down for 2 years, take massive losses, and not try to make changes to re-coup those losses.
  2. With all due respect, maybe you should be considering another line?
  3. Not long ago, many of you where whining and crying about not being able to cruise and now it's all complaining due to changes made following the shutdown. Carnival lost MILLIONS (maybe Billions) during the shutdown, they have to recoup those losses, they still have debts to pay. Yes, they raised prices and reduced some services. Do you really need twice a day room cleanings? What hotel you stay at that does twice a day service? Seems to me, the things folks are complaining about are some of those most petty things.
  4. I look at it this way, Carnival is the entry level cruise line. Carnival Corp owns other lines that are that are more upscale. IMO, the intent is for you to move up, so to speak, to those luxury lines. Carnival has no problem filling ships with more rookies.
  5. I would love to know more about these, like if maybe there was a subforum of "how to" classes. I am registered for Pizza and cupcake classes
  6. Could be doing work on them or in the area. Just keep in mind these cabanas aren't luxury cabanas like at other places where they come stocked with beverages, fruit, TV's and more.
  7. Disney was only an example of where booze is served and none of the similar behaviors we've heard of on Carnival. I have seen a ton of rude and inconsiderate people, but no fights.
  8. and I am apparently a Walmart customer Now, I also said all of this in my initial response, and none of it has to do with drinking. People can also be inconsiderate, uncouth and pushy, and drinking has nothing to do with it. It goes back to the target demographics. Sounds disrespectful, which isn't my intent, and remember I am one of you, but they (Carnival) target a lower demographic as well as family and kids. Disney has booze, but is expensive AF, but they cater to slightly more sophisticated couples and families, why don't hear about drunken pool brawls. Again, I apologize if I appear snobby, and maybe I am, but I pay attention to marketing and demographics. How I made my living when I owned the business I recently sold. Maybe I should tell you why I like Carnival? It is upbeat, has a more diversified clientele and for now, the pricing (Casino rates) and routes work for me. I have sailed RCL, MSC and NCL. I don't hate Carnival, I just see it for what I believe it is, as I see it. Have a great day and Happy New Year.
  9. Of course it can happen anywhere, but stereotypes are typically rooted in some truth, just like the stereotype of the "Walmart Customer," so much so it's a running gag everywhere. I have to admit that I have not seen too many poolside brawls or bar fights on Celebrity. I could be wrong! Maybe bar fights are common on Celebrity, I don't know. We cruise Carnival, so not like I'm a hater, I'm on Celebration at the end of the month. Fact is, I think if you could dig up the demographics between the two, you're see many differences between age, income, education level and more. Nothing wrong with it, just a different target demo. If I sound like a snob, my apologies, I'm a guy who tries to look at things objectively as well as the marketing and advertising side of things.
  10. The "Walmart" part is only a moniker, a label. Well earned... https://www.peopleofwalmart.com/
  11. I can give you mine. Low brow, unsophisticated folks who are unaware of their surroundings and/or do not care, and who then speak loudly over three other tables. Inconsiderate and rude folks who think they are God's gift to Carnival and you, cutting in lines with bullying behaviors. Folks who get drunk and are bad drinkers, causing fights or annoying others, 3am Walmart bonus points if they're doing it by 10 am.
  12. Florida native and resident snob, this is correct. It is NOT "Kay" it is "Key"
  13. I haven't sailed Celebrity, but have with Royal and Norwegian, as well as Carnival. So, base my response on that. Visually, Carnival is LOUDER and its not as loud as it used to be. It's visually loud. Bright, many colors, swirls and swoops. Others are more square in design and understated or more muted in color. Carnival does feel a little more "forced fun" than casual find it on your own fun. You can tune all that out if you want. I think that's really the bigger difference, Carnival feels as if they have to make sure you're busy and having fun. The other lines, IMO, didn't seem as pushy about it. Again, you can tune it out, but it's there.
  14. To make sure I understand, you presently have two booked...A and B You are looking to check for A, but since you'll turn Platinum on cruise B, and you'd like to know if you can have those benefits now? If that's the question, no
  15. Remember when you were a kid riding up that belt and you saw that woman shopping on her TV and you thought, "How stupid is that? No one wants to shop at home"
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